EDGAR's shitty notecards migrant farmworker Flashcards
to pass the damn class
what are the symptoms of ovarian cancer
pelvic or abdominal pain
difficulty eating or feeling full quickly
Urinary frequency or urgency
T/F Pap test is one of the early detection screening test for Ovarian cancer
there is no reliable screening test for early detection of ovarian cancer
what is the best way to prevent ovarian cancer?
birth control pills significantly reduce ovarian cancer.
3 factors decreased risk for ovarian cancer?
oral contraceptives
bilateral tubal ligation or hysterectomy or prophylactic oophorectomy
3 ovarian risk factors?
personal family history of breast, colon, ovarian
increasing age
define migrant farmworker
an individual whose principal employment is in AGRICULTURE on a SEASONAL basis who has been EMPLOYED WITHIN 24 hours and who establishes for the purpose of such employment a temporary abode.
where does the migrant workers go?
summer in Michigan- winter in Florida
they leave home in Mexico, South America and travel
migrant workers will hear jobs by?
word of mouth or newspaper
Isolation in migrant farmworker is caused by?
living away from home.
migrant farm worker get unemployed by this situation.
by the time they travel to the new job another migrant farmworker is already there and took the job
beginning of workday for migrant workers
gather around and the bus will take them to the job
they may have to wait for couple hours not getting paid
annual salary of the migrant worker? is it enough to be about poverty line?
$7500 and no they are BELOW povt line
migrant worker
what do they do with the money?
send it to their family
T/F migrant worker get benefits
FALSE, no health insurance no workman's comp no retirement no disability comp
what is the 3rd most dangerous occupation?
farmworker #1 is nursing....
what are the factors that cause dangerous working conditions of migrant farmworker? heavy lifting inadequate clothing bending over fast worker chemical exposure use of heavy machinery
heavy lifting
bending over
chemical exposure
use of heavy machinery
what are the 3 occupational injuries for migrant farmworker?
chronic pain in the back, neck shoulder
use of heavy machinery will cause?
traumatic injuries and amputations
how can a family of a migrant farmer be contaminated by pesticides?
if your answer is sleeping with other farmworkers then it might work BUT
clothing is the answer
acute health effects of pesticides
CNS- memory loss, difficulty with concentration, psychological and behavioral deficits, mood changes, headache
GI: abdominal pain, gastroenteritis: N/V/D
dermatologic conditions?- skinrashes???
eye irritations eye injuries
infectious disorders
chronic health effects of pesticides
cancer blindness parkinsons disease infertility-sterility liver damage hepatitis polyneuropathy respiratory problems (TB)
Why is it that migrant workers live together and live in a walking distance close to the parking lot where the bus gets them for work?
because landlords charge them with exorbitant rents and they can’t afford to buy a car.
Living conditions of migrant worker in their house?
its substandard no facilities for hygiene no heater or cooler structural deficiency and unsafe next to the farm so next to pesticides
Migrant Health Act
L. Johnson 1962
serve less than 20%
it provides primary and supplement health services to migrant workers and their families
infant mortality rate for migrant farmworker
25% above national avg.
life expectancy for migrant farmworker is
what is the most problematic health problem for this population?
dental disease
TB is high incidence due to
inability to be screened and treated due to migratory patterns and lack of resources
what are the common conditions on females in migrant family? what are the factors?
depression and anxiety
exposure to stressors
lack of family support and lack of friends
discrimination and low self esteem
other female issues in migrant family
domestic violence
lack of prenatal care
working in the fields all day and still care for children in the evening
migratory status can hinder on what? and does this indicate
finding out their health history, health information.
this population has complex health problems
data is available in Michigan, Indiana, Texas
Barriers to health care for migrant worker
financial: lack of money
cultural and language:
Transportation and mobility: lack of vehicle
Occupation: work daily, can’t take off, No work= no pay
Inconvenient hours of service: clinic hours, clinic do not offer evening or saturday hours
Discrimination: do not discriminate as a health care provider! and immigration laws
Migrant farm workers
what health problems will the children experience?
malnutrition exposed to what the parents are exposed to upper respiratory infections gastroenteritis dental carries lack of immunizations
Head Start Program is for?
6 months -5 years
offers education social skill development
migrant girls need to take care of younger siblings? T/F
if you don’t have any sibling you need to go with the parent at the fields
Edgar is a migrant farmworkers kid, he is 12 years old, get paid like shit but he has to so the family can get rice on the dinner table. What is he missing out and what is he getting exposed to on early age? What is the law that can help Edgar get out of this mess?
missing out on education and social interaction
exposed in alcohol and drugs and other occupational hazards.
Fair labor standards Act- 14yrs but does not protect from overwork and does not set limits on hours in a day.
why is that head start program and other programs fail so miserably?
lack of funding thanks obama
Role of women in migrant worker family
what are they prone to?
they cook, clean, care for children AND work in the fields all day. Authority over health decisions (grandma, sister)
major decision maker
prone to sexual abuse and domestic violence
prone to anxiety and depression
mental health disorder(why)
T/F pregnant migrant female get adequate prenatal care and proper nutrition during pregnancy that the newborn may be born right on time.
inadequate prenatal care
inadequate nutrition
newborn is premature and low birth weight
Healthy people 2010 for migrant workers
yes all of it sorry guys
reduce exposure to pesticides
reduce TB
Increase TB patients completion of TB therapy in 12 months
Increase proportion of preggos getting prenatal care
reduce deaths from work related injuries
reduce occupational skin disease and other disorders
oral health care
reduce HIV in adolescent and young female age 13-24
Cultural considerations for migrant workers
Leiningers Model for cultural Care theory and Diversity and Universality(yea i don’t get it either)
Mexicans have universality on culture but there is diversification between regions.
Nurses are what in migrant workers
so we need to respect them
what are some views of mexicans
they prefer folk healers
view touching as a caring and positive action
T/F mexicans like to listen to friends about health care issues rather than the provider
T/F health is a gift from SATAN
False, gift from god
so illness is a punishment from god, thats why some belief there is no cure with the disease.
what is the importance of “evil eye”
belief that evil eye cause illness
they can’t miss work so they will skip apts and work while sick
Primary prevention for migrant workers
education to prevent infectious diseases, HIV, reduce exposure of pesticides
immunization especially childhood , influenza, pneumonia and TB
Primary, Secondary or Tertiary on migrant worker
pregnant woman is getting prenatal care
Secondary prevention
screenings, monitoring, testing on any kinds…..
Urine screening for pesticide exposure
how would the nurse capture this population?
set up a screening in the migrant camps
what are couple actions when nurses combine Tertiary and Primary for migrant workers?
community advocacy, policy changes
Edgar is a sassy little nurse and want to change some policies in the farm community. What is the best tool to utilize in this problem?
Nursing Process
Virginia Gracias Mobile clinic
Mobile Clinic that delivers medical and dental care in harvest season april to august.