Subsection 62-340.300(2), F.A.C. Delineation Procedures - Tools Flashcards
Vegetative Index
a list of most plant species which can be found in Florida wetlands; when the term spp. is used, it represents all species in that genus within the geographical range of the boundaries of Florida
- each species or group of species is assigned an indicator status: Obligate (OBL), Facultative Wet (FACW), or facultative (FAC)
Hydric Soil Indicators
hydric soil characteristics that are identified in ‘Soil and Water Relationships of Florida’s Ecological Communities’, (Florida Soil and Conservation ed. Staff 1992); additionally , included in subsection 62-340.300(2)(c), F.A.C., are specific types of very wet soils
Hydrologic Indicators
and conditions thereof, shall be used in accordance with section 62-340.500, F.A.C., using reasonable scientific judgement
Reasonable Scientific Judgement
takes into account all available information and factors pertinent to the surficial hydrology of the area; some of the important factors to consider include: antecedent moisture conditions, vegetation present, hydrologic alterations, landscape position, local knowledge, and climactic conditions