Substance Use Flashcards
motivational intrviewing/stages of change
- precontempation: dont think theres a problem
- contemplation: accepts there a problem
- preparation: client actively planning steps to take to make changes happen
- action: client taking steps to put plan into practice
- maintenance: maintains the change that has been made
intoxication: initial euphoria, apathy, drowsiness or coma, slurred speech, impaired memory and attention.
withdrawal: dysphoric mood, nausea/vomiting, runny eyes and nose, diahrrea, insomnia.
intoxication: perpetual changes, anxiety, paranoid ideation, pupil dialation, tachycardia, sweating, incoordination.
Flashbacks: very common after withdrawal, reexperiencing causes stress and impotence in social functioning
intixication: euphoria, anxiety ,slowed time sensation, impaired judgement, redness of eys, increased appetite
withdrawal: irritability, insomia, restlessness, depressed mood, sweating, fever
euphoria, anxiety, grandiosity, confusion, paranoia, auditory hallucinations
withdrawal: fatigue, insomnia, increased appetite, psychomotor agitation or retardation.
Korsakoff’s syndrome
retrograde and anteretrograde amnesia and confabulation, hallucinations. permanet ddmages in the brain related to memory
Wernicke’s encephalopathy
associated with alcohol. presents with confusion, leg tremors, vision changes,