Subculture Theories Flashcards
Why have strain theories like that of Cohen, Cloward and Ohlin been described as ‘reactive’ subculture theories?
They explain that deviant subcultures form as a REACTION to the FAILURE of achieving MAINSTREAM GOALS.
The assumption that Cohen, Cloward and Ohlin make? Are they criticised for this?
Yes, they are criticised because they assume that everyone starts off with the same mainstream success goal.
What Miller argues about the lower class and it’s subculture?
Miller argues that the lower class has it’s own INDEPENDENT SUBCULTURE which is separate from the MAINSTREAM CULTURE. The lower class’s independent subculture has it’s own values.
What Miller states about the lower class’s independent subculture and it’s views on success?
Miller argues that the lower class independent subculture does not value success in the first place, so it’s members are not frustrated by failure.
Weakness of Miller’s argument about the lower class not valuing success?
Fails to explain why the majority of people who achieve mainstream goals illegitimately (theft) are from a working class background.
Definition of Miller’s phrase “focal concerns”?
The goals of the lower class
What is meant by ‘status frustration’?
When an individual faces struggles to adjust to the low status that they are given by mainstream society
The Uni of Chicago sociology department remained extremely influential in its study of C&D. Name their three theory contributions?
1) Cultural Transmission Theory (Shaw and McKay)
2) Differential Association Theory
3) Social Disorganisation Theory (Park and Burgess)
‘CTT’ acronym?
Cultural Transmission Theory
‘DSA’ acronym?
Differential Association Theory
SDT acronym?
Social Disorganisation Theory
The three types of deviant subcultures that Cloward and Ohlin identify?(CRC)
1) Criminal Subculture.
2) Retreatist Subculture
3) Conflict Subculture
Miller’s six focal concerns?
1) Smartness
2) toughness
3) trouble
4) autonomy
5) excitement
6) fatalism
Methods Link: (Merton nd official stats) what is connected according to Merton?
Blocked access to legitimate opportunities (employment) leads to crime
Methods Link: (Merton nd official stats) Evidence from Tarling that unemployment is linked to crime in official stats?
Tarling’s analysis of official statistics for England and Wales found that crime rate and unemployment rate rose steadily together from 1950-1980.
Methods Link: (Merton nd official stats) What can we find from Tarling’s findings?
That his findings are compatible with Merton’s theory
Methods Link: (Merton nd official stats) Evaluation of Tarling’s findings (2)
- Showing that unemployment and crime rate are linked doesn’t prove that one causes the other
- No way of knowing if the individuals who are unemployed are the same people committing crimes