stuff i need to know for friday's exam! Flashcards
what is quality assurance?
Quality Assurance does not check the quality of the final product but the quality of all systems on the production line, staff training and quality monitoring. If this is to the highest standard the quality of the final product should also be high.
difference between Quality control and quality assurance?
quality control checks the overall finish of the product, looking for any defaults etc. Whereas, QA looks at the quality on the production line. i.e. chocolate factory example.
what is quality control?
The aim quality control is that the customer will be entirely satisfied by the product he/she purchase.
Quality control procedures are in place which means that after every stage of making a Quality Control Officer checks the standard of the work.
what material do you use to make cereal packaging and how do you manufacture it?
die cut an carton board.
what is an “inclusive design”?
one where they consider/develop products to suit disabled people as well as other consumers.