Subhaashitham Flashcards
अाशाया ये दासास्ते दासास्सर्वलोकस्य। अाशा येषां दासी तेषां दासी तेषां दासायते लोक: (page 12)
अाशाया:, ये, दासा:, ते, दासा:, सर्वलोकस्य, अाशा, येषाम्, दासी, तेषाम्, दासायते, लोक:
Those who are slaves of desire are slaves of the entire world. But those who have no desire, have the whole world under their control
साधूनां दर्शनं पुण्यं तीर्थभूता हि साधव:। तीर्थं फलानि कालेन सद्य: साधुसमागम:।।
(page 12)
साधूनां, दर्शनं, पुण्यं, तीर्थभूता, हि साधव:। तीर्थं फलानि कालेन सद्य: साधुसमागम:
People go on pilgrimage
धनानि जीवितं चैव परार्थे प्राज्ञ उत्सृजेत्। सन्निमित्ते वरं त्यागो विनाशे नियते सति।। (page 32)
A wise man must sacrifice his wealth and life for others. Because sacrifice for a good cause is always better since wealth and life are known to be transient in nature.
अङ्गं गलितं पलितं मुण्डं दशनविहीनं जातं तुण्डम्। वृद्धो याति गृहीत्वा दण्डं तदपि न मुञ्चत्याशापिण्डम्।। (page 31)
The limbs have lost their strength. Hair has turned grey. Teeth are gone and the old man walks with a stick. Yet he does not give up his desires.
श्लोकार्धेन प्रवक्ष्यामि यदुक्तं ग्रन्थकोटिभि:। परोपकार: पुण्याय पापय परपीडनम्।। (page 51)
What hundreds of works have said, I shall say in just half a stanza. By helping others, one acquires religious merit and by troubling them, sin
जलबिन्दुनिपातेन क्रमश: पूर्यते घट:। स हेतु: सर्वविद्यानां धर्मस्य च धनस्य च ।। (page 52)
Just as drops of water gradually fill a pot, so does one acquire knowledge, merit and wealth - little by little.
स्वभावं न जहात्येव साधुरापद्गतोऽपि सन्। कर्पूर: पावकस्पृष्ट: सौरभं लभतेतराम् ।। (page 68)
A pious man’s good nature does not change even in times of adversity. When camphor is burnt instead of losing its quality of giving out fragrance it emits more of it.
गुणेषु क्रियतां यत्न: किमाटोपै: प्रयोजनम्। विक्रीयन्ते न घण्टाभिर्गाव: क्षीरविवर्जिता:।। (page 69)
In this world virtue is respected. External appendages do not enhance the worth of a person. For example, a cow is valued for the milk it gives and not for the bell that is tied to the neck. A person buying the cow wants to know how much milk she gives and not how much the bell tied to the neck is worth.
पद्माकरं दिनकरो विकचीकरोति चन्द्रो विकासयति कैरवचक्रवालम्।नाभ्यर्थितो जलधरोऽपि जलं ददाति सन्त: स्वयं परहिते निहिताभियोगा:।। (page 90)
The sun causes lotuses to bloom. The mon makes the lily to bloom. Clouds too, without being asked, give water. Great souls always take the initiative to do good for others.
अारभन्तेऽल्पमेवाज्ञा: कामं व्यग्रा भवन्ति च। महारम्भा: कृतधिय: तिष्ठन्ति च निराकुला: ।। (page 90)
The ignorant start only petty tasks and become agitated. The wise undertake great deeds with discretion and do not get perturbed.
यदा किञ्चिज्ज्ञोऽहं गज इव मदान्ध: समभवम् तदा सर्वज्ञोऽस्मीत्यभवदवलिप्तं मम मन:।
यदा किञ्चित् किञ्चित् बुधजनसकाशादवकतम् तदा मूर्खोऽस्मीति ज्वर इव मदो मे व्यपगत:।। (page 106)
Knowing a little, I got blind with pride like an elephant. Then I arrogantly thought of myself as an omniscient. When I did learn something, little by little, from the learned and realized that I was after all ignorant; my pride subsided like fever.
विपदि धैर्यमथाभ्युदये क्षमा सदसि वाक्पटुता युधि विक्रम:। यशसि चाभिरुचिर्व्यसनं श्रुतौ प्रकृतिसिद्धमिदं हि महात्मनाम्।। (page 107)
Courage in adversity, patience in prosperity, oratory skills in an assembly, bravery in battle, interest in fame, desire for acquiring knowledge - these are naturally found in great persons.
रत्नैर्महाब्धेस्तुतुषुर्न देवा न भेजिरे भीमविषेण भीतिम्। सुधां विना न प्रययुर्विरामं न निश्चितार्थाद्विरमन्ति धीरा:।। (page 126)
When they churned the ocean for nectar, the Gods were not pleased with the gems they got from the ocean. Nor were they scared of the terrible poison. They churned and churned until they got the nectar. Thus, determined persons do not stop until they reach their goal.
पापान्निवारयति योजयते हिताय गुह्यं निगूहति गुणान् प्रकटीकरोति। अापद्गतं च न जहाति ददाति काले सन्मित्रलक्षणमिदं प्रदन्ति सन्त:।। (page 126)
A good friend will always pull you out of the sinful path and put you on the virtuous one. He will keep your secrets while letting others know of your good qualities. When you are in trouble, he will be by your side at the hour of need. Pious men call these a true friend’s characteristics.
लभेत सिकतासु तैलमपि यत्नत: पीडयन् पिबेच्च मृगतृष्णिकासु सलिलं पिपासार्दित:। कदाचिदपि पर्यटन् शशविषाणमासदयेत् न तु प्रतिनिविष्टमूर्खजनचित्तमाराधयेत् ।। (page 143)
Crushing sand with effort, one might find oil. Perhaps a thirsty person will drink water from a mirage. Sometimes while wandering one might find the thorn of a hare. All these impossible things may become possible. But, it is not possible to please an obstinate fool.
व्याघ्रीव तिष्ठति जरा परितर्जयन्ती रोगाश्च शत्रव इव प्रहरन्ति देहम्। अायु: परिस्रवति भिन्नघटादिवाम्भ: लोकस्थाप्यहितमाचरतीति चित्रम्।। (page 144)
Old age frightens man like a tigress. Diseases strike the body like enemies. Like water leaking from a broken pot life is spent. Yet people think of harming others. They do not realize that their life is getting shorter by the day. instead of earning merit, they indulge in harmful deeds. This behaviour of men in strange indeed.
त्यागो गुणो वित्तवतां वित्तं त्यागवतां गुण: । परस्परवियुक्तौ तु वित्तत्यागौ विडम्बना।। (Page 164)
If the rich have a mind to give away money, it is indeed meritorious. If generous people have enough money, it is also a merit. But wealth and generosity do not go together. This is ironical indeed!
न सहा सभा यत्र न सन्ति वृद्धा: वृद्धा न ते ये न वदन्ति धर्मम्। धर्मो न वै यत्र च नास्ति सन्यम् सत्यं न तद्यच्छलनानुविदधम्।। (page 182)
There is no assembly where there are no elders. They are no elders if Dharma is not taught by them. It is not Dharma if it does not contain truth. It is not truth if it is tainted with deceit.
गुणायन्ते दोषा: सुजनवदने गुर्जनमुखे गुणा दोषायन्ते तदिदमपि नो विस्मयपदम्। महामेघ: क्षारं पिबति कुरुते वािर मधुरं फणी क्षीरं पीत्वा वमति गरलं दु:सहतरम्।। (page 183)
Defects turn into virtues when they come from good persons. On the other hand, virtues turn into defects when they come from the wicked. There is nothing surprising in this. While the big cloud takes in salty water from the sea and showers sweet rain water. Serpent drinks milk, but emits intolerable poison. Good people = clouds, wicked = serpents
वनेऽपि सिंहा मृगमांसभक्षिणो बुभुक्षिता नैव तृणं चरन्ति। एवं कुलीना व्यसनाभिभूता न नीचकर्माणि समाचरन्ति।।
Lions which feed on the flesh of wild animals do not eat grass even when hungry. Similarly, noble ones do not stoop to low standards and commit crimes when in adversity