Sufix Flashcards
state, condition
state, condition
person afflicted with
disease, abnormal condition, abnormal presence of;
often used with the name of a parasitic organism to indicate infestation of the body by that organism
when used with lith- : formation and/or presence of calculi in the body
pertaining to, located in; drug or agent; person suffering from a certain disability or condition
-in, -ine
name of substances
a person interested in
pertaining to; pertaining to inflammation; often indicating a drug or agent
membrane, connective tissue
-ma, -mat-
abnormal or dieased condition
abnormal or diseased condition; pertaining to
pertaining to
state, condition
state, condition, quality, process, procedure
-tic, itic
indicating a drug or agent; person suffering from a certain disibility
state, condition, quality, process, procedure
pertaining to, located in
usually tumor, occasionally disease
forms names of enzymes
full of, form names of chemical substances
-asia, -asis (rare)
state, condition
-ema, -emat-
state condition
state, condition, procesdure
pertaining to
state, condition, quality
science or study of
state, condition; muscular spasm
-oid, (rarely) -ode, -id
indicating a particular shape, form, or resemblance: like resembling
pertaining to, characterized by, full of
indicating a particular science or study of
condition, person (sometimes a malformed fetus)
to make, become, cause to be, subject to, engage in