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Linear Combinations
a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3
Set of vectors where each vector is multiplied by a weight
Ax is a linear combination of the vectors in A
a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x3, a is a vector, x is a weight
Span {v1, v2, v3}
“Set of all linear combinations”
v1 is a base but
2v1, 5v1, and -v1 are
also answers
The linear combinations are simply the solutions
Linear Independence
Only has a trivial solution
v1 != 0, no 0 vector
v1 and v2 cant be multiples
n <= m
Parametric Form
x = p + x3v
x = [#] + x3[# in x3]
x = 3 + x2[5]
x1 = 3 + 5x2
Ax = 0
Identity Matrix
Square matrix
1’s on diaginal
0’s elsewhere (sans b)
Not consistant if 0x = #
m x n
m = rows
n = columns
1’s mostly on diaginal
1’s are leading entries
1’s are the only non zero entry in column
Pivot Posistion
Leading non zero number in row
Row Operations
- R1 == R2
- R1 + 3R2 => R1
- R1 * (1/2) => R1
Is the found solution the only one
Entirety/span of R^n
Co Domain
Entirety of R^m
Trivial Solution
x = 0
Solution Set
An x(s) in Ax=b
x after some transformation
T(x), Ax, b
span of R^m
Set of all images of T(x)
Standard Matrix
A = [ T(e1), T(e2), T(e3) ]
T: R^n -> R^m is onto R^m
R^n = R^m
T: R^n -> R^m is one to one
If T(x) = 0 has one solution
Aka if A is linearly independent
Diagonal Matrix
Non zeros only on main diagonal
Square matrix
A[ b1, b2, b3 ]
Amxn * Bnxp
Amxn becomes Anxm
Inverse Matrix
A * A^-1 = ID
2x2 Invertable Matrix Rule
detA = ad - bc != 0 then invert
invertA = 1/detA [d -b, -c a]
Elementary Matrix
An ID matrix after only one row operation
Inverse Elementary Matrix
The matrix that turns E into a ID matrix
(3x3+) Invertable Matrix Rule
[ A | I ] => [ I | A^-1]
Any set with a zero vector
H = span{ v1, v2, v3 }
Column Space
ColA = span{ a1, a2, a3 }
R dimension and column height need to match
Null Space
All solutions for Ax=0
Basis for Subspace
The linearly independent set, no span
Standard Basis
{ e1, e2, e3 }
Basis for NullA
- Ax = 0
- Parametic form
- Vectors go into { v1, v2, v3 }
Basis for ColA
- Take pivot columns, discard free columns
- Use original A, not RREF
Coordinate Vector of x relative to B
xB = [c1, c2, c3]
x = c1v1 + c2v2 + c3v3
Find xB
Dimensions of Subspace
dimH = Number of vectors in Basis
Number of pivot columns
(Dimensions of ColA)
Rank Theroem
rankA + dim(NullA) = n
n = # of A columns
detA = (-1)^i+j * aij * detAij
detA = ad - bc
Cofactor Expansion
detA = a11C11 + a12C12 + a13C13
Triangular detA
Multiply the main diagional
detA Row Operations
Addition (detB = detA)
Swapping (detB = -detA)
Multiplication (detB = k detB)
Cramer’s Rule
xi = detAi (b) / detA
detA but replace column Ai with b
Adjugate Invertable Matrix Rule
For square invert
A^-1 = (1 / detA) adjA
adjA = [aij]^T =
C11 … Cn1
C1m … Cnm
Area or Volumn of Matrix
S vector space
(-∞, …, v-2, v-1, 0, v1, v2, …, ∞)
Written as a row
P vector space
p(t) = a0 + a1 * t + a2 * t^2 + … an * t^n