Summary Flashcards
- what is wellbeing
- stress (40% HSE, 2013)
- a model of stress
- basic stress response (fight- Cannon, 2013) (Gas- Selye, 1956)
- yerkes-Dodson Law
- burnout and work engagements (refers to - Jackson 1981)
- cognitive appraisal (interpretation - Simmons, 2007) (key determining - Folkman, 1984)
- symptoms & outcome
- organisations 6 main hazards
- what can organisations do, approaches
- individuals differences (Hardiness - kobasa, 1979)
- individual approaches
- presenterism (while Ill - Johns, 2009)
(Productivity - Whitehouse - 2005)
Prevalence (Mardon, 2010)
Changing nature employee relationships
- today’s employment landscape changes
- organisations more like systems (all link)
- impact of shift on org and people
- what is employment relationship
- person- environment fit (definition - Furnham, 1992) (job sat- Furnham, 1984) (organisation commitment - Judge, 1994)
- psychological contract (Rousseau, 2004)
- psychological contract violation (interpretation - Rousseau, 1995)
- new dawn for psychological contract
- traditions vs today career
- protean/boundaryless career (Arthur, 1996)
- what protean/boundaryless career means for psychological contract (portfolio - Kanter, 1989)
- generations & Generation Y (hierarchy- deloittes 2012) (importance leisure increasing - Wray-Lake, 2011) (less inclined - Becton, 2014)
Decision making
- Definition of decision making (Mintzberg, 1979)
- What is perception (see same thing - Gibson, 1994) (perception reality - Judge, 2017), Factors that Influence perception
- Attribution theory - how we judge people differently - Are bad outcomes always caused by bad decisions (Optimal - Milkman, 2009) (Satisfying - Simon, 1956)
- System 1 vs System 2 (West, 2000) Difference, When Best approach
- Decision framing (Kahneman, 1981) - Decision making shortcuts - Decision making biases
- Group decision making
- Group decision making - what can we do
- The organisational level & where gone wrong
- Organisational decision making & execution
- What can we do to improve our decision making (Nudge - Sunstein,2008)
- Cognitive Styles for different jobs
- What can we do to improve our decision making
Individual Factor intelligence, personality & Values
- Why Useful for organisations to understand an employees’ individual differences
- Categorisation of differences
- Intelligence (examined ‘g’ inter-correlations - Spearman, 1904)
- How does ‘g’ predict outcomes & Critisms
- The hierarchal model of cognitive ability - (Carroll, 1993)
- Multiple Intelligences (can link - operate concurrently) (Gardner 1983)
- Triarchic theory of intelligence - (sternbergs 1985)
- Emotional Intelligence - how you relate/get on with other people (Jordan, 1006), (evidence patch - Conte’s 2005 review) (Invalid - Locke, 2003)
- What is personality
- Measuring personality e.g. Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
- Five Factor Model (FFM) (Costa,1989) Give Factor Model Evaluation & Criticisms
- Other types of personality traits
- Determinants of behaviour
- Values