Subject 4: foréigean Flashcards
violent attacks
ionsaithe foréigneacha
pack of theives
paca gadaithe
they occur especially in remote locations
tarlaíonn siad go háirithe in áiteanna iargúlta
they are given a physical battery for twenty euros
tugtar batráil fhisiciúil dóibh ar son fiche euro
out in the countryside
amuigh faoin tuath
these fragile ones are easy to deal with
is furasta tabhairt faoin dream leochaileach seo
easy targets
spriocanna éasca
they are unable to defend themselves
níl siad in ann iad féin a chosaint
it is easy to point a finger at the Gardai but look at the number of garda stations being closed due to cuts
tá sé éasca méar a shíneadh i dtreo na nGardaí ach féach ar an méid staisiúin gardaí a dhúnadh de bharr ciorruithe
due to cutbacks
de bharr ciorruithe
due to
de bharr
does it make any sense?
an bhfuil ciall ar bith leis?
physical battery
batráil fhisiciúil
old people are the targets of many violent attacks by packs of thieves
is iad na seandaoine na aidhmeanna/spriocanna atá ag go leor ionsaithe foréigneacha ag pacáidí gadaithe
packs of thieves
pacáidí gadaithe
These attacks happen a lot in rural and remote areas that are isolated from the big and busy cities, and also isolated from the guards
Tarlaíonn na hionsaithe seo go leor i gceantair thuaithe agus iargúta atá scoite amach ó na cathracha móra agus gnóthacha, agus scoite amach ó na gardaí freisin
isolated away from
scoite amach ó
rural and remote
tuaithe agus iargúta
They are often attacked in their own homes
Ionsaítear iad go minic ina dtithe féin
crimeline set up another line for abused old people
bhunaigh crimeline líne eile do sheandaoine a ndearnadh mí-úsáid orthu
to set up
bhunaigh sé
cimeline was black with old people reporting crimes and misconduct
bhí an cimeline dubh le seandaoine ag tuairisciú coireanna agus mí-iompar
ag tuairisciú
crimes and misconduct
coireanna agus mí-iompar
they feel terror in their lives every time they set/put a foot outside the door/house
bionn siad sceimhlithe ina mbeatha gach uair a chuireann siad a gcos lasmuigh den doras/teach
but can you blame the guards?
ach an féidir leat an milleán a chur ar na gardaí?
No, this created more problems and violence for old people
Ní hea, chruthaigh sé seo níos mó fadhbanna agus foréigean do sheandaoine