substance abuse Edgars Shitty notecards Flashcards
why is moonshine so troublesome in alcohol prohibition?
its illegal, higher alcohol content
increase crime- lawlessness.
Over the Counter Drugs
not always used judiciously because they treat many signs and symptoms
health problems on substance abuse
low birth weight- congenital abnormalities
accidents-homicides-suicides-violence-family disruptions
Chronic disease- CV-cancer-lung
what are the factors on health problems of substance abuse
lack of education
lack of quality control of illegal drugs
drug laws label drug users as criminals
the set or the setting?
expectations of the drug that is either unconscious or conscious
genetically predisposed to drug addiction/alcoholism
health status- drug start to disease your process
person has underlying mental health disorder(depression)
the set
Kody the alcoholic is depressed, he take his meds with a bottle of whiskey. what will happen to him?
it will make him more depressed
The set or the setting?
physical- social-cultural environment
daily stress, person will think this will make them feel better
lower socioeconomic background
may grow up believing that drugs and alcohol can solve problems life
substance used in place of physician prescription?
Harm Reduction Model
focus on education
substance abuse addiction is a health problem
they can be helped
substance abuse can be legal or illegal? T/F
substance abuse will impair and damage what?
health, social, economic, physical, mental, financial and can endanger their life or the lives of others
drug dependence vs drug addiction
drug dependence needs to continually use the drug because of physiologic change of the CNS.
Drug addiction is when person is completely preoccupied with use of drug. drug addicts are already drug dependent
Multiple choice.
which are the depressants, Hallucinogens, stimulants?
cocaine PCP
meth(amphetamines) LSD
alcohol ectasy
nicotine inhalants
heroin caffeine
you guys should know this shit
mechanisms of depressant
lower energy level
decrease body response
lower HR, RR, and muscular coordination
high dose can lead to coma or death
risk for injury due to alterations to CNS
act of diuretic
depletion of potassium
don’t have enough caloric requirements
high prevalence alcoholism in female
she’s lonely… wants that D
feel inferiority
conflict at home/work just like the movies
Health problems of alcoholism?
HTN, heart disease, Atheroscelrosis cancer pancreatitis stroke fetal alcohol syndrome liver disease retardation ulcers memory loss impotence/sterility
Kate Upton has been caught missing work, her co-workers says she has loss of productivity and Edgar says she has been abusing him from home, she can’t model because she has getting bruised due to falls. and motor vehicle accidents. she is suffering from
Alcoholism social problems
measures Blood alcohol level
CNS effect of 160lbs man is based on # of drinks in 1 hour
0.40= death
intoxicated under 21= DUI zero tolerance
moderate intoxication
mood behavioral changes
poor motor coordination
hypotension can occur >100mg/dl
marked intoxication
staggering ataxia
emotional lability
severe intoxication
more than 500mg/dl
death due to respiratory distress
edgar didn’t drink for 5 days. he started to have restlessness, tremors to the whole body and anxiety issues. what does he have? minor or major withdrawal?
major withdrawal- tremors of entire body
ohhh nooo edgar started to have seizures, the last time he drank alcohol was 36 hours. what should you do?
heroin is an opioid, what does it produce?
its a goddamn poppy plant that produces morphine or codeine
tolerance develops quickly
what does a stimulant do?
make you feel alert, IT Does not give you energy just allow your body to be effective
stimulates metabolism
problems with stimulants
winding down can cause some sleepiness, laziness, mental fatigue depression
nicotine is
most addictive substance in US
found in tobacco
T/F there is higher rate in white collar workers that are smokers rather than the blue collar
blue collar workers has higher rate
cocaine interacts with?
what is the problem about cocaine?
dopamine gets depleted and then person uses more cocaine to mantain the high feeling
which of the drug can lead into theft/prostitution to obtain money to buy the drug?
so i got bored and stopped at caffeine…