Sudden Vision Loss, Review Flashcards
Sudden visual loss!
An easy list really as they all need
assessment by a specialist!
Retinal Detachment
Retina detaches from underlying suppport tissue
! Permanent damage may occur if detachment is not
repaired in 24-72 hours
Retinal Detachment
Commonly preceeded by a Posterior
Vitreous Detachment
Photropsia, flashes of light in peripheral vision
Sudden dramatic increase in floaters
Feeling of heavingess in eye
Retinal Detachment
Most posterior vitreous detachments do
not progress to retinal detachments,
those that do show:!
Dense shadow starting peripherally slowly enlarges
toward the central part of vision
Impression of a veil or curtain was drawn acros the
field of vision
Straight lines in the world appear as curved
Central vison loss
Optic neuritis
Women > Men, pain on moving the eye, central scotoma ! Loss of central vision with visible swelling of optic nerve head on opthalmoscopic exam ! Commonly seen in MS, but is not pathoneumonic of MS
Vitreous hemorrhage!
Aged 50+, flashing lights, floaters
Floaters, red haze may be present.
Red reflex absent
Age related macular degeneration (ARMD)!
• Loss of central vision d/t damage to the retina at
the macula.!
• Affects older adults >50!
• Dry (non-exudative) form!
• Cellular debris called drusen accumulate
between the retina and choroid, and the retina
can become detached!
• Wet (exudative) form, more severe, blood vessels
grow from the choroid behind the retina, and the
retina can become detached.!
Either form leads to loss of rods and cones in
macular area, resulting in the loss of central vision.
ARMD begins with yellow deposits in the macula called
Drusen build up in Bruch’s membrane
Between the retinal pigmented epithelium and the
underlying choroid.
Age related macular degeneration!
• Rx: OcuDyne II (Allergy Research Group)!
OcuDyne II New and improved 2005 Formula adds natural vitamin E mixed tocopherols high in gamma-tocopheral and tocotrienols, vitamin D, alpha-lipoic acid and lycopene to the formula. With the other vitamins, antioxideants, key amino acids, minerals, bioflavonoids such as quercetin, lutein and zeaxanthin, and extracts of Ginkgo biloba and bilberry, together they support the structural integrity and function of the eye. In particular, lutein is a powerful antioxidant known to be deposited especially in the lens and the macular region of the retine, the area responsible for central vision.
• Ophthalmic migraine !
• Quadrantic vision loss lasting 20-30 minutes, w/
a following HA!
Cerebrovascular disease!
More common elderly,!
• bilateral vision loss if vertebral artery is involved!
• Univateral vision loss, if carotid artery is involved.
Vascular occlusions!
• Field loss. Diabetes, hypertension!
Slow visual loss!
Refer for refractive exam
! Cataracts!
! Corneal opacities