Suffixes Flashcards
pertaining to
ex intestinal - pertaining to the intestine
suffix for adjective
pertaining to
ex cardiac - pertaining to the heart
suffix for adjective
pertaining to
ex muscular - pertaining to the muscle
suffix for adjective
pertaining to
ex urinary - pertaining to the urine
suffix for adjective
a process; being or having
ex urination - a process (of making) urine
suffix for a process
surgical removal
ex appendectomy - surgical removal of the appendix
suffix for a diagnositic, medical, or surgical procedure
a record or picture
ex mammogram - a record or picture of the breast
suffix for a diagnostic, medical, surgical procedure
process of recording
ex mammography - process of recording the breast
suffix for a diagnostic, medical, surgical procedure
condition; state; thing
ex pneumonia - condition of the lung
suffix for a disease
medical treatment
ex psychiatry - medical treatment for the mind
suffix for medical specialties and specialists
pertaining to
ex pelvic - pertaining to the pelvis
suffix for adjective
knowledge; practice
ex dietetics - knowledge and practice of foods and diet
suffix for medical specialties and specialists
pertaining to
ex uterine - pertaining to the uterus
suffix for adjective
action; condition
ex digestion - action of break(ing) down food
suffix for a process
process; disease from a specific cause
ex hypothyroidism - disease from a specific cause of deficient thyroid gland (hormone)
suffix for a disease
one who specializes in
ex therapist - one who specializes in treatment
suffix for medical specialties and specialists
inflammation of; infection of
ex tonsillitis - infection of the tonsil
suffix for a disease
pertaining to
ex digestive - pertaining to break(ing) down food
suffix for adjective
the study of
ex cardiology - the study of the heart
suffix for medical specialties and specialists
ex cardiomegaly - enlargement of the heart
suffix for a disease
process of measuring
ex spirometry - process of measuring the breathing
suffix for a diagnostic, medical, surgical procedure
tumor; mass
ex neuroma - tumor on a nerve
suffix for a disease
condition; abnormal condition; process
ex psychosis - abnormal condition of the mind
suffix for a disease
pertaining to
ex venous - pertaining to a vein
suffix for adjective
ex arthropathy - disease of a joint
suffix for a disease
instrument used to examine
ex colonoscope - instrument used to examine the colon
suffix for a diagnostic, medical, surgical procedure
process of using an instrument to examine
ex gastroscopy - process of using an instrument to examine the stomach
suffix for a diagnostic, medical, surgical procedure
surgically created opening
ex colostomy - surgically created opening in the colon
suffix for diagnostic, medical, and surgical procedure
ex psychotherapy - treatment of the mind
suffix for a diagnostic, medical, surgical procedure
process of cutting or making an incision
ex laparotomy - process of cutting or making an incision in the abdomen
suffix for a diagnostic, medical, surgical procedure
one who performs
process of
that which produces
skilled professional or expert
pertaining to
having the function of
a running
able to be
thing pertaining to
pertaining to
toward; in the direction of
pertaining to
pertaining to
process related to the specialty of
state; condition