Subject Matter Jurisdiction Flashcards
What is SMJ?
The power of the court over a particular case
What are the four ways to establish SMJ?
1) Federal Question
2) Diversity Jurisdiction
3) Supplemental Jurisdiction
4) Removal
Federal Question
A question of federal law must arise in P’s affirmative claim (well pleaded complaint rule)
Federal Question: Can have state law in addition to federal if FQ is:
!) actually in dispute
2) demands federals judges expertise and ought to be resolved uniformly
3) not so commonly present in state law action to trample their jurisdiction
Diversity Jurisdiction:
Action between citizens of different states + amount in controversy is greater than 75K
At what time is diversity jurisdiction measured?
At the time the suit is filed but amended complaints that add or dismiss can affect diversity
What is the exception to the complete diversity requirement for Diversity Jurisdiction?
Class actions where more 100 persons and 5 million (Diversity need only be minimal)
How do you determine citizenship of human being?
Only a citizen of 1 place at time, state where resides and intends to remain indefinetly
How do you determine citizenship of a corporation?
Corporations can be citizens of two places.
1) the citizen of state incorporated; and
2) state in which it maintains its principal place of business (nerve center)
How do you determine the citizenship of an unincorporated union?
Citizenship is the citizenship of every member, could be all 50 states
Aggregation of Claims
P brings multiple claims against a single D will be added together to see if amount in controversy is reached. (no same T/O requirement)
Supplemental Jurisdiction
Multiple Defendants, allows claim falling outside FQ or DJ to piggy back onto a claim that does not fall within FQ or DJ.
Steps of supplemental jurisdiction
1) determine relatedness
2) sneaky plaintiffs
3) Court may still decline
Defendant can remove from state to federal court if case could have originally been filed in federal court
Removal exception: Home state D rule
D can’t remove if:
1) Federal jurisdiction would be grounded only in DJ +
2) D is a citizen of state where P filed suit
If multiple Defendants, removal is only allowed if:
all D’s agree to move
Timing for removal
D must remove within 30 days of when grounds became apparent
1) normally when D served
2) If P amends 30 days from that point
3) if removal based on diversity, D must remove within 1 year of filing unless P attempted to thwart removal