FINAL EXAM comprehensive Flashcards
What does human geography cover?
Cultural, economic, urban, political
What does physical geography cover?
Climate, geomorphology, vegetation, soils
Who started population geography (demography)
Thomas malthus
from 450 to 1850 ad, who was the most populous country?
after 1850, who kicked the fuck out of china in the population Olympics
Who made the world’s greatest comeback after being kicked out the population olympics
Who is daddy demography
Thomas Malthus
What was daddy demography’s greatest lesson
Humanity is DOOMED to FEAST and then FAMINE
Who was influenced by thomas malthus
Darwin and MArx
What was Malthus’s feast/famine dynamic
Population grows at a geometric rate (1,2,4,8,16,), but human can only produce food at an arithmetic rate (meaning 123456)
Malthus was wrong, with the exception of one event. What was it?
The potato famine in 1799.
Who revived Malthus’s theory in the 1960s
Erlich, with his “Population Bomb,” which stated that the planet is becoming rapidly over-populated (No, paul)
What is population density:
the number of people per unit area
Population distribution
the actual spatial arrangement of humans
WHAT is the CBR crude birth rate
number of births per 1,000 populations
What is the Infant mortality rate:
The number of infants who perish during their first year of life per 1000 live births
What is the total fertility rate
The number of children who would be born to a woman if ….
is the upper mantle partially molten
who proposed the theory of continental drift
Alfred Wegener
When was the theory of plate tectonics revived
What is the theory of plate tectonics
The crust is composed of sections, and those plates float on top of the semi-fluid mantle
what are the two kinds of plates, and which of the two are thinner and denser
Oceanic and Continental. Oceanic plates are thinner and denser.
what is subduction?
an oceanic plate sliding under a continental plate. Ex: the san andreas fault.
what is centrifugal tendency
the tendency for states to fragment into smaller units on the basis of religion/linguistic differences/etc.
What 3 things unify Anglo-America
- The political/legal traditions that derive from England
- The english language
- The christian relgion
What 3 things unify Anglo-America
- The political/legal traditions that derive from England
- The english language
- The christian religion
Canada is currently experiencing centrifugal tendency from Quebec. How is Quebec’s culture distinct from the rest of Canada?
-They speak french
When (and what %) of Quebecois voted to secede from Canada.
November 1995, and 49%
Cities emerged along what due to the geographical obstacle presented by waterfalls/rapids and the economic functions which originated there
the Fall Line
Which US cities are on the fall line?
Richmond, Baltimore, Philly, and Washington DC
What was the largest city in the US in the 1800s.
What was the largest US city by 1850?
New york
Why was New Amsterdam (current NY) selected by the Dutch colonists?
Natural Resources
When was the Eerie Canal completed
What was the purpose of the Eerie Canal’s Building?
TO create a continuous water connection from the Great Lakes to the NY Harbor
What % of the US population is urbanized
What was the main cause of Socioeconomic decline of the central city in the US?
White flight
Define Gentrification: Municipalities offer financial incentives to induce businesses and residents to return.
Municipalities offer financial incentives to induce businesses and residents to return. (LaCledes landing, old harbor baltimore, MAPS OKC)
What is the main marker of Physical Geography in South America?
Diversity and Extremes. Large stretch of rainforests that recieve 80’’ per year, which is drained by the Amazon river.
What is the river with the highest volume?
the amazon
What % of freshwater flows out of the amazon.
What Island is at the mouth of the Amazon that is also the size of switzerland?
Isla De Marajo
What medicine is made from tropical yams that are grown in south america?
What medicine is made from Rosy Periwinkle that is grown in South America?
What desert is the world’s driest place
The Atacama Desert
What allows the Atacama desert to exist?
The humboldt current (?)
What are the highlands primarily used for
Grazing Llamas, Alpacas, Guinea, general animals used for ag
what crops are able to grow in the Tierra Fria
Potatoes/Quinoa, the same animles
What crops grow in the Tierra Templada (lower temperate zone)
Lowest zone (tierra caliente)
sugar cane, tropical fruits (banana) tubers, etc.
What is the main religion in South America
What is the Main Language in South America
What is Marianism
frequent appearances of the virgin mary
what are the language exceptions in south america
Brazil= spanish
Guyana- english.
french guyana- french
suriname- dutch
What consitutes voodoo?
Roman catholocism/traditional african relgion
What constitutes santeria?
Catholicism/west african traditional beliefs
In santeria, what are the saints called
What is candomble
yoruba beliefs with christian/indigenous elements.
What constitutes macumba-
relies on hexes/curses to influence rivals
Why was Africa called the “dark continent”
Africa and its peoples were without a “history’. European scholars didn’t realize that african history was recorded and maintained mostly through oral tradition
Who made popular the concept of “darkness” in africa
Henry M. Stanley “across the dark continent” (doctor livingstone, i presume?) and Joseph Conrad “the heart of darkness”
is Africa overpopulated?
What continent’s population is growing faster than any other continent, and has the youngest population of any world relam
In latin america, what religion is on the rise?
Protestantism was outlawed during the colonial period and only represented a tiny fraction of south americas religious population. In the 20th century, how much did it increase?
How did religious diffusion happen in america
Missionaries pointed out some similarities between traditional creationism beliefs:
1) the record of a great flood
2) the geographic dispersal of humanity and the development of separate languages.
what is the biggest language family in africa
Where are the nilotic languages spoken
south sudan, ethiopia, kenya, and uganda
where are the khosian languages spoken
south africa , nambia by (bushmen) khosa and some other groups
Where are the semetic languages spoken
Arabic and berber are spoken widely in north africa.
Originating in Africa, what is ebony used for?
Concert music (woodwinds)
Originating in Africa, what is the Kola nut used for
Coca cola
What disease originated in East Africa
What african nation was made from freed african american slaves
When did ebola first originate
1976 in 2 separate outbreaks that struck south sudan and the democ rep of the congo
Ebola is ONLY transmitted through bodily fluids (sex, saliva, sweat)
bodily fluids (sex, saliva, sweat)
Can ebola remain active after death?
yes, for several days
what is the likely reservoir species of ebola
Fruit bats
When was an effective vaccine of ebola developed
2019 (program on hold due to covid )
Who was the first US case of Ebola
Eric Duncan, an NYC doctor who was hospitalized with it but recoverd.
How many time zones does russia contain?
Where did Valdimir Lenin’s pseudonym come from?
River Lena
Where was Stalin from
Georgia, his name was Koba
What country has the biggest coastline?
What is a big block for economic development in Serbia?
What problems does the permafrost cause for Serbia?
It hasn’t thawed since the last ice age; you also can’t build buildings, waterlines, etc.
Why is Russia so frozen/cold?
The high mountains in the south block any warm tropical air that could come up. Also, lowlands in the north allow cold air to penetrate at virtually any time of the year.
What natural resources are a result of Russia’s immense size?
gold, diamonds, gas, oil, strategic metals, and rare earths?
What people tied boards to newborns’ heads to flatten their skulls, affecting the hypothalamus and generating the aggression that many of their elite soldiers used in battle
What does the USSR stand for
Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics
How many republics were in the USSR
15, based upon nationality/ ethnic group
How many ethnic groups did the ussr contian
What did FDR- Bush make the mistake of calling the USSR
“The Russians.” Russians were the dominant nationality, but not the ONLY nationality
In 1930, the leader wanted to create the new soviet man. What were his qualities?
Russian speaking and atheistic
In 1960, what was the world’s largest lake in area
The Aral Sea.
What are the metrics of the aral sea now?
The volume has declined by 80%, the area has shrunk by 90%, and the coverage level dropped by 50 feet.
What caused the aral sea to dry up?
What were the aral sea’s feeder rivers?
Syr Darya and Amu Darya
What was the environmental impact of the aral sea?
Winds blowing across exposed seabed pick up and transport salt (probably leading to salinization so vegetation can’t grow), 80% of wildlife in the area are GONE, and all of the fish are also gone
What was the health impact of the aral sea?
in 1987, 40% of the population in western Uzbekistan had hepatitis, and for childen under 12, it was 60%. only 1/3 of houses have indoor plumbing in karakalpakistan, and only 10% of the population has tap water.
What was the consequence of the lack of well water caused by the aral sea distaster?
irrigation water contained pesticides, fertilizer, etc.
What was the economic impact of the aral sea disaster?
in 1960, the aral sea produced 10% of the USSR sturgeon, and today, there are none to be found.
what was the main religion and language in estonia?
Protestant, spoke Uralic-Altic language
What was the religion/ language in Latvia
Protestant; spoke indo-european
Religion/language in Lithuania
catholic; spoke indo-european
What nation had the weakest connection to the soviet union
What was the last nation to be absorbed into the USSR?
When did the collapse of the USSR begin?
What was the dominant language/religion in russia (who were first in population)
Orthodox; slavic
What was the dominant language/religion in Ukraine and Belarus
Orthodox; slavic
What was the dominant religion in Georgia and Armenia
Christian; indo-european
What was the What was the dominant language/religion in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan
Sunni; Turkic language
What was the dominant language/religion in Tajikistan
Sunni; Indo-european
Where is farsi spoken?
What was the dominant language/religion in Afghanistan
Sunni; Dari
What latin word was “Europe” derived from that meant “sunset”
Where did the Asian Languages come from
What culturally distinguishes Europe from Asia?
-Christianity (although the level of devotion is declining except in Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia, and Bulgaria)
-Indo-European language (except Basque, Uralic-Altic language).
Why doesn’t Spain recognize Kosovo
-Bc they speak Catalan. Franco banned it in public.
- Also, if Kosovo gets independence, Barcelona will want independence too and they don’t want to deal with that.
What are the romance languages?
French, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese, Walloon (belgium) and others.
What country has a committee to “Purify” their language
What are Polish, Czech, Slovenian, Serbian, and Bulgarian languages called
What are German, Dutch, Swedish, and English called?
What are Irish/Scottish, welsh languages called
What is the general religion of germanic speakers
What is the general religion of the romance languages
What are the 2 contradictory trends in Europe in the 90s:
devolution (Yugoslavia and czechoslovakia), and supernationalism (EU)
What was the most violent episode of devolution in Europe
The collapse of Yugoslavia
What term arose from the collapse of Yugoslavia
Ethnic Cleansing
What were the 6 republics of Yugoslavia
Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia, Herzegovina
Why and when was yugoslavia created
It was created in 1918 at the end of WWI, with the purpose of granting the “south slavs” a nation where they would have self-determination
What weapons of mass destruction came out of WWI
Poson gas, machine guns
What marked the start of WWI
the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by serbs in a group called the Black Hand
What president created Yugoslavia
Woodrow Wilson
Why did wilson create Yugoslavia
To make a map to prevent another world war
What was the main flaw in the creation of yugoslavia
The south serbs hated each other
What republic was the first to secede from Yugoslavia
What country, who wanted to secede peacefully like slovenia, were prevented from doing so creating a civil war w/ the serbs
What city did Clinton send the presidents of Bosnia, Serbia, and Croatia to talk things out
Dayten, Ohio
How many causalities in the Bosnian War
40K casualties, and 100,000,000 in damages
Why did Serbs begin moving people into Kosovo?
To them, it was Hallowed ground. Similar to Israel with Palestine, it was their first nation./
What happened after the serbs bombed Kosovo?
The US meant to bomb a Serbian Powerplant, but accidentally bombed the Chinese Embassy.
What did the Yugo (serbian dominant) government do after moving into Kosovo?
they wanted to “cleanse” kosovo, so they kicked Albanians out.
What year did NATO bomb targets in Serbia, forcing them to withdraw
March 24, 1999.
When did Kosovo declare independence:
February 17, 2008 .
Romania is not in the romance language area bc
they were conquered by rome, who spoke latin
what countries did Benelux pair up with to form the European Economic Community (EEC)
France, Italy, and West Germany
When did the EEC change into the European Union
Why didn’t Margaret Thatcher want to use the Euro
What were some of the problems with the new European common currency
the name- the eurodollar sounded too american
-what would it look like?
Before becoming the Euro, what was the solution to the name problem of the common current
ECU- European Currency Unit
When was the euro adopted
Jan 2 1999
What country rejected entry into the currency union in 2003 (the eurozone) with the EU, though still remained a member
What countries have not joined the EU
Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and Faroe Islands
What is one tenet of the Schengen Agreement
Certain countries don’t require a passport with each other.
What is the official language of the Chinese?
What is the most spoken language in the world
T or F: China is a pictographic language
what are the two systems of chinese language
Wade Giles (Peking), and the Pin-Yin (Beijing)
What are some things that Chinese culture has contributed to the world?
Silk, Paper, Gunpowder, Printing, Compass, and the Wheelbarrow
What is the FIRST chinese dynasty that had concrete archaeological evidence
Shang Dynasty (1766 BC)
Where was the Shang Dynasty located
Along the banks of the Hwang He river.
What ruler united most of northern china during the Qin Dynasty
Shin Huang Ti
Where did the name China come from
What dynasty built the great wall
Qin Dynasty
What dynasty made the Grand canal
How long was the grand canal by 1327
1100 miles long
What emperor made the terra cotta army
what emperor was the “son of heaven”
King Wu of Zhou
When did Europeans start showing up in China?
When did British ships dock at canton seeking trade ties
What did brits trade opium with china for
What caused the opium was of 1839-42
China tells Britain to not ship opium. Britain said no and fought and won. China is forced to Britain Hong Kong, trade concessions.
What was the western-educated reformer who worked to undermine China’s imperial government
Sun Yat Sen
There were 2 chinas. What was the name of the 2nd one?
What was the political part y that aimed at bringing democratic regime to china?
What unified the political/military factions in the late ’30s to early 40s.
The threat from japan (rape of nanking)
Who declares China a communist state, and when ?
Mao Tse, 1949
After japan is defeated, china is again torn by Civil war. What two parties were involved and who were their leaders?
Mao Tse Tung led the communists. Chiang Kai-Sek led the Guomindang
What emperor led terrible/catostrophic social experiments
Mao Tse
What was the social experiment done by Mao Tse in 1958, and what was its consequence
The great leap forward; caused millions to starve
What social experiment was done in 1966, that nearly caused civil war by creating a “permanent class warfare”.
Cultural Revolution/ Red Guard
When did the PRC china join the UN
When does Mao Tse die?
When/where was the first mention of Japan?
In ancient chinese chronicles.
What was the name that the Chinese gave to japan, and what was its meaning?
“Wa” meaning “Dwarfed”
When did the japanese change their own name, and what does it mean?
300 AD, “Nippan” meaning land of the rising sun.
How did the west come to know the land as Japan?
Since the Chinese pronunciation of “Nippan” is Japan, it was brought to the west by Marco Polo.
In Japanese mythology, how were the Islands unified?
660 BC
Who united the Japanese Islands?
Jimmu Tenno
who was Jimmu Tenno a descendent of
The Sun Goddess, Amaterasu.
Who was the last of Japan’s “divine” emperors
What Emperor did Americans force to denounce divinity?
What Emperor did Americans force to denounce divinity?
Who is Japan’s Emperor today?
Naruhito, as of 2019
Who were the original inhabitants of the Japanese islands
What are some cultural elements that Japan coopted from china?
-A pictographic written language
-Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoist philosophy
-Silk and Tea
What are some cultural elements that Europe gave to Japan?
-Firearms from the Portuguese
Christians were persecuted in Japan, but a small community survived up to 1945. What event obliterated them?
The Bombing of Hiroshima