Last Lap Flashcards
assail v.
to attack someone physically or emotionally
pastoral adj.
relating to sheep or cattle
rustic adj.
characteristic of rural life
prose n.
ordinary writing
inimical adj.
not friendly
a model of perfection
a variation in circumstances or fortune at different times in your life or in the development of something
prodigious adj.
something exceptional
vex v.
trouble persistently with petty annoyances
agog adj.
highly excited
temper v.
make resilient
uncanny adj.
surpassing the ordinary
lionize v.
assign great social importance to
pathos n.
a quality that arouses emotions
efface v.
remove by erasing
pillage v.
to steal valuables during war
a canker n.
something terrible that is hard to get rid of
a sloth n.
a lazy person
pantheon n.
a monument commemorating a nation’s dead heroes
fractious adj.
easily irritated or annoyed
beset v.
attack from all sides
ostentatious adj.
intended to attract notice
repute adj.
the state of being held in high esteem
colloquial adj.
informal spoken language
insolent adj.
unrestrained by propriety
gregarious adj.
outgoing, sociable
mettlesome adj.
willing to face danger
prying adj.
offensively curious or inquisitive
mull v.
to reflect deeply on a subject
derision n.
treat with contempt
secularist n.
not religious
chauvinist n.
a person with a prejudiced belief in his own superiority
inquisitor n.
an aggressive person who asks questions
philistine n.
a person uninterested in intellectual pursuits
contempt n.
extreme lack of respect
untoward adj.
something offensive or inappropriate
propitious adj.
presenting favorable circumstances
torrid adj.
steamy and emotionally charged
inclement adj.
wary adj.
marked by keen caution
smitten adj.
affected by something overwhelming
conciliatory adj.
willing to make concessions
concession n.
the act of yielding
capacious adj.
large in the amount that can be contained
titular adj.
existing in name only
condor n.
treatise n.
a formal paper
parody n.
humorous imitation
fictive adj.
adopted in order to deceive
ascetic n.
someone who practices self-denial
heretic n.
departing from accepted beliefs or standards
martyr n.
someone who suffers for his political beliefs
libertine adj.
unrestrained by morality
semblance adj.
false appearance
lucid adj.
clear and understandable
consummate v.
fulfill sexually
urbanity n.
temerity n.
unafraid of danger
wherewithal n.
the necessary means
celerity n.
rapid rate
feckless n.
generally incompetent and ineffectual
swiftness n.
rapid rate
feeble adj.
pathetically lacking force
surly adj.
behavior nobody wants to be around
malfeasance n.
bad behavior
unscrupulous adj.
dishonest or unethical behavior
implacable adj.
incapable of being placated
arbitrary adj.
based on impulse
clemency n.
VR trick 1
simply restate the question, you must understand the question to make sure your answers actually answer the question
Q: assume v.
to accept to be the case without proof
aver v.
to declare as true
abstruse adj.
difficult to penetrate
impugn v.
to attack as false
raspy adj.
sounds scratchy
industrious adj.
characterized by hard work and perseverance
per square mile refers to
DENSITY, not actual numbers
magnanimous adj.
munificent adj.
very generous
obdurate adj.
impertinent adj.
improperly forward
trifling adj.
really unimportant
apathetic adj.
don’t care one way or the other
irascible adj.
quickly aroused to anger
pugnacious adj.
tough and callous by experience
callous adj.
emotionally hardened
opportune adj.
at the perfect time
inopportune adj.
at an inconvenient time
remote adj.
located far away spatially
aplomb n.
great restraint under even the most trying circumstances
exude v.
release in small quantities
superciliousness n.
spate n.
a large number
idiom n.
form of expression that is particular to a certain group of people
unprecedented adj.
something not known, experienced, or done before
brash adj.
offensively bold
baron n.
a very wealthy or powerful businessman
a very wealthy or powerful businessman
anachronism n.
something located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred
misnomer n.
a wrong or suitable name
bragging about something that’s not true
cupidity n.
extreme greed for material wealth
expansive adj.
friendly and open and willing to talk
facetious adj.
cleverly amusing in tone
retiring adj.
reluctant to draw attention to yourself
eschew v.
deliberately avoid
trenchant adj.
you think or say smart, sharply worded things that cut right at the heart of the matter
bleak adj.
grim adj.
quirky adj.
egomaniac n.
obsessively self-absorbed
sate v.
fill to contentment
wolflike appetite
reticent adj.
quiet or restrained
feeling like you haven’t eaten in days
lull n.
a pause during which things are calm
intractable adj.
amenable adj.
eschew v.
to deliberately avoid
acerbic adj.
curmudgeon n.
stubborn person
kind and patient and indulgent
ingenuous adj.
childlike innocence, trust
demonstrative adj.
easily and clearly show emotions
loath adj.
opposed to something
loathe v.
hate very much
staunch adj.
detractor n.
someone who puts you down
riveting adj.
holding attention
irascible adj.
quickly aroused to anger
cantankerous adj.
difficult disposition
surly adj.
indulgent adj.
yielding to the wishes of someone
moot adj.
too trivial to think about
blase adj.
nonchalantly unconcerned
cavalier adj.
snobby adj.
thinking you’re better than somebody else
augury n.
signs of how things are going to work out in the future
trope n.
a word used in a nonliteral sense to create a powerful image
anodyne n.
a painkiller