Sun Earth and Moon Flashcards
What is a year?
A year is the time it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun
What is a leap year?
A leap year that has an extra day on 29th February
Intercalary Day
The name for the extra day in a leap year
The length of time it takes for a planet to complete one full rotation on its axis
Daytime occurs on the half of the Earth facing towards the Sun
Occurs on the on the half of the Earth that faces away from the Sun
Occurs on the on the half of the Earth that faces away from the Sun
Divisions of the year defined by changes in weather caused by the earths position when it orbits the sun and the tilt on Earth’s axis.
Sun path
This defines the path the sun appears to take during the day
What happens at different stages of the Earth’s orbit?
At different stages of the earths orbit one hemisphere is tilted towards the sun and the other is tilted away
What happens to the hemisphere facing towards the sun?
The hemisphere facing towards the sun receives more direct sun ray; this causes an increase in temperature and day length.
> The varying amount of direct sunlight creates the seasons
Summer in the Northern Hemisphere
The Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun, hence the sun rays are more direct creating heat and light. In addition the days are longer
Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere
The Northern Hemisphere is no longer tilted towards the sun therefore temperature and light decreases slightly
Winter in the Northern Hemisphere
The Northern Hemisphere is tilted from the sun. The Suns rays are less direct so there is less light and heat and the days are shorter
Spring in the Northern Hemisphere
The Northern Hemisphere is no longer tilted away from the Sun. Temperatures and light slightly increase
Summer Soltice
The longest day of the year: 21st June
Winter Solstice
The Shortest day of the year December 21st
When there are equal hours of daytime and night-time: 21st September and 21st March
What are lunar phases?
A lunar phase is the eight different appearances of the Moon as it orbits the Earth
What is waxing?
The appearance of the moon is getting larger
What is waning?
Waning is when the appearance of the Moon is getting smaller
When does the moon orbit the Earth anti-clockwise
The moon orbits the Earth anti-clockwise every 27 days
What happens during this orbit?
During this orbit different amounts of the illuminated face of the Moon are visible from the Earth
Why does the moon change shape?
The moon appears to change shape as some of the surface is dark and cannot be seen