Suitability Screening Program Flashcards
What is the purpose of the suitability screening program?
To provide policy, procedures, and responsibilities for:
- Medical, Dental and Educational suitability
- Medical Assignment Screening
- EFMP identification and enrollment
What is the suitability screening procedure used for?
- Determine suitability of Navy and Marine Corps Service members and their family members, in receipt of orders for overseas
- Determine suitability of Navy and Marine Corps Service members in receipt of orders to operational assignments, to include special duties
- Identify family members who are eligible for EFMP Enrollment
What does proper screening help to reduce?
Reduces overall costs and ensures a productive tour for the service member, family and the command
What are the responsibilities of the CO of the transferring (parent) command?
- Ensure that the service member is screened within 30 days of receipt of transfer and each family member is screened within 60 days
- Document service member and family member suitability/unsuitability for overseas or remote duty assignment
- Determine Service Member’s suitability for an operational assignment based on a command review and the medical/dental suitability recommendation from the screening MTF
What must CO’s/OIC’s and Medical Depts do?
- Ensure medical, dental and educational suitability is conducted
- Provide transferring command with a recommendation on a Service and family Member’s ability to perform the duties of his or her office, grade, rank, or rating, or meet the anticipated requirements of future assignments ashore or at sea
Who appoints the Suitability Screening Coordinator?
The CO designates in writing
What rank is the Suitability Screening Coordinator?
E-6 or above
What requirements do Suitability Screening Coordinators have to meet?
- E-6 or above
2. Have appropriate operational and/or overseas experience
How long will the Suitability Coordinator hold this position?
Minimum of 2 years
What position will the EFMP coordinator be?
They will be appointed in writing and will be an E-5 or above or civilian equivalent and will hold this position for a minimum of 2 years
Who has the responsibility for conducting suitability and medical/dental suitability screening?
Appointed in writing , medical officers, dental officers, physician assistants, nurse practitioners or IDC
Who can be appointed to be the Dental Suitability Screening Coordinator?
They will be appointed in writing by the CO or OIC and be an E-6 or above with appropriate operational and/or overseas experience.
What is form DD 2792?
Family Member Medical Summary
What is a DD form 2792-1?
Special Education/ Early Intervention Summary
What is the NAVMED 600/13?
Oral Exam
What is the NAVMED 6600/14?
Dental Treatment
What is the NAVMED 1300/1?
Medical, Dental, and Educational Suitability Screening Service and Family Members
What is the NAVMED 1300/2?
Medical, Dental, and Educational Suitability Screening Checklist and Worksheet
What is NAVMED 1300/3?
Medical Assignment Screening
What is DD Form 2807-1?
Report of Medical History
What is NAVPERS 1300/16?
Report of Suitability for Oversease Assignments
What is NAVPERS 1300/28?
Overseas Screening Deficiency Report/ Early Return Request
How is timely access for Remote Duty Stations Defined?
Defined as residing and assigned to a duty station that is greater than 2 hours driving time from a MTF under normal conditions
How long is a suitability screening good for if family members wish to join the service member at a later time?
Only for 12 months
When is a post pregnancy suitability screening conducted?
Approximately 8 weeks post-delivery
Ensures that the infant has been immunized and the mother is able to safely travel
What is required during a suitability screening for all service women?
A Pregnancy Screening (Verbal Inquiry)
What is required off all service women 30 days prior to detaching?
A pregnancy test administered
How are immunization requirements determined?
Based on the potential risks for exposure to pathogens in overseas locations and/or the entry requirements of the countries to be visited or intermediated travel as stated on PCS orders
Are family members required to receive immunizations?
No, they are not mandated. But it is highly encouraged
What must be conducted for all family members who have declined recommended immunizations?
A suitability inquiry
Who determines if a family member medically “suitable” if they have no immediate concerns in the region for outbreaks, vaccine preventable infections?
The CO of the gaining command
Who must submit documentation to the gaining Navy Medicine region if they have determined there is an unacceptable level of risk to the un-immunized family member who would otherwise be medically “suitable”?
The gaining MTF will submit the documentation
Who has the authority to recommend a medically “unsuitable” finding related to immunizations alone for Navy and Marine Corps family members?
Only a flag officer at BUMED
When must his/her findings be returned to the gaining SSC?
Within 7 working days
What needs to be done if there is a delay beyond the 30/60 day timeline and beyond the Service Member’s control?
The SSC must provide written supporting information for the delay
For service members and their family members, what is the appropriate supply of medications that they should have prior to heading overseas?
A 30 minimum supply of required medications
a 180 day supply for medications that are not normally stocked at over seas, remote duty or operational locations
What is required of the screening MTF if a medical disposition cannot be made within 60 days?
- Notify the transferring command and make the service member “unsuitable”
- Provide must recommend TLD status
- Conduct a detailed treatment/rehabilitation assessment and plan
- Conduct follow up evaluations monthly
What form is used to annotate a pending EMFP enrollment?
NAVPERS 1300/16 Part II