Suicide OSCE - Suicide risk Flashcards
What are the overall steps for planning an assessment?
Two states
4 steps (S____)
Characteristics related to (S______)
1) current ideation - are you currently considering or having thoughts of suicide? (frequency, intensity. aggression, hopelessness)
2) Plan - do you have a plan?
Thank you for letting me know. It can be really hard to share these things. Talk me through your plan at the moment, if you could..
- Means (access + lethality)
- substance use
- Intentionality (0- 10)
- Chronicity - How long have you had this plan?
3) Past experiences - can you talk me through whether this has happened to you in the past?
What was different between then and now?
What helped you cope last time?
4) Protective factors - let’s explore some reasons for living. In your story?
Social + occupational + behavioural activation/pleasurable activities
5) Safety planning - I’m wondering if we could make a plan together now to help you stay safe when these feelings resurface. I know it’s not easy to seek help when you feel like this,
Status - demographic (male, 18 - 24,
stability of relationships
One state and status identified:
How do you find:
1) risk
2) confidence
3) changeability
Low risk -
Medium risk -
High risk -
Suicide reassessment occurs regularly to be safe.
At low risk, reassessments and interventions are conducted and revised on a ____________ basis
For moderate risk, _______________
For high risk, __________
What is recommended intervention for each stage?
low - reassess at 1 mon
mediaum - reassess 1 week
high reassess 24 hours call CAT team