sulfides 13-16 SET 4 Flashcards
marcasite formula
marcasite crystal form
- orthorhombic, polymorphous with pyrite
- commonly tabular, less commonly prismatic parallel
- often twinned, giving cockscomb and spear-headed groups
- usually in radiating forms
- often stalactitic, inner core with radiating structure and covered with irregular crystal groups
- also globular and reniform
marcasite hardness
6 to 6.5
marcasite specific gravity
marcasite color
pale bronze yellow to almost white on fresh fracture
tarnish: yellow to brown
streak: gray black
marcasite occurrence
- in metalliferous veins, with lead and zinc
- less stable than pyrite, easy to decompose, less common
- supergene mineral at low temp near surface
- replacement deposits in limestone and concretions in shales
how to distinguish pyrite and marcasite
paler yellow color, also it has a fibrous habit??
Molybdenite formula
Molybdenite crystal form
- hexagonal, in plates or short tapering prism
- commonly foliated, massive or in scales
Molybdenite cleavage
perfect basal, flexible not elastic
Molybdenite hardness
1 to 1.5 greasy
Molybdenite specific gravity
4.62 to 4.73
Molybdenite color
lead gray, with grayish black streak
Molybdenite occurrence
- accessory mineral in some granites, in pegmatites and aplites
- common in high temp vein deposits with cassiterite, scheelite and fluorite
- in contact metamorphism with ca silicates, scheelite and chalcopyrite
how to distinguish Molybdenite from graphite
moly has higher specific gravity and has a blue tone color, while graphite has brown tinge. graphite also has black streak while moly has greenish