Subcultures Flashcards
3 possible responses to the illegitimate opportunity structure
Criminal subcultures - organised crime, career criminals socialise youths into a criminal career
- conflict subcultures - gangs organised by young people - based on claiming territory from other gangs or gaining status
- retreatist subcultures: double failures in legitimate and illegitimate opportunity
Evaluation of illegitimate opportunity structure
Lines between subcultures are too distinct
- focuses on only working class males
- ignores wider power structure
Focal concerns
- wc socialised into a distinct set of values, oppose mainstream values
- these values mean they are more likely to engage in deviance
Focal concerns
Examples of working class focal concerns
Immediate gratification Fatalistic Aggression Masculinity Anti school subcultures
Matza: delinquency and drift
Suggests deviants are no different to ‘normal’ people who respect value consensus - they simply drift in and out of delinquency
- we all share ‘subterranean’ delinquent values but manage to control them most of the time - occasionally suspend conforming to mainstream values
Delinquency and drift
Matza: techniques of neutralisation
Denial of responsibility ‘it wasn’t me’
Denial of injury ‘it didn’t hurt’
Denial of victim ‘he deserved it’
Condemnation of the condemners ‘you’re just as bad’
Appeal to higher loyalties ‘I did it for God’
Who decides what is deviant in society?
Moral entrepreneurs (picture on a cigarette packet, people won’t want to smoke it - benefits the nhs)
A deviant is someone whom the label has been successfully applied and deviant behaviour is simply behaviour that people label
- crime and deviance are a social construct
Crime and deviance are a social construct
What does Becker argue?
Deviance is relative
A deviant being labelled depends on: who committed the deviance, who saw it, where and when it was committed, negotiations between ‘social actors’ involved
- powerless groups are more likely to be labelled than powerful groups
What does being labelled depend on?
Interactions with agencies of social control
Appearance and background
Situation and circumstances of the event
Pilivanin and brair
Decision to arrest young people made on physical cues
- young black males most likely to be stopped and searched
Black males most likely to get stopped and searched
Pilivanin and Blair
Decisions to arrest informed by officers ‘typifications’
Police and probation officers see the ‘typical delinquent’ as being from:
A single parent family
A low income family
An ethnic minority groups
Leads to police focusing on a certain type of criminal
Canteen culture - the way in which people working in a particular workplace develop a shared set of values and prejudices
- conservative canteen culture may explain police discrimination and lack of fairness displayed in police discretion
Official statistics (what does it say about them?)
They don’t give a valid picture of crime - should not be taken at face values
- we should investigate the processes that have created them