Sunshine Vocab Day 2 Flashcards
ex: We were surprised to discover that a few of the history professors seemed to be apologists for fascism
apo-(away) + logos(word, study)
Def: [n] one who argues for a particular, often controversial position
Forms: apology = an argument for a particular position
Root Family: [apo-][log]
ex: Each buttress on the cathedral was over forty feet long; The prince’s claim to the throne was buttressed by a papal decree
Def: [n] a projecting support for a building, usually of stone or brick; any strong support
Synonyms: bulwark
Def: [v] to provide with support or justification
synonyms: Fortify, augment, bolster
Ex: Theo could not be cajoled into accepting the position
Def: [v] to persuade through flattery or coaxing
Form: cajolery = flattery designed to persuade
Synonyms: Wheedle, coax, inveigle
ex: We expected the candidate to give a circumlocutory and politically correct answer to the question, but were surprised to hear her give a direct and candid response
circum(around) + loqui(to talk) Def: [adj]inclined to speak evasively; speaking as if to avoid the subject Form: circumlocution = evasive speech Synonym: periphrastic Root Family: [circum][loqu, locu]
ex: Marco was only able to take a cursory glance at the report before making his presentation
currere(to run)
Def: [adj]hasty and superficial
Synonyms: perfunctory, desultory
Root Family: [cur]
ex: the committee delineated the rules by which future officers would be chosen
de-(completely) + lineare(to create with lines)
Def: [v] to describe or portray precisely
Form: delineation = the process or act of describing something precisely
Root Family: [line]
ex: Ron was ostracized form the group because of his disputatious attitude; the meetings became more disputatious over time, forcing the group to disband
Def: [adj] (of a person) fond of having heated arguments
Def: [adj] (of a situation) likely to start an argument
ex: the mysterious disappearance was elucidated by the discovery of the ransom note
Def: [v] to make clear; to shed light on
Synonyms: explicate
Root Family: [luc,lum]
ex: We calmly enumerated our complaints to the committee
e-(out) + numerus(number) Def: [v] to list one by one Form: Enumeration = the process of listing one by one Synonym: itemize Root Family: [numer]
ex: Sheila complained about her boyfriend’s tendency to equivocate when the conversation turned to marriage
equi-(same) + vocare(to call)
Def: [v] to speak ambiguously so as to avoid commitment
Forms: Equivocation = the use of noncommittal language
Synonyms: dither, waver, waffle
Root Family: [voc, vok]