Suffixes Flashcards
Ex- Carcinogenic
Carcin/o - Cancer
Genic - Producing
Ex- Bronchitis
Bronch - Bronchial Tubes
-Itis - Inflamed
Transforms from singular to plural
Pathological Condition
Ex - Polyur-ia
Excessive urination
Characteristic of
Ex Hypotherm-IC - Characteristic of low body temperature
Abnormal condition
Ex - Dermatomyc-osis
Fungal skin infection
Seizure or attack
Body or Particle
Ex - Chromat-id - part of a chromosome strand
Relating to
Ex - Equ-ine - relating to horses
Also means chemical substance
Relating to
Ex - Cardiac - relating to the heart
Relating to
Ex - Avian - Relating to birds
-Ite (chemical)
Salt or ether of an acid with a name ending is “ous”
Ex - Nitrate is the salt or ether of nitrous acid
-Ite (Biologically)
Segment of a body part
Ex - Dendrite - Part of a nerve cell
Characterized by inflammation
Ex - Arthritic
Not common
Diagnostic Suffixes
Tells us something about the body isn’t the way it should be. May indicate an abundance or deficiency, or a presence or absence
Ex - Gastro-dynia
Pain in the stomach
Blood condition
Ex - Leuk-emia
Cancer of the while blood cells
Ex - Chondro-malacia
Softening of the cartilage
Ex - Cardio-megaly
Enlargement of the heart
Abnormal Condition
Ex - Sarc-oma
Cancerous tumour of connective tissue
Disease of muscle tissue
Ex - Leuko-penia
Deficient number of white blood cells
Ex - Quadri-plegia
Paralysis of all four limbs
Ex - Arterio-sclerosis
Hardening of the arteries
Busting forth
Ex - Hemo-rrhage
Excessive bleeding
Flow, discharge
Ex - Meno-rrhea
Normal menstrual flow
Breaking open
Ex - cardio- rrhexis
Rupture of the heart
Puncture and aspiration
Ex - Abdomino - centesis
Puncture of abdominal cavity and aspiration to remove fluid
Surgical removal
Ex - Append - ectomy
Surgical removal of the appendix
Process of recording
Ex - Electrocardio - graphy
Process of recording electrical activity of the heart
Ex - Dia- lysis
Separation of waste materials from the blood
View of, vision
Ex - Bi-opsy
Removal of living tissue for examination
Surgical Repair
Ex - Rhino-plasty
Plastic surgery of the nose
Visual Examination
Visual examination of the joints
Ex - Tracheo-stomy
Cutting an air/drainage opening to the trachea
Incision, cutting
Ex - blepharo - tomy
Surgical incision of an eyelid
-Ac - Iac
Pertaining to
Ex - Ill-iac
Pertaining to the ilium
-Al -Eal -Ial
Pertaining to
Ex - Neinat - al
Pertaining to the first week after birth
Pertaining to
Ex - Ventricul-ar
Pertaining to ventricles of heart or brain
Pertaining to
Ex - Pulmon - ary
Pertaining to lungs
Medical Treatment
Ex - Ped- iatric
Treatment and care of children
Ex - Sinus-oid
Resembling a sinus
Characteristic of
Ex - Cartilagin-ous
Made of cartilage
Cell, living substance
Ex - Choro-plast
The photosynthetic unit of a plant cell
Formation, plastic repair of
Ex - oto-plasty
Plastic surgery if the ear
Pertaining to
Ex - Scap-ular
Pertaining to the scapula
Ex - Carni-vorous