SuperDeck Flashcards
to immure v.
to lock up or to jail
to abate v.
to lessen in intensity
aberrent adj.
deviating from the norm
abatement n.
is a lessening in amount or degree
to abjure v.
to reject solemnly
to abrogate v.
to abolish or annul by authority
an abscission n.
act of cutting off or removing
to abscond v.
to depart clandestinely; to steal off and hide
to abstain v.
to refrain from an activity
an accolade n.
an expression of praise
an accretion n.
increase by successive addition
baleful adj.
bane adj.
cause of injury, source of harm; source of persistent frustration
to beatify v.
to make blessedly happy
to bedizen v.
to adorn in a cheap, showy manner
to belie v.
to give a false impression
bellicose adj.
benign adj.
favorable, harmless
to blandish v.
to coax with flattery
to coax
to influence or urge by gentle urging
furtive adj.
to stymie v.
to obstruct the progress
ambiguous adj.
multiple interpretations
esoteric adj.
understood by a select few
detached adj.
dispatch adj.
to dispatch v.
deal with in a speedy way
a partisan n.
a fervent supporter
partisan adj.
devoted to a cause
to languish v.
to begin weak
machination n.
complex plan that involves numerous elements coming together
an invectiven.
insulting critical language
to censure v.
to criticize severely
drivel n.
useless, boring, nonsensical information
to drivel v.
to talk stupidly or to actually drool
to bridlev.
to rein
deliverance n.
recovery from loss or damage
bombastic adj.
full of hot air
lacking shape
flaccid adj.
lacking form
estimable adj.
worthy of respect or admiration
veneer adj.
coating of superior material over a layer of inferior quality
nonsensical adj.
something that has no intelligible meaning
intelligible adj.
loud and clear
schmooze v.
talk casually and in a friendly way
hobnob v.
run elbows with
scheme n.
an elaborate and systematic plan
muckrake v.
spread real or alleged scandal about another
to suggest something without necessarily saying it
prescribe v.
issue orders or commands
proscribe v.
to forbid or prohibit
genial adj.
diffusing warmth and friendliness
efflorescence n.
time or process of budding
milieu n.
the environmental condition
strife n.
bitter conflict
modicum n.
small amount
contentious adj.
inclination to disagree
want n.
a state of extreme poverty; a state of needing something that is absent or unavailable; anything that is necessary Âbut lacking
excessively hot and humid
beset with difficultiesÂ
easy life herding sheep
excessively forward
admonish v.
take to task
tangential adj.
of superficial relevance
germane adj.
relevant and appropriate
pertinent adj.
relevant and on-point
insolent adj.
unrestrained by convention or propriety
hypothesis based on known facts
brought low in spirit
hearten v.
give encouragement to
superficial adj.
that that has to do with the surface of something
apprehension n.
fearful expectation or anticipation
inherent ability
your usual mood
the act of preceding in time or order
person who studies and settles conflicts and disputes
forlorn adj.
marked by or showing hopelessness
intellectually productive
generalized feeling of distress
joyously unrestrained
not easily disturbed, excited, or upset
habitually reserved and uncommunicativeÂ
without or almost without hope
state of adversityÂ
expostulate v.
v. take issue with
spur v.
something SPURS if it encourages you to do something
winnow v.
to separate or distinguish
befuddle v.
confuse your mind
A series of payments made at fixed intervals
price-earning ratio (PE)
=market value per share/earning per share(EPS)
bear market
market condition where the price of securities are falling, widespread pessimism causes the negative sentiment to be self-sustaining
bull market
market condition where the price of securities if rising and optimism motivates investors to invest
exchange-traded fund (ETF)
a security that tracks an index but trades like a stock on an exchange
an American stock exchange
market capitalization
=outstanding shares x market value per sharetotal market value of all of a company’s outstanding shares
a fiduciary arrangement that allows a third party to hold assets on behalf of a beneficiary
investment research and investment management firm
derivative n.
something valued upon some other asset or something that derives it’s value from something else
hedge fund
investment vehicle, unregulated by SEC
mutual fund
investment vehicle, managed by a manager
buying on borrowed money, amplifies gains and losses
Fannie Mae
GSE that expands secondary mortgage market
quantitative easing
monetary policy used by central bank to stimulate economy that entails purchasing securities to increase money supply and lower interest rates
restoration of something stolen or something to its original state
decree n.
an official order issued by a legal authority
militant adj.
combative/aggressive in support or a political/social cause favoring extreme/violent/confrontational methods
sanguine adj.
positive during a difficult situation
tepid adj.
slightly warm
impel v.
to urge/force someone to do something
insidious adj.
gradual/subtle harmful progression
zinger n.
striking or amusing remark
ruse n.
an action intended to deceive
cursory adj.
hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed
extol v.
praise enthusiastically
spate n.
large number of similar things occurring in quick succession
hysterectomy n.
surgical procedure to remove all or parts of the uterus
maim v.
to injure somebody so that part of the body is permanently damaged
postpartum adj.
following childbirth
bristled v.
stand upright away from skin
myriad n.
countless number
philosophy n.
study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, existence
beset v.
trouble persistently
cynicism n.
inclination to believe that people are motivated by self-interest
embattled adj. (of people)
prepared for war
embattled adj. (of a person)
beset by problems/difficulties
blustery adj.
characterized by strong winds
riff n.
a monologue or spoken improvisation, especially a humorous one
levy v.
to impose
statesman n.
a skilled, experienced, and respected political leader
nascent adj.
just coming into existence, beginning to display signs of future potential
wonk n.
a studious, hardworking individual
sacrilege n.
misuse of what is considered sacred
unbridled adj.
uncontrolled, not constrained
visceral adj.
not relating to intellect
cornice n.
decorative molding on a wall near the ceiling
prolific adj.
intellectually fruitful
dysphoric adj.
generalized feeling of distress
ebullient adj.
joyously unrestrained
distress n.
state of adversity
unflappable adj.
not easily disturbed
taciturn adj.
habitually reserved and uncommunicative
despondent adj.
without or almost without hope
imperi v.
pose a threat to; present a danger to
advance beyond the usual limit
a natural disposition to be hostile
overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors
obstreperous and defiant aggressiveness
benignity n.
the quality of being kind and gentle
hostile adj.
characterized by ill will
a state of deep-seated ill-will
obstreperous adj.
boisterous, noisy, aggressive, defiant
full of rough and exuberant animal spirits
exuberant adj.
joyously unrestrained
haughty adj.
showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy
lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike
arrogant adj.
showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride
overbearing adj.
showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy
censure severely or angrily
to shout in a deep, angry voice, without restraint
communication that is suitable for or intended to be instructive
impervious to correction by punishment
occurring without motivation or provocation
display of learning especially its trivial aspects
cannot be penetrated
pompous adj.
puffed up with vanity
feelings of excessive pride
prone adj.
having a tendency to
bloviate v.
to speak verbosely and windily
leave someone who needs you
windily adj.
in a verbose manner
largesse n.
extremely liberal in bestowing gifts, a gift or money
a chest for storing valuables
enclave n.
an enclosed territory that is culturally distinct from a foreign territory that surrounds it
obstinate adj.
tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield
precocious adj.
exceptionally early development or maturity
wayward adj.
resistance to guidance or discipline
perfunctory adj.
hasty and without attention to detail
persnickety adj.
characterized by excessive precision and attention to trivial details
trivial adj.
small and of little importance
triviality n.
a detail considered insignificant
disparate adj.
fundamentally different or distinct in quality
dictum n.
an authoritative declaration
colloquial adj.
casual and conversational
prose n.
ordinary writing as distinguished from verse
verse n.
a piece of poetry
dystopia n.
opposite of eutopia
conjure v.
bring into existence
synoptic adj.
presenting a summary or general view of
ephemeral adj.
lasting a very short-time
a sketchy summary of something’s main points of an argument
venality n.
being open to bribery, prostitution of talents for rewards
prostitute v.
sell in exchange for money
inkling n.
a slight suggestion or vague understanding
hindsight n.
understanding the nature of an even after it has happened
obtuse adj.
lacking in discernment or insight
duplicity n.
deception by pretending to entertain one set of intentions while acting under the influence of another
wily adj.
marked by skill in deception
adj. surpassing the ordinary or normal that it seems supernatural
simple and natural
canny adj.
showing of self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with other
cunning adj.
showing inventiveness and skill, marked by skill in deception
furtive adj.
secret and sly or sordid
sordid adj.
foul, run-down, repulsive, dishonest
sly adj.
crafty, cunning, tricky, marked by skill in deception
haphazard adj.
random, disorganized, characterized by change
slipshod adj.
marked by great carelessness
hobbled v.
to walk impeded by some limitation, hamper the action or progress of
hamstring v.
make ineffective or powerless
objection n.
an act expressing earnest opposition
poignant adj.
keenly distressing to the mind or feelings
keen adj.
intense or sharp
pundit n.
person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully
operatic adj.
relating to or characteristic of opera
protracted adj.
drawn out in a tedious way, relatively long in duration
devolve v.
get worse
auspices n.
kind endorsement and guidance
irrevocably adv.
there’s no going back
highlight v.
to make more visible
arid adj.
lacking sufficient water or rainfall
poignant adj.
something that touches you deeply
sonnet n.
a poem, often a love poem of 14 rhymes
lionized adj.
assign great social importance
be confusing and perplexing
show to be right by providing justification or proof
adroit adj.
quick and skillful in action or in thought
affected adj.
speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression
persona n.
public image you present to the world, personal facade
facade n.
a showy misrepresentation intended to conceal something unpleasant
inept adj
generally incompetent and ineffectual
foolhardy adj.
marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences
conspicuous adj.
obvious to the eye or mind
heinous adj.
extremely wicked; deeply criminal
drivel n.
boring, nonsensical information
drivel v.
to talk stupidly
brazen adj.
face with defiance or impudence
impudence n.
you lack shame about rude behavior
impertinent adj.
improperly forward or bold
n. mean spirited cowardice
lack of bravery
garner v.
to earn or gather, assemble
intelligentsia n.
an educated and intellectual elite
disapprobation n.
an expression of strong disapproval
scorn v.
lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike
patently adv.
reproach v.
express criticism towards
careen v.
move sideways or in an unsteady way
hubris n.
overbearing pride or presumption
presumption n.
jumping to conclusions without having any real knowledge about it
luddite n.
any opponent of technological progress
decry v.
express strong disapproval of
bemoan v.
regret strongly
hardy adj.
inured to fatigue or hardships
cast v.
put forth
stultify v.
deprive of strength or efficiency
hamper v.
prevent the progress of
spurn v.
reject with contempt
galvanize v.
to stimulate to action
rebut v.
overthrow by evidence
contention n.
a point asserted as part of an argument
impute v.
attribute or credit to
disposition n.
your usual mood
evanescent adj.
tending to vanish like vapor
insubstantial adj.
lacking material form or substance
consummate v.
make perfect or fulfill sexually
tantamount adj.
when something is essentially its equivalent, being essentially equal to
figment n.
a contrived idea
contrived adj.
showing effects of planning or manipulation
debunk v.
expose while ridiculing, especially of pretentious or false claims
incongruity n.
quality of disagreeing, being unsuitable and inappropriate
render v.
cause to become
sacrosanct adj.
must be kept sacred
disembody v.
to free from a body or physical form or reality
recapitulate v.
to go back and summarize briefly, so recapitulate
subvert v.
words or actions criticize or undermine the usual way of doing something or common values
sacred adj.
holy, worthy of religious veneration
obstreperous adj.
nosily and stubbornly defiant
coup n.
a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force
squelch v.
to put an end to, suppress completely
dilatory adj.
something dilatory is time wasting
hasty adj.
speedy and brash, excessively quick
prescient adj.
perceiving the significance of events before they occur
treason n.
a crime that undermines the offender’s government
resounding adj.
emitting a noise
belabor v.
work at or to absurd length
brash adj.
offensively bold
forthright adj.
characterized by directness in manner or speech, without subtlety or evasion
candid adj.
openly straight forward and direct without reserve or secretness
audacious adj.
unrestrained by propriety or invulnerable to fear or intimidation
exacting adj.
very precise or string in its requirements
widespread adj.
widely circulated or diffused, distributed over a considerable extent
afford v.
be the cause of or source of
cavil v.
raise trivial objections
dwell on with satisfaction
gloat v.
dwell on with satisfaction, gaze at or think about something with great self-satisfaction, gratification, or joy
show submission or fear
grovel v.
show submission or fear
repute v.
the state of being held in high esteem and honor
laudable adj.
worthy of high praise
forthcoming adj.
at ease in talking to others, of the relatively near future, available when required or as promised
proffered adj.
present for acceptance or rejection
purport v.
have the often specious appearance of being, intending, or claiming
specious adj.
plausible but false or something based on pretense
immure v.
to lock up or confine in or as in jail
librettist n.
author of words to be set to music in an opera
squeamish adj.
excessively fastidious and easily disgusted
smattering n.
a slight or superficial understanding of a subject, small number or amount
fulsome adj.
unpleasantly or excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech
derision n.
the act of treating with contempt
trite adj.
repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
the removal of a cover
n. one who works hard at boring tasks
hackneyed adj.
repeated too often
accretion n.
growth by addition as by adhesion of parts or particles
inimical adj.
not friendly, harmful, antagonistic, opposed to
triumvirate adj.
a group of three people who share power, responsible for public administration
cede v.
give over, surrender
federalism n.
has to do with a central government
miasma adj.
a cloud of foul-smelling vapor, an unwholesome atmosphere
exacerbate v.
make worse
confound v.
be confusing or perplexing to, cause to be unable to think clearly
stratification n.
a layered configuration
absolute power and authority
concertise v.
give concerts
someone’s whose mood or behavior is changeable
a short poem descriptive of rural life
eschew v.
to deliberately avoid
torrid adj.
steamy and emotionally charged
to cast out a devil
indicate by signs
charmingly simple and serene
extol v.
praise, glorify, honor
soporific adj.
sleep inducing
drivel adj.
a worthless message or saliva spilling from the mouth
plodding adj.
slow and laborious movement
exacting adj.
severe and unremitting in making demands
sadistic adj.
deriving pleasure or sexual gratification from inflicting pain on another
effect v.
act so as to bring into existence
effect n.
a symptom caused by an illness or a drug, a phenomenon that follows
the middle of something
the news as presented by reporters for newspaper
cosmopolitan adj.
composed of people from or at home, occurring in many parts of the world
all the work combined of a writer or artist
marked by despair or loss of hope
sour or bitter in tast
sanguine adj.
confidently optimistic and cheerful
the feeling of not having any hope left
unique to an individual
to give or supply
showing effects of planning or manipulation
destroy completely
destroy property or hinder normal operations
a subtle difference in meaning or opinion
defying imitation
to live in,
governed by or in accordance with mechanics
artificially formal, showing effects of planning or manipulation
worn and broken down by hard use
be undecided, act nervously
the deliberate act of deviating from the truth
resolute adherence to your own ideas or desires
speaking or writing that’s intended to persuade, using language effectively to please or persuade
marked by harshly abusive criticism
hasty and without attention to detail
show great learning, having or showing profound knowledge
effusively or insincerely emotional
relating to harsh code of laws
pretentious adj.
making claim to or creating an appearance of importance or distinction
equivocate v.
to be deliberately ambiguous or unclear to
sedate adj.
grave and gloomy
grave adj.
of great gravity or crucial import
sinister adj.
a flank n.
the side of something
a rapier n.
a sword with 2 edges on its narrow blade
a pillory n.
a wooden frame with cutouts for someone’s head and hands
dashing adj.
prowess n.
exceptional skill or ability learned by study, practice, and observation
a derring-do n.
brave and heroic feats
lampoon v.
ridicule with satire
to balk v.
to refuse to comply
to steel v.
to get ready for something difficult or unpleasant
satire n.
witty language used to convey insults or scorn
some drivel n.
spilling saliva
artless adj.
simply honest
to abase
to cause shame
tacit adj.
situationally implied
a gamut n.
the entire range
contrived adj.
nascent adj.
the beginning
bombastic adj.
full of hot air
a coterie n.
an exclusive circle of people
a clout n.
a punch
germinal adj.
seeds for later development
mendacious adj.
cogent adj.
a billow n.
a large sea wave
dulcet adj.
pleasing to the ear
perfunctory adj.
not thorough
halcyon adj.
calm and peaceful
a tumult n.
commotion and confusion
a torpor n.
a state of motor inactivity and mental inactivity
to straiten v.
to squeeze together or bring into financial difficulty
pandemonium adj.
total chaos
a nostalgia n.
longing for the good old days
a serendipity n.
unexpectedly finding something good
a pronouncement n.
an official announcement
an affront n.
a deliberately offensive act
an edifice n.
a building
a stopgap n.
a temporary solution to a problem
forethought n.
planned ahead of time
characterized by emotion
candid adj.
to eschew v.
deliberately avoid
commensurate adj.
corresponding in size
to accord v.
to allow to have
a perquisite n.
an incidental benefit
austere adj.
severely simple
to cloister v.
to seclude from the world
perennial adj.
something that occurs over the seasons and is constant throughout the years
protracted adj.
long in duration
lachrymose adj.
showing sorrow
penurious adj.
not having enough money to pay necessities or excessively unwilling to spend
force to submit
to excessively admire
an obeisance n.
an obedient act
incontrovertible adj.
undeniably true
open to two or more interpretations
diminutive adj.
very small
deferential adj.
showing deference
sacerdotal adj.
associated with the priesthood
deference n.
considerate of other’s feelings
a vignette n.
brief literary description
to foil v.
to hinder
staid adj.
characterized by propriety
eminent adj.
standing above others
garrulous adj.
showing hopelessness
bumbling adj.
lacking physical movement sc
a foil n.
contrasting item to another thing’s good qualities
gregarious adj.
socially outgoing
sly adj.
marked by skill in deception
a adversary n.
a chum n.
a friend or a pal
abandon n.
the trait of lacking restraint or control or a feeling of extreme emotional intensity
vibrancy n.
characteristically loud and deep
exactitude n.
the quality of being exact
to beleaguer v.
to pester persistently
a respite n.
a break from something that’s difficult
spasmodic adj.
occurring in spells and often abruptly
spurious adj.
to belie v.
to represent falsely
a knack n.
a special way of doing something
to forsake v.
to leave someone who needs you
eloquence n.
powerfully effective language
to prevaricate v.
to deviate from the truth
to equivocate v.
to deliberately be unclear in order to mislead
to equivocate v. (6/26/17)
to deliberately communicate unclearly in order to mislead or withhold information
lest (conjunction) (6/27/17)
for fear that
to countermand v. (6/27/17)
cancel officially
nettlesome adj. (6/27/17)
causing irritation or annoyance
reticent adj. (6/27/17)
reluctance to draw attention to yourself
sycophantic adj. (6/27/17)
using flattery to get what you want
sanguine adj. (6/27/17)
confident, optimistic, cheerful
irate adj. (6/27/17)
extreme anger
contrapuntal adj. (6/27/17)
something with two melodic lines played at the same time
uninitiated adj. (6/27/17)
conspiratorial adj. (6/27/17)
relating to conspiracy
loquacious adj. (6/27/17)
trivial conversationalist
taciturn adj. (6/27/17)
reserved and uncommunicative
jingoism n. (6/27/17)
fanatical, over-the-top patriotism
restiveness n. (6/27/17)
nervousness and quickness to take fright
cupidity adj. (6/27/17)
extreme greed for material wealth
paranoia n. (6/27/17)
irrational fear
euphoria n. (6/27/17)
extreme happiness
to denigrate v. (6/27/17)
[a type of assassination] attack the good name of or reputation of
to sully v. (6/27/17)
[a type of assassination] attack the good name of or reputation of
to malign v. (6/27/17)
[a type of assassination] attack the good name of or reputation of
to asperse v. (6/27/17)
[a type of assassination] attack the good name of or reputation of
to besmirch v. (6/27/17)
[a type of assassination] attack the good name of or reputation of
to calumniate v. (6/27/17)
[a type of assassination] attack the good name of or reputation of
to defame v. (6/27/17)
[a type of assassination] attack the good name of or reputation of
to slander v. (6/27/17)
[a type of assassination] attack the good name of or reputation of
to smear v. (6/27/17)
[a type of assassination] attack the good name of or reputation of
to smirch v. (6/27/17)
[a type of assassination] attack the good name of or reputation of
to traduce v. (6/27/17)
[a type of assassination] attack the good name of or reputation of
to malign v. (6/27/17)
[a type of assassination] attack the good name of or reputation of
unequivocal adj. (6/27/17)
having only one interpretation
explicit adj. (6/27/17)
having only one interpretation
univocal adj. (6/27/17)
having only one interpretation
an assessment n.
a judgement
erudite adj.
showing profound knowledge
learned adj.
showing profound knowledge
scholarly adj.
showing profound knowledge
to coax v.
to persuade through flattery
to cajole
to persuade through flattery
to inveigle v.
to persuade through flattery
to palaver v.
to persuade through flattery