Sunshine Book - Program 6 Flashcards
Kenta _____(音楽が好き)
Kenta likeS music.
He ____(ピアノを引く)very well.
He playS the piano very well.
I ___(犬が好き) a lot.
I like dogs a lot.
She ____(作る事が好き)tempura.
She likes TO make tempura.
What color ____(「あなた」好き)?
What color do you like?
London is a ____(素晴らしい市).
London is a wonderful city.
We have ____(たくさん面白い) places.
We have a lot of interesting places.
Judy always ____(あなたについては話す).
Judy always talks about you.
____(彼はたくさん知る) about Sherlock Holmes.
He knows a lot about Sherlock Holmes.
___(行きましょう) to Osaka by tube.
Let’s go to Osaka by tube.
Let’s go to Osaka ___(地下鉄で).
Let’s go to Osaka by tube.
He knows a lot ____(について) Sherlock Holmes.
He knows a lot about Sherlock Holmes.
___(ですか?)Kenji ____(好き) English?
Does Kenji like English?
Yes, he ____(「do」)
Yes, he does.
No, he ____(「do」)
No, he doesn’t.