Substantivos (F) Flashcards
a mockery / a teasing
uma zoeira / zuera
the desire / willingness
a vontade
the vowel
a vogal
the vacancies
as vagas
the widow
a viuva
the views
as vistas
the visit
a visita
the comma
a virgula
the violet
a violeta
the shame
a vergonha
the greenery
a verdura
the candle
a vela
the crossbar
a trave
the translation
a tradução
the tradition
a tradição
the faucet
a torneira
the pie
a torta
the crowd / cheering section
a torcida
the zipline
a tirolesa
the texture
a textura
the scissors
a tesoura
the earth / dirt
a terra
the season (like a sports season)
a temporada
the storm
a tempestade
the rate
a taxa
the task
a terefa
the wine glass
a taça
the dirtiness
a sujeira
the shade
a sombra
the solitude
a solidão
the soy
a soja
the building manager (supor)
a sindica
the sympathy
a simpatia
the syllable
a sílaba
good friday
a sexta-feira santa
the sensitivity
a sensibilidade
the password
a senha
the jungle
a selva
the safety
a seguranca
the saliva
a saliva
the bed spread (sheets + pillow cases)
a roupa de cama
the itinerary / daily rotine
A rotina diária
the station (of a bus)
a rodoviária
the country -side
a roça
the hangover
a ressaca
the response
a resposta
the report
a reportagem
the rules
as regras
the meal
a refeição
a region
a região
the reward
a recompensa
the recipe or the revenue
a receita
the reaction
a reação
the root
a raiz
the complaints
as quiexas
the bracelet
a pulseira
the offer
a proposta
the promotion (special price)
a promoção
the promise
a promessa
the schedule
a programação
the prediction
a previsão (do tempo)
the silver
a prata
the surf board
a prancha
the door
a porta
the fight / brawl
a porrada
the percentage
a porcentagem
the bridge
a ponte
the plant
a planta
the piety
a piedade
the leg
a perna
the pear
a pêra
the folder / binder / small book
a pasta
the easter
a páscoa
a match
uma partida
the wall
a parede
the pan
a panela
the pandemic
a pandemia
the lecture
a palestra
the landscape
a paisagem
the patience
a paciência
the workshop (for cars)
A oficina
the cloud
a nuvem
the news / novelty / new stuff
a novidade
the note / grade
a nota
a necessity
uma necessidade
the fiance
a noiva
the nature
a natureza
the fine / penalty
a multa
the ladies
a mulherada
the motorcycle
a moto
the death
a morte
the mountain
a montanha
the backpack
a mochila
the mixture
a mistura
the missions
as missões
the mercy
a misericórdia
the disgrace
a desgraça
the half
a metade
the lie
a mentira
the measurement
a medida
the wonder, wonderful thing
uma maravilha
the manner
a maneira
the bossy lady
a mandona
the stain
a mancha
the wood
a madeira
the marijuana
a maconha
the gloves
as luvas
the fight
a luta
the madness
a loucura
the dishes
a louça
the coast
a litoral
the llama
a lhama
a reading
a leitura
the law
a lei
the orange
a laranja
the speedboat
a lancha
the shooner (sailboat)
a escuna
the mud
a lama
the small lake
a lagoa
the jewel
a joia
the injustice (unfairness)
a injustiça
the press
a imprensa
the church
a igreja
the influence
a influência
the delicacy
a iguaria
the age
a idade
the story
a história
the hypothesis
a hipoótese
the war
a guerra
the recording
a gravação
the cash
a grana
the grace
a graça
the fat
a gordura
the drawer
a gaveta
the gastronomy
a gastronomia
the chicken
a gala
the pillowcase
a fronha
the hunger
a fome
the pages
as folhas
a break or day off from work
uma folga
the fiber
a fibra
the fever
a febre
the house keeper
a faxineira
the farofa
a farofa
a foul
uma falta
the facility
a facilidade