Sunshine Vocab Day 3 Flashcards
ex: The mayor’s exhortation that we conserve water seems to have fallen on deaf ears
ex-(out, from) + hortari(to encourage)
Def: [n] a strong plea, usually through an urgent speech
Forms: exhort = to encourage vehemently
Root Family: [ex-]
ex: the testimony of the eyewitnesses exonerated the defendant
ex-(out, from) + onus(burden)
Def: [v] to absolve someone of blame or fault
Synonyms: absolve, acquit, exculpate, vindicate
Root Family: [onus, oner]
ex: the argument presented by the defense is fallacious because it is founded on an invalid assumption
fallere(to decieve, to be untrue)
Def: [adj] based on a mistaken belief or unsound reasoning
Form: fallacy = a mistaken belief or example of unsound reasoning
Root Family: [fall, fals]
ex: the dictator’s harangues were designed to inspire fear as much as patriotism
Def: [n] a lengthy and bombastic speech
Synonoyms: tirade, rant, diatribe
ex: an incongruous football-shaped telephone sat amid the otherwise tasteful and expensive auction items
in-(not) + con(together) + ruere(to fall)
Def: [adj] not consistent with expectations or surroundings
Form: incongruity = something out of place or out of keeping
Synonyms: dissonant, jarring, anomalous, discordant, anachronistic
Root Family: [in-. im-]
ex: the doctor had to induce vomiting after Helen accidentally swallowed drain cleaner; the clever advertisements induced many customers to come see what the store had to offer
Def: [v] to bring about
Def: [v] t0 persuade to do something
Def: [v] to derive by induction(from specific instances to general principles)
Form: induction = the process of drawing general conclusions from specific instances
Root Family: [in-]
ex: we can not stop the inexorable march of time; she was inexorable in her belief in the defendant’s innocence
Def: [adj] (of an eventuality) unpreventable
Synonyms: relentless, inevitable, irrevocable, unremitting
Def: [adj] (of a person) impossible to persuade
Form: inexorability = inevitability
Synonyms: obdurate, staunch, obstinate, recalcitrant
ex: The lawyers released the racy photographs in order to insinuate that the defendant was not as morally upright as he claimed to be
Def: [v] to suggest or hint at something, usually something morally dubious
Form: insinuation = a sly hint
ex: the peace talks reached an impasse when the rebels became intransigent with their demands
Def: [adj] stubbornly unwilling to compromise or agree with someone
From: intransigence = reluctance to compromise or agree
Synonyms: obdurate, staunch, obstinate, recalcitrant
ex: Just because a claim has yet be refuted does not mean that it is true
re-(back) + futare(to beat) Def: [v] to prove something false Form: Refutation = the process of proving something wrong Synonyms: debunk, invalidate Root Family: [re-]