Stuff Flashcards
Flat, non palpable lesion less than 10 mm
Solid, raised lesion less than 5mm in diameter
Raised, flat top lesion greater than 10mm
Circumscribed, elevated fluid-filled lesion less than 5mm
Circumscribed, elevated fluid-filled lesion greater than 5mm
Transient, elevated lesion of local edema
Small punctate hemorrhages that don’t blanch
Flat, non palpable lesion greater than 10mm
Solid, raised lesions >5mm in diameter
Pus-filled vesicle or bulla
Hard, rough surface formed by dried sebum, exudate, blood, or necrotic skin
Heaped-up piles of horny epithelium with dry appearance
Defect of the epidermis; heals w/o a scar
Defect that extends into the dermis or deeper; heals with a scar
Diagnostic test in which the skin or hair is examined while exposed to the black light emitted by Wood lamp. For anything hyper or hypo pigmented. Used to assess changes in pigment or to fluoresce infectious lesions.
Wood lamp exam
A test for blanchability performed by applying pressure with a finger or glass slide and observing color changes.
Examination of fluid from a bullous lesion for Tzanck cells (altered epithelial cells, rounded and devoid of intercellular attachments); used to diagnose herpes viruses
Tzanck smear
Dermatologists apply patches with common allergens to patients with dermatitis, to find out whether their skin condition may be caused or aggravated by a contact allergy; Demonstrates hypersensitivity reaction
Patch testing
A method of differentiating bacterial species into two large groups
Gram staining
A procedure in which a sample of skin tissue is removed, processed, and examined under a microscope. Several different methods may be used to obtain a skin sample, depending on the size and location of the abnormal area of skin, called a skin lesion
Skin biopsy
Microscopic examination of skin scrapings mounted in KOH, which dissolves keratin and cellular material but does not affect fungi, is performed. This method readily identifies dermatophyte infection.
KOH preparation
A precise surgical technique used to treat skin cancer; thin layers of cancer-containing skin are progressively removed and examined until only cancer-free tissue remains.
Mohs surgery
Pinpoint bleeding after scale is removed
Auspitz sign
Pushing a blister causes further separation of the dermis
Nikolsky sign