Suffixes and Prefixes Flashcards
Indication and Prefix: Night
time, noct-
Indication and Prefix: adjoining, near to
place, juxta-
Indication and Prefix: around
other parts, circum-
Indication and Prefix: larg (e)?
size, macro-
Indication and Prefix: different from
type or character, allo-
Indication and Prefix: many
quantity, poly
Indication and Prefix: blue
color, cyan
excessive urination during the
adjoining or near the
around the cornea
plastic surgery with non-human tissue
Indication and Suffix: removal
procedure, -ectomy
Indication and Suffix: opening
procedure, -stomy
Indication and Suffix: examination of
procedure, -scopy
Indication and Suffix: disease
diagnosis, -pathy
Indication and Suffix: enlargement of
diagnosis, -megaly
Indication and Suffix: inflammation of
diagnosis, -itis
Indication and Suffix: decrease, lack of
condition or symptom, -penia
Indication and Suffix: vomiting
condition or symptom, -emesis
Indication and Suffix: flowing
condition or symptom, -rrhea
suffixes used to pertain to certain body parts or organ (5)
-al, -ary, ous, eal, or –ic
(hypo + cal + emia)
prefix meaning
low, cal, a root word for calcium, emia, condition of blood.
The term means “low levels of calcium in the blood”
(nephro + lith + omy )
nephro, prefix for
kidney, lith, stone, omy, incision of. The expression means
incision of the kidney for removal of stone
(card + ia)
card-, a root meaning “heart”
-ia, a suffix meaning “a state or condition of”. This
expression means “in the region of the heart”
(co + enzyme)
co means together with
(an + emia)
an-, prefix meaning “without”
-emia, suffix meaning “condition of blood”. It means a
reduction in the number of red blood cells.
give some combination forms
- prefix, root, suffix
- root, prefix, suffix
- root, suffix
- prefix, root
- prefix, suffix
part and meaning: a, an
prefix, without; as avitaminosis
part and meaning: ab
prefix, away from; as abnormal
part and meaning: ad
prefix, near, toward; as adrenal
part and meaning: ana
prefix, upward; anabolism
part and meaning: anti
prefix, against; as antibiotic
part and meaning: auto
prefix, self; as autodigestion
part and meaning: bio
prefix, life; as biology
part and meaning: brady
prefix, slow; bradycardia
part and meaning: calor
prefix, heat; as calorimeter
part and meaning: cata
prefix, downward; as catabolism
part and meaning: chole
prefix, bile, gall; as cholagogue
part and meaning: chroma
prefix, color; as chromatosis
part and meaning: co
prefix, together; coenzyne
part and meaning: de
prefix, down, from, away
part and meaning: demi
prefix, half
part and meaning: di
prefix, two, double; as diplopia
part and meaning: dis
prefix, ill, negative; as disease
part and meaning: dys
prefix, difficult; as dyspepsia
part and meaning: ec
prefix, outside; as ectopic
part and meaning: encephal
prefix, brain; as encephalogram
part and meaning: endo
prefix, inside; as endogenous
part and meaning: epi
prefix, on; as epigastric
part and meaning: exo
prefix, outside; as exogenous
part and meaning: hemi
prefix, half
part and meaning: hemo
prefix, blood; as hemopoiesis
part and meaning: hyper
prefix, excessive; as hyperacid
part and meaning: hypo
prefix, little; as hypofunction
part and meaning: im, in
prefix, not; as immature
part and meaning: inter
prefix, between; as interstitial
part and meaning: intra
prefix, within; as intravascular
part and meaning: meso
prefix, middle; mesomorph
part and meaning: meta
prefix, change; as metaplasia
part and meaning: necro
prefix, dead; necrosis
part and meaning: para
prefix, beside; as paravertibral
part and meaning: peri
prefix, around; as pericardium
part and meaning: poly
prefix, many; polyphagia
part and meaning: post
prefix, after; as postmortem
part and meaning: pre
prefix, before; as prenatal
part and meaning: syn
prefix, union; as synthesis
part and meaning: algia
suffix, pain in; as neuralgia
part and meaning: ase
suffix, enzyme; as amylase
part and meaning: cide
suffix, kill;as bactericide
part and meaning: cule
suffix, small; as molecule
part and meaning: cyte
suffix, cell; as erythrocyte
part and meaning: ectasis
suffix, dilation of; bronchiectasis
part and meaning: ectomy
suffix, cut off; as appendectomy
part and meaning: ectopy
suffix, displacement of
part and meaning: emesis
suffix, vomiting; as hematemesis
part and meaning: emia
suffix, blood; as anemia
part and meaning: esthesia
suffix, sensation; as anesthesia
part and meaning: iasis
suffix, presence of; as lithiasis
part and meaning: ism
suffix, condition; as alcoholism
part and meaning: itis
suffix, inflammation; as appendicitis
part and meaning: lysis
suffix, destruction; as hemolysis
part and meaning: malacia
suffix, softening; as osteomalacia
part and meaning: megaly
suffix, enlargement of; cardiomegaly
part and meaning: oma
suffix, tumor, swelling: as adenoma
part and meaning: opsy
suffix, to view; as biopsy
part and meaning: osis
suffix, condition; as tuberculosis or
increase; as leukocytosis
part and meaning: pathy
suffix, disease of; as neuropathy
part and meaning: penia
suffix, decrease; as leucopenia
part and meaning: phagia
suffix, to eat; as polyphagia
part and meaning: phil
suffix, to love; as basophil
part and meaning: phobia
suffix, fear of; as photophobia
part and meaning: pnea
suffix, breath; as dyspnea
part and meaning: poiesis
suffix, to produce; as erythropoiesis
part and meaning: ptysis
suffix, to spit; as hemoptysis
part and meaning: rrhea
suffix, to discharge; as diarrhea
part and meaning: scopy
suffix, examination of; as gastroscopy
part and meaning: spasm
suffix, involuntary contraction; as
part and meaning: stomy
suffix, opening; as ileostomy
part and meaning: tomy
suffix, to cut; as vagotomy
part and meaning: trophy
suffix, growth; as hypertrophy
part and meaning: uria
suffix, urine; as glucosuria
part and meaning: adeno
root, gland
part and meaning: ano
root, anus
part and meaning: anterio
root, artery
part and meaning: arthr
root, joint
part and meaning: -blast
root, immature form or sprout
part and meaning: broncho
root, bronchus
part and meaning: carc, canc
root, malignant tumor
part and meaning: cardi
root, heart
part and meaning: cephal
root, head
part and meaning: cerebr
root, brain
part and meaning: chol
root, bile
part and meaning: cholecysto
root, gallbladder
part and meaning: cheil
root, lips
part and meaning: chondro-
root, cartilage
part and meaning: chro
root, color
part and meaning: col
root, lower intestine
part and meaning: cyst
root, bladder
part and meaning: derm, dermato
root, skin
part and meaning: dors
root, back
part and meaning: encephalo
root, brain or skull
part and meaning: entero
root, intestine
part and meaning: galact
root, galactose
part and meaning: gastr
root, stomach
part and meaning: glosso
root, tongue
part and meaning: glyc
root, sweet
part and meaning: hepat
root, liver
part and meaning: hyster
root, womb or uterus
part and meaning: idio-
root, unknown or strange
part and meaning: ileo
root, ileum
part and meaning: laryngo
root, larynx
part and meaning: leuc, leuk
root, white
part and meaning: lipo
root, fat
part and meaning: lith
root, stone
part and meaning: lymph
root, waterlike
part and meaning: malac
root, softening
part and meaning: mast
root, breast
part and meaning: mea
root, passage
part and meaning: meg
root, large or strong or great
part and meaning: menin
root, membrane
part and meaning: myo
root, muscle
part and meaning: myelo
root, marrow
part and meaning: naso
root, nose
part and meaning: necro
root, dead
part and meaning: neur
root, nerve
part and meaning: nephr
root, kidney
part and meaning: oligo
root, few or scant
part and meaning: ophthalm
root, eye
part and meaning: osteo, oss, os
root, bone
part and meaning: ot
root, ear
part and meaning: pharyng
root, pharynx
part and meaning: phleb
root, vein
part and meaning: pseudo
root, false
part and meaning: pulmo
root, lung
part and meaning: pyel
root, pelvis
part and meaning: rhin
root, nose
part and meaning: sept
root, thin wall
part and meaning: septic
root, poison
part and meaning: stomato
root, mouth
part and meaning: thorac
root, chest
part and meaning: tracheo
root, trachea