Sub-Saharan Africa Flashcards
City: Abidjan
Cote d’lvoire/ Ivory coast
City: Addis Ababa
City: Asmara
City: Bloemfontein
Free Free State province, mid-South Africa, Left of Lessotho
City: Brazzaville
Republic of the Congo, left central Africa, Lower part of the congo
City: Cape town
South Africa, lowest portion
City: Dar es Salaam
Rightmost portion of Tanzania
City: Durban
City in South Africa, right of Lessotho
City: Johannesburg
South Africa
City: Kampala
City: Khartoum
City: Kigali
City: Kinshasa
Democratic Republic of the Congo
City: Lagos
City: Mogadishu
City: Monrovia
City: Nairobi
City: Pretoria
South Africa
Water body: Atlantic ocean
left of Africa
Water body: Gulf of Aden
between yemen and somalia (right side)
Water body: Gulf of Guinea
Below Nigeria, Benin, etc (the left)
Water body: Indian Ocean
to the right of madagascar
Water body: Lake malawi
the right of malawi
Water body; Lake Tanganyika
To the left of Tanzania
Water body: Lake Turkana
Northern Kenya
Water body: Lake victoria
Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
Water body: Lake volta
Water body: Mocambique Channel
Western Indian Ocean, between Madagascar and Mozambique
Water body: The red sea
between saudia arabia, and sudan
River: Congo
Left side, near dem repub of the congo
River: Limpopo
southeast africa, just above southern africa
River: Niger
border of Benin, left top
River: Nile
right, egypt down
River: Orange
mid-south africa, going latitudinal
River: Vaal
same as orange
River: Zambezi
Landform: Cape of Good Hope
Southernmost capetown, South Africa
Landform: Drakensberg Range
Right of South Africa, runs through Lessotho
Landform: Ethiopian Highlands
Northern Ethiopia
Landform: Great Rift Valley
through ethopia/kenya
Landform: Horn of Africa
the right, the literal horn of africa
Landform: Kalahari Desert
mostly in botswana, some of nambia
Landform: Mt. Kenya
Landform: Mt. Kilmanjaro
Landform: Sahara Desert
Northernmost Africa
Landform: Sahel
Left Mali