Artist entitled Selbstbildnis mit Vanitassymbolen
David Bailly
is the key to proving a hypothesis or a larger theory.
These types of art have subjects that refer to objects that refer to objects or events occurring in the real world.
Also termed figurative art because the figures depicted are easy to make out and decipher.
Art forms that do not make a reference to the real world, whether it is a person, place, thing, or even a particular event
Looking at the combination of lines, shapes, and colors of the sculpture will point to a head of a woman. Even with the abstraction of the image, this work is arguably representational art.
Head of a Woman, Mougins
Pablo Picasso (1962)
is stripped down to visual elements, such as shapes, lines, and colors that are employed to translate a particular feeling, emotion, and even concept.
a higher, level of perceptiveness and insight might be required to fully grasped the feeling, emotion, or concept behind the work.
non-representational art
Pertains to the acknowledged interpretation of the artwork using motifs, signs, and symbols and other cyphers as bases of its meaning.
Conventional meaning
it is easier to infer the subject matter because from the figures depicted in the artwork, there is already a suggestion as to its implication.
representational art
The most rudimentary level of meaning for it may be extracted from the identifiable or recognizable forms in the artwork and understanding how these elements relate to one another.
Factual meaning
Creation Story (creation of man)
Factual meaning
man was created in the image and likeness of God
Conventional meaning
endowment of intellect to man from God
subjective meaning
are consulted, a variety of meanings may arise when a particular work of art is read.
Subjective Meaning