Suicide and DSH Flashcards
what is a rational suicide
suicide in the absence of a psychiatric illness
do the majority of people who self harm have a psychiatric illness
is suicide more common in men or women
men (except in china)
what is the peak age of suicide in affluent and lower income countries
middle age - affluent
15-20 - lower income
where in UK has highest suicide rate
do males/ females use more violent methods of suicide
how does socioeconomic class influence suicide
most deprived have highest rates
what season is suicide most common in
what jobs have highest rates of suicide
farmers, doctors, dentists, construction workers, unskilled labourers
what does access to means and availability of method do to suicide rates
directly proportionate
what is the biology of suicide and DSM
Patients with hx of DSH have lower CSF 5-HIAA (metabolite of serotonin) than psychiatric controls
Reduced binding to 5-HT transporter sites in Ventral PreFrontal Cortex- PM
Increased post-synaptic 5-HT1a receptors- PM
what is seen in neuroimaging in patients with DSH
different PFC activity
decreased frontal activity
how does the media influence suicide rates
reporting suicide and the method increases the rate of suicides and the use of that method
what is the peak age and gender for DSH
younger (15-19) girls
who is most at risk of suicide after DSH
Older Male Unemployed, N.E.E.T or retired Single, separated or divorced Isolated Poor health Psych Dx Violent DSH Suicide note Hx of DSH
what are the motives for DSH
To die To escape anguish To escape a situation To display desperation To influence others To get back at others To get help To repeat what has helped before To roll the dice
what is hopelessness a predictor of
eventual fatal self harm
what can you ask someone suicidal
“I realise things have been really bad: has it ever got so bad you thought life wasn’t worth living?”
“How close have you come? What stopped you?”
“What might help stop getting to that point again?”
“What are the things that would keep you going?”
what other services can help after DSH
Psychiatry/psychology Counselling: Cruse, Rape Crisis, Womens’ Refuge Social Work Addictions Samaritans
what group of people are more likely to repeat DSH
Previous DSH Personality disorder -OH or other drug abuse Previous Psych Rx Unemployed (N.E.E.T) Low Socio-economic group Criminal record 25-54 years of age Single, separated or divorced