Delineation Site Example (Jennings Forest Wildlife Management Area) Flashcards
Community Characterization
- located along the south side of Mill Branch on a seepage slope dominated by pond pine
- wetland boundary line within pond pine slope forests will be located by hydric soil indicators
Vegetation of the Seepage Slope Community, Waterward of the Wetland Boundary
Canopy: loblolly bay (FACW); sweet-bay magnolia OBL); swamp bay (OBL); slash pine (UPL); pond pine (FACW)
Sub-canopy: loblolly bay (FACW); sweet-bay magnolia (OBL); swamp bay (OBL); pond pine (FACW)
Ground Cover: pineland three-awn grass (FAC); giant cane (FACW); dangle-berry (FAC); bay-gall holly (FACW); gall-berry (UPL); wicky (UPL); fetter-bush (FACW); southern bayberry (FAC); cinnamon fern (FACW); bracken fern (UPL); pinxter azalea (UPL); saw palmetto (UPL); poison sumac (FACW); highbush Blueberry (FACW); shiny blueberry (UPL)
Vegetation of the Sandhill Community, Landward of the Wetland Boundary
Canopy: longleaf pine (UPL)
Sub-canopy: blue-jack oak UPL); turkey oak (UPL); black-jack oak (UPL)
Ground Cover: broom-sedge (FAC); pineland three-awn grass (FAC); partridge pea (UPL); gopher apple (UPL); fetter-bush (UPL); bracken fern (UPL); saw palmetto (UPL); lop-side Indian-grass (UPL); goat’s rue (UPL); sparkle-berry (UPL)
Soil Descriptions
USDA-NRCS Soil Survey of Clay Co. - Sheet 2
- wetland soil is mapped as Rutlege-Osier complex, frequently flooded (mapping unit #29)
45% - Rutlege soil (hydric component)
40% - Osier soil (hydric inclusion)
15% - Palmico soil (hydric inclusion)
- upland soil is mapped as Penney fine sand, 0-5% slope (mapping unit #5)
Soil Profile Descriptions (Point 1)
Point 1. fifteen feet waterward of the wetland boundary line (water table 12”)
A1; depth 0-5”; black (10YR 2/1) mucky fine sand, many medium roots
A2; 5-8”; black (10YR 2/1) fine sand, few medium roots
E or C; 8-13”; dark gray (10YR 4/1) fine sand with common medium faint gray (10YR 5/1) mottles, few fine and medium roots
Hydric soil: Yes
Hydric soil field indicators: 5” of mucky texture in horizon A1
Soil Profile Descriptions (Point 2)
Point 2. fifteen feet waterward of the wetland boundary line (water table - 20”)
Oi; 1-0”; litter
A1; 0-9”; dark gray (10YR 4/1) fine sand, many medium and few large roots
A2; 9-13”; dark gray (10YR 4/1) fine sand with common fine distinct gray (10YR 6/1) mottles, few medium roots
E or C; 13-21+”; light brownish gray (10YR 6/2) fine sand, few fine roots
Hydric soil: No
Hydric soil field indicators: none