Jim and Nancy Walton, both age 55, had adjusted gross income of $25,000 in 2014. During the year, they paid the following medical-related expenses:
Over-the-counter medicines $400
Prescription drugs 300
Doctor fees 830
Health club membership (recommended by
the family doctor for general health care) 800
Medical care insurance 280
How much may the Waltons use as medical expenses in calculating itemized deductions for 2014?
A $0
B $1,090
C $110
D $1,410
A $0
This answer is correct.
The cost of the health club membership is not included in the computation of the medical expense deduction since the cost is incurred for the purpose of improving the taxpayers’ general health, not for curing a specific ailment or disease. Only prescription drugs and insulin are deductible, so the over-the-counter medicines are not included.
Medical care insurance $  280
Doctor fees 830
Prescription drugs 300
Total expenses $1,410
Less 10% of AGI (2,500)

Allowable medical expense deduction $ 0

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Which of the following is not a deduction to arrive at adjusted gross income?
A Capital losses in excess of capital gains.
B Unreimbursed employee business expenses.
C Trade or business expenses.
D Alimony payments.


B Unreimbursed employee business expenses.
This answer is correct.
Unreimbursed employee expenses are a deduction from AGI, as an itemized deduction (below-the-line)

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Matthews was a cash-basis taxpayer whose records showed the following:
2014 state and local income taxes withheld $1,500
2014 state estimated income taxes paid December 30, 2014 400
2014 federal income taxes withheld 2,500
2014 state and local income taxes paid April 15, 2016 300
What total amount was Matthews entitled to claim for taxes on her 2014 Schedule A of Form 1040?
A $1,900
B $2,200
C $4,700
D $1,500


A $1,900
This answer is correct.
For a cash-basis, calendar-year taxpayer, state and local income taxes paid or withheld during the year are fully deductible as itemized deductions not subject to the 2%-of-AGI floor. Federal income taxes are not deductible. State and local income taxes paid in the next calendar year are deductible in the next year.

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Which items are subject to the phaseout of the amount of certain itemized deductions that may be claimed by high-income individuals?
A Medical costs.
B Nonbusiness casualty losses.
C Investment interest deductions.
D Charitable contributions.

D Charitable contributions.
This answer is correct.
Itemized deductions are subject to the phaseout for high income taxpayers. The phaseout applies to all deductions with certain exceptions including medical expenses, casualty losses, and investment interest expenses

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Alex and Myra Burg, married and filing joint income tax returns, derive their entire income from the operation of their retail candy shop. Their 2014 adjusted gross income was $50,000. The Burgs itemized their deductions on Schedule A for 2014. The following unreimbursed cash expenditures were among those made by the Burgs during 2014:
Repair and maintenance of motorized wheelchair for physically handicapped dependent child $ 300
Tuition, meals, and lodging at special school for physically handicapped dependent child in the institution primarily for the availability of medical care, with meals and lodging furnished as necessary incidents to that care 4,000
Without regard to the adjusted gross income percentage threshold, what amount may the Burgs claim in their 2014 return as qualifying medical expenses?
A $0
B $4,000
C $300
D $4,300


D $4,300
This answer is correct.
Medical care expenses of a taxpayer, a spouse, or a dependent are deductible only to the extent they exceed 10% of AGI. Supplies purchased to alleviate a physical defect or provide relief from an ailment qualify as medical expense. Capital expenditures for qualified medical costs are also deductible. If so, the cost of repair and maintenance is also deductible. If the principal reason an individual is in an institution other than a hospital, such as a special school for the handicapped, is the need for, and availability of, the medical care furnished by the institution, the full costs of meals, lodging, and other services necessary for furnishing the medical care are all qualified medical expenditures.

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During 2014, Jack and Mary Bronson paid the following taxes:
Taxes on residence (for period January 1 to September 30, 2014) $2,700
State motor vehicle tax on value of the car 360
The Bronsons sold their house on June 30, 2014, under an agreement in which the real estate taxes were not prorated between the buyer and sellers. What amount should the Bronsons deduct as taxes in calculating itemized deductions for 2014?
A $3,060
B $2,160
C $1,800
D $2,700


B $2,160
This answer is correct.
A deduction is allowed for state, local, and foreign real property taxes, and for state and local personal property taxes. Real estate taxes must be apportioned between the buyer and seller on the basis of the number of days the property was held by each in the year of sale, regardless of an agreement not to prorate them. The taxpayers held the property for 6 months of the 9-month period the taxes covered. The amount of the taxes apportioned to the Bronsons is $1,800 [$2,700 × (6 months ÷ 9 months)]. The state motor vehicle tax on the value of the car is a tax on the value of personal property, so the $360 may also be deducted. The taxpayers may deduct a total of $2,160 as taxes in calculating their itemized deductions.

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Justin Peter earned a salary of $30,000 during 2014. During the year, he was required by his employer to take several overnight business trips, and he received an expense allowance of $1,500 for travel and lodging. In the course of these trips, he incurred the following expenses which were either adjustments to income or deductions from adjusted gross income.
Travel $1,100
Lodging 500
Entertainment of customers 400
What is Justin’s adjusted gross income if he does not account to his employer for the expenses?
A $30,000
B $29,900
C $29,500
D $31,500

D $31,500
This answer is correct.
An employee’s business expenses do not need to be included in and deducted from gross income in arriving at AGI if the employee accounts to his or her employer for the expenses and the expenses equal the reimbursement. All other business expenses incurred by employees (except those incurred by a qualified performing artist) are deducted from adjusted gross income. Justin’s gross income was $31,500 ($30,000 salary + $1,500 expense allowance). When the employee receives an allowance and does not account to the employer for the expenses, the expense allowance is included in gross income and the expenses are deducted as an itemized deduction. Therefore, Justin’s adjusted gross income is $31,500, and his travel, lodging, and entertainment expenses are deductible from adjusted gross income.

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On January 2, 2009, the Philips paid $50,000 cash and obtained a $200,000 mortgage to purchase a home. In 2014, they borrowed $15,000 secured by their home and used the cash to add a new room to their residence. That same year, they took out a $5,000 auto loan.
The following pertains to interest paid in 2014:
Mortgage interest $17,000
Interest on room construction loan 1,500
Auto loan interest 500
For 2014, how much interest is deductible prior to any itemized deduction limitations?
A $18,500
B $17,500
C $19,000
D $17,000


A $18,500
This answer is correct.
The $500 of personal interest paid on the auto loan is not deductible. Qualified residence interest is deductible and includes home acquisition or equity indebtedness. The full amount of mortgaged interest is deductible since there is no more than $1 million of acquisition indebtedness and $100,000 of home equity indebtedness. Home equity indebtedness is debt other than acquisition debt, secured by a qualified residence to the extent it does not exceed the fair market value of the residence reduced by any acquisition indebtedness. Thus, the interest on the room construction loan is deductible as home equity indebtedness. This is based on the assumption that the fair market value of the home is at least $215,000.

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The General Business Credit is limited to net income tax minus the greater of the alternative minimum tax or 25% of net regular tax over $25,000.


Your answer is correct.
The General Business Credit (GBC) is a set of several credits commonly available to businesses. The GBC is limited to net income tax minus the greater of the tentative minimum tax or 25% of net regular tax over $25,000. Net income tax is the sum of regular income tax and minimum tax liability, reduced by nonrefundable credits other than those that comprise the GBC. Tentative minimum tax is an amount used in computing the alternative minimum tax. Net regular tax is the taxpayer’s regular income tax liability (i.e., without alternative minimum tax) reduced by nonrefundable credits.

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As long as an individual participates in rental activity for more than 500 hours, they will not be subject to passive activity loss limitations.


Your answer is correct.
A passive activity is either a rental activity or trade or business in which the person does not materially participate. A taxpayer materially participates in an activity during a tax year if (s)he satisfies any one of six tests, including participating more than 500 hours.

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If a taxpayer disposes of a passive activity interest, any suspended and current-year losses are lost.


Your answer is correct.
Suspended (and current-year) losses from a passive activity become deductible in full in the year the taxpayer completely disposes of all interest in the passive activity. The loss is deductible first against net income or gain from the taxpayer’s other passive activities. The remainder of the loss, if any, is then treated as nonpassive.

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Sam was involved in a car crash in 2015. Damage to his automobile was estimated at $10,000. Original cost was $20,000. His insurance company reimbursed him $9,000. His adjusted gross income was $70,000. What amount can be deducted as a casualty loss on his 2015 return?

A. $0
B. $1,000
C. $10,000
D. $3,000


Answer (A) is correct.
Personal casualty losses are allowed only to the extent that each loss exceeds $100 and aggregate losses exceed 10% of AGI. Furthermore, losses must be reduced by insurance reimbursements. Sam’s deduction is computed as follows:


Insurance proceeds


$100 per casualty


10% of AGI


Deductible casualty loss

$ 0


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In 2014, Ada lived with her son, Robert, and his wife, Barbara. Ada’s only source of income was a $1,500 fully taxable pension, which she spent on clothes and recreation. Robert and Barbara paid Ada’s medical and drug expenses of $600 for the year. Robert and Barbara’s total food expense for the household was $6,000. The fair rental value of the lodging provided Ada was $1,200 for the year, based on the cost of similar room facilities. What was Ada’s total support for the year for purposes of determining whether Robert and Barbara can claim Ada as a dependent?

A. $1,800
B. $3,300
C. None of the answers are correct.
D. $5,300


D. $5,300
Answer (D) is correct.
A taxpayer must furnish more than one-half of the total support provided during the calendar year before claiming an exemption for a dependent (Reg. 1.152-1). Total support is determined on a yearly basis and is the sum of

The fair rental value of lodging,
The costs of all items of expense paid out directly by or for the benefit of the dependent, and
A proportionate share of expenses incurred in supporting the whole household. 

Ada’s total support for the year is $5,300 [$600 medical expenses + $1,200 lodging + 1/3 ($6,000) + $1,500 clothes/recreation].

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For 2015, Mr. Gill, a construction worker, had adjusted gross income of $20,000. He incurred the following employment-related and investment-related miscellaneous expenses:
Safety shoes $ 100
Union initiation fees 2,000
Union dues 300
Life insurance 800
Jeans & flannel shirts used for work 200
Management fees on taxable income-
producing investments 1,200
Legal expenses for drafting a will 100
He was not reimbursed for any of the employment-related expenses. What is the amount of his miscellaneous expense deduction after any limitations?

A. $4,000
B. $3,600
C. $3,200
D. $3,400


Answer (C) is correct.
Dues and initiation fees paid for union membership and the cost of safety shoes are unreimbursed employee business expenses and are deductible subject to the 2%-of-AGI exclusion. Management fees on investments producing taxable income are other expenses also deductible subject to the 2%-of-AGI exclusion. The cost of life insurance, clothing suitable for normal wear (jeans and flannel shirts), and legal expenses for drafting a will are all personal expenditures and may not be included in itemized deductions. Mr. Gill’s deduction is calculated as follows:
Safety shoes

$ 100
Union initiation fees

Union dues

Management fees on investments


Less AGI limitation ($20,000 × .02)


Misc. expense deduction after limitation


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For the year ending December 31, 2015, David Roth, a married taxpayer filing a joint return, reported the following:
Investment income from dividends and interest $24,000
Long-term capital gains on stock held for investment 25,000
Investment expenses 4,000
Interest expense on funds borrowed in 2015
to purchase investment property 70,000
What amount can Roth deduct in 2015 as investment interest expense if he elects to pay his capital gains on stock at an ordinary tax rate?

A. $20,000
B. $70,000
C. $45,000
D. $49,000


C. $45,000
Answer (C) is correct.
The deduction for investment interest is limited to the amount of net investment income. Investment income includes gross income from property held for investment and any net gain attributable to the disposition of property held for investment, to the extent that such amounts are not derived from the conduct of a trade or business. Capital gain from disposition of investment property is generally not considered investment income. However, individuals may elect to treat the gain as investment income by paying taxes at the ordinary rate. Roth had investment income of $49,000 ($24,000 + $25,000) and investment expenses of $4,000, or net investment income of $45,000. His investment interest deduction is limited to $45,000. The $25,000 of disallowed investment interest ($70,000 – $45,000) may be carried over and treated as investment interest paid or accrued in the succeeding taxable year.

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Luis and Rosa, citizens of Costa Rica, moved to the United States in Year 1 where they both lived and worked. In Year 3, they provided the total support for their four young children (all under the age of 10). Two children lived with Luis and Rosa in the U.S., one child lived with his aunt in Mexico, and one child lived with her grandmother in Costa Rica. None of the children earned any income. All of the children were citizens of Costa Rica. The child in Mexico was a resident of Mexico, and the child in Costa Rica was a resident of Costa Rica. How many total exemptions (personal exemptions plus exemptions for dependents) may Luis and Rosa claim on their Year 3 joint income tax return?

A. 4
B. 6
C. 2
D. 5


D. 5
Answer (D) is correct.
In order to qualify as a dependent, an individual must be a citizen, national, or resident of the United States or a resident of Canada or Mexico at some time during the calendar year in which the tax year of the taxpayer begins. Therefore, Luis and Rosa may claim themselves, the two children living in the United States, and the child living in Mexico as dependents for a total of five exemptions.

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Mr. Klein is 67 years old, single, and retired. During 2014, he received a taxable pension from his former employer in the amount of $4,000. His adjusted gross income is $12,450, and he received $500 of nontaxable Social Security benefits. His tax before credits is $75. What is Mr. Klein’s credit for the elderly?

A. $379
B. $0
C. $75
D. $304


Answer (C) is correct.
An individual who has attained age 65 is allowed a credit equal to 15% of the individual’s reduced base amount. For a single individual, the initial base amount is $5,000, reduced by any amounts received as Social Security benefits or otherwise excluded from gross income. The base amount is also reduced by one-half of the excess of AGI over $7,500 (for a single individual).
Initial base amount

Less AGI limitation

[($12,450 – $7,500) × 50%]

Less Social Security benefits


Reduced base amount


× .15

Klein’s credit for the elderly

$ 304

Since the taxpayer’s tax before credits is $75, only $75 of the credit can be claimed.


An individual taxpayer reports the following information:
U.S. Treasury bond income $ 100
Municipal bond income 200
Rental income 500
Investment interest expense 1,000
What amount of investment interest can the taxpayer deduct in the current year?

A. $1,000
B. $300
C. $800
D. $100


D. $100
Answer (D) is correct.
Investment interest expense is only deductible to the extent of taxable investment income. Taxable investment income does not include tax-exempt municipal bond interest or rental income (which is accounted for separately). Because the $100 from U.S. Treasury bond income is the only taxable investment income, only $100 of the investment interest expense may be deducted in the current year.


When determining his alternative minimum tax, Edward had the following adjustments and preference items:
Personal exemption $4,000
Itemized deduction for state taxes 1,800
Refund of prior year state income tax 300
Cash contributions 800
Capital gain 700
Depletion in excess of adjusted basis 700
What are the amounts of tax preference items and adjustments to taxable income for alternative minimum tax purposes on Edward’s 2015 tax return?


Preference $700

Adjustments $5,500
Answer (B) is correct.
The depletion is a tax preference item that must be added back for alternative minimum tax purposes. The adjustments, on the other hand, include the personal exemption and itemized deduction reduced by the refund of prior-year state income tax. Thus, the tax preference items total $700, and the adjustments equal $5,500.


Generally, in computing the alternative minimum tax for individuals, which one of the following is not an adjustment or tax preference for alternative minimum tax purposes?

A. Standard deduction.
B. Personal exemptions.
C. Contributions to an Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA).
D. Tax-exempt interest on certain private activity bonds.


C. Contributions to an Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA).
Answer (C) is correct.
Taxable income must be adjusted to arrive at alternative minimum taxable income (AMTI). The adjustments are described in Secs. 56 and 58 with tax preferences in Sec. 57. The adjustments with respect to itemized deductions of an individual are contained in Sec. 56(b)(1). Contributions to an IRA have no effect on AMTI.


Mr. and Mrs. Baker, who file a joint tax return, have an adjusted gross income (AGI) of $100,000 for 2015. Their son, Tony, began his first year of graduate school on July 15, 2014. The Bakers’ expenses incurred in 2015 were $6,000 for tuition. What is the amount of Lifetime Learning Credit the Bakers may claim in 2015?

A. $2,500
B. $6,000
C. $1,200
D. $2,000


C. $1,200
Answer (C) is correct.
A Lifetime Learning Credit is limited to the amount of 20% of the first $10,000 of tuition paid. The Lifetime Learning Credit is available in years the American Opportunity Credit is not claimed. The Bakers’ credit for 2015 will be $1,200 ($6,000 × 20%). There is no phaseout of the Lifetime Learning Credit for the Bakers since the credit phaseout for married taxpayers filing jointly commences when modified AGI is $110,000 and ends at $130,000.

The Jacksons, who file a joint return, actively participate in a solely-owned rental real estate activity that produces a $30,000 loss during the current year. Their adjusted gross income was $120,000 before considering the rental activity. How much of the rental loss, if any, are the Jacksons entitled to deduct?
A $0
B $25,000
C $15,000
D $30,000

C $15,000
This answer is correct.
Generally, an active participant in rental real estate may deduct up to $25,000 per year in rental real estate losses. For taxpayers whose MAGI exceeds $100,000, the amount of the active real estate loss deduction is reduced for 50% of the excess of MAGI over $100,000. For the Jacksons, this means the currently deductible portion of real estate losses is $15,000 {$25,000 – [($120,000 MAGI – $100,000 base amount) × 50% limitation]}
View Subunit 5.5 Outline


Which of the following may not be deducted in the computation of alternative minimum taxable income (AMTI) of an individual?
A Traditional IRA account contribution.
B Personal exemptions.
C One-half of the self-employment tax deduction.
D Charitable contributions.


B Personal exemptions.
This answer is correct.
Personal exemptions are added back to taxable income when calculating the Alternative Minimum Tax. Therefore, no deduction is allowed for personal exemptions in the computation of AMTI.
View Subunit 5.4 Outline


Dietz is a passive investor in three activities which have been profitable in previous years. The profit and losses for the current year are as follows:

Gain (Loss)

Activity X $(30,000)
Activity Y (50,000)
Activity Z 20,000

Total $(60,000)
What amount of suspended loss should Dietz allocate to Activity X?
A $22,500
B $20,000
C $30,000
D $18,000

A $22,500
This answer is correct.
The passive activity income is allocated pro rata between the two activities with passive losses. As Activity X accounts for 37.5% ($30,000 ÷ $80,000 total loss) of the passive losses, it is allocated $7,500 ($20,000 × 37.5%) of the passive activity income. This results in a net $22,500 ($30,000 – $7,500) passive activity loss allocable to Activity X.
View Subunit 5.5 Outline

Ruth Lewis has adjusted gross income of $100,000 for 2014 and itemizes her deductions. On September 1, 2014, she made a contribution to a private nonoperating foundation (not a 50% charity) of stock held for investment for 2 years that cost $25,000 and had a fair market value of $70,000. The foundation sold the stock for $70,000 on the same date. Assume that Lewis made no other contributions during 2014. How much should Lewis claim as a charitable contribution deduction for 2014?
A $20,000
B $50,000
C $25,000
D $30,000

A $20,000
This answer is correct.
Generally, contributions to private operating foundations are limited to 30% of the taxpayer’s AGI. But contributions of long-term capital gain property to private nonoperating foundations are limited to 20% of the taxpayer’s AGI. Lewis’s charitable contribution deduction should be limited to $20,000 ($100,000 × 20%). The total charitable contribution is equal to $25,000 (lower of FMV or AB) because it is being made to a private nonoperating foundation. $20,000 can be deducted in 2014 because of the 20% limit. The remaining $5,000 can be carried forward for up to 5 years.
View Subunit 5.1 Outline


An individual taxpayer reports the following items for the current year:
Ordinary income from Partnership A, operating a movie theater in which the taxpayer materially participates $70,000
Net loss from Partnership B, operating an equipment rental business in which the taxpayer does not materially participate (9,000)
Rental income from building rented to a third party 7,000
Short-term capital gain from sale of stock 4,000
What is the taxpayer’s adjusted gross income for the year?
A $70,000
B $77,000
C $72,000
D $74,000


D $74,000
This answer is correct.
The taxpayer has active income of $74,000 ($70,000 ordinary income from Partnership A + $4,000 short-term capital gain). The amount of loss attributable to a person’s passive activities is allowable as a deduction only against, and to the extent of, gross income or tax attributable to those passive activities (in the aggregate). Therefore, although the taxpayer has gross income from passive activities of $7,000, this income is offset by $7,000 of passive activity loss from Partnership B. The excess $2,000 passive activity loss ($9,000 – $7,000) is deductible or creditable in a future year, subject to the same limits. Since all of the taxpayer’s passive activity income is offset by the passive activity loss, the taxpayer’s adjusted gross income for the year is $74,000.
View Subunit 5.5 Outline


Sam and Ann Jefferson filed a joint federal income tax return for the calendar year 2014. Among their cash expenditures during 2014 were the following:

$3,000 real estate tax on residence; $400 state and city sales taxes; $900 state income tax.

What is the maximum deduction for taxes on the Jeffersons’ 2014 return?
A $4,300
B $3,000
C $3,400
D $3,900

D $3,900
This answer is correct.
State, local, and foreign real property taxes, and state and local personal property taxes are deductible. Also allowed is a deduction for state income taxes (even if the income is exempt from federal tax) and a deduction of state and local sales tax in lieu of state income tax. Since these taxes are not allowed as a deduction for AGI, they are itemized deductions, and are reported on Schedule A.
View Subunit 5.1 Outline


Jerry and Ann Jones are married and keep up a home for their two preschool children, ages 2 and 4. They claim their children as dependents and file a joint return using Form 1040A. Their adjusted gross income (AGI) is $27,500. Jerry earned $12,500, and Ann earned $15,000. During the year, they pay work-related expenses of $3,000 for child care for their son, Daniel, at a neighbor’s home and $3,200 for child care for their daughter, Amy, at Pine Street Nursery School. How much of their child-care payments are eligible for the Child and Dependent Care Credit on their return?

A. $6,000
B. $0
C. $6,200
D. $3,000


A. $6,000
Answer (A) is correct.
The IRC allows a child-care credit for a portion of qualifying child or dependent care expenses paid for the purpose of allowing the taxpayer to be gainfully employed. The payments cannot be to someone that you or your spouse can claim as a dependent. The maximum amount of employment-related expenses to which the credit may be applied is $3,000, if one qualifying person is involved, or $6,000, if two or more are involved, less excludable employer dependent-care assistance program payments.


Four years ago, an individual taxpayer purchased silver coins at face value for $200. The coins were stolen in the current year, when their fair market value was $1,000. The coins were not covered by insurance. Without considering the limit based on AGI, what is the maximum amount of loss that the taxpayer can deduct on the current-year’s tax return?

A. $900
B. $200
C. $1,000
D. $100


D. $100
Answer (D) is correct.
The amount of the casualty loss is equal to the amount of the adjusted basis of the stolen property over the $100 limitation. Therefore, only $100 is deductible as a casualty loss ($200 adjusted basis – $100 limit).


In computing an individual’s net operating loss, which of the following is not considered business income or deduction(s)?

A. Gain on sale of investment property.
B. Personal casualty loss.
C. Wages.
D. Gain on sale of business property.


A. Gain on sale of investment property.
Answer (A) is correct.
Business and nonbusiness income and deductions need to be distinguished because nonbusiness deductions are deductible in computing a NOL only to the extent of nonbusiness income. Nonbusiness deductions and income are those that are not attributable to, or derived from, a taxpayer’s trade or business. Also, capital losses are only deductible to the extent of capital gains. A gain on the sale of investment property is a capital gain and not business income


Anna is a 22-year-old student with earned income of $4,100 from a summer job and dividend income of $1,100. Her parents claim her as a dependent on their tax return. What is Anna’s basic standard deduction amount?

A. $5,200
B. $6,300
C. $4,450
D. $1,050


C. $4,450
Answer (C) is correct.
The basic standard deduction amount of a student under age 24 who is claimed as a dependent on another individual’s income tax return is limited to the greater of either $1,050 or the dependent’s earned income for the year plus $350 up to the otherwise applicable basic standard deduction amount. Earned income does not include either dividends or capital gains from the sale of stock. Since Anna’s earned income of $4,100 exceeds $1,050 and is less than the otherwise applicable standard deduction amount of $6,300, Anna’s applicable standard deduction is $4,450 ($4,100 earned income + $350).


Carmella is divorced and has two children, ages 3 and 9. For 2015, her adjusted gross income is $30,000, all of which is earned income. Carmella’s younger child stays at her employer’s on-site child-care center while she works. The benefits from this child-care center qualify to be excluded from her income. Carmella’s employer reports the value of this service as $3,000 for the year. This amount is shown in box 10 of Carmella’s Form W-2, but is not included in taxable wages in box 1. A neighbor cares for Carmella’s older child after school, on holidays, and during the summer. Carmella pays her neighbor $2,400 for this care. What is Carmella’s Child Care Credit for 2015?

A. $600
B. $648
C. $720
D. $480


B. $648
Answer (B) is correct.
A credit equal to the applicable percentage of employment-related expenses is allowed. The applicable percentage is 35%, reduced (but not below 20%) by one percentage point for each $2,000 (or fraction thereof) by which adjusted gross income exceeds $15,000. Carmella’s adjusted gross income of $30,000 exceeded $15,000 by $15,000. The amount by which to reduce the applicable percentage is calculated by dividing 15,000 by 2,000, which is equal to 7.5, and must be rounded up to 8. Thus, the applicable percentage is 27% (35% – 8%).

Because Carmella has two qualifying children, she may apply the credit up to $5,400 (the expenses paid) of her child care expenses less the excludable employer dependent-related expenses of $3,000. Therefore, Carmella’s maximum credit is $648 [($5,400 – $3,000) × 27%].


Moore, a single taxpayer, had $50,000 in adjusted gross income for 2015. During 2015, she contributed $18,000 to her church. She had a $10,000 charitable contribution carryover from her 2014 church contribution. What was the maximum amount of properly substantiated charitable contributions that Moore could claim as an itemized deduction for 2015?

A. $10,000
B. $18,000
C. $28,000
D. $25,000


D. $25,000
Answer (D) is correct.
Properly substantiated cash contributions by individuals to qualified charities are limited to 50% of the taxpayer’s AGI, or $25,000 in this case. The carryover is deductible this year to the extent that the total deduction does not exceed the 50%-of-AGI limit, or $7,000 ($25,000 – $18,000).


The Jacksons, who file a joint return, actively participate in a solely-owned rental real estate activity that produces a $30,000 loss during the current year. Their adjusted gross income was $120,000 before considering the rental activity. How much of the rental loss, if any, are the Jacksons entitled to deduct?

A. $25,000
B. $0
C. $15,000
D. $30,000


C. $15,000
Answer (C) is correct.
Generally, an active participant in rental real estate may deduct up to $25,000 per year in rental real estate losses. For taxpayers whose MAGI exceeds $100,000, the amount of the active real estate loss deduction is reduced for 50% of the excess of MAGI over $100,000. For the Jacksons, this means the currently deductible portion of real estate losses is $15,000 {$25,000 – [($120,000 MAGI – $100,000 base amount) × 50% limitation]}.


The Jacksons, who file a joint return, actively participate in a solely-owned rental real estate activity that produces a $30,000 loss during the current year. Their adjusted gross income was $120,000 before considering the rental activity. How much of the rental loss, if any, are the Jacksons entitled to deduct?

A. $25,000
B. $0
C. $15,000
D. $30,000


C. $15,000
Answer (C) is correct.
Generally, an active participant in rental real estate may deduct up to $25,000 per year in rental real estate losses. For taxpayers whose MAGI exceeds $100,000, the amount of the active real estate loss deduction is reduced for 50% of the excess of MAGI over $100,000. For the Jacksons, this means the currently deductible portion of real estate losses is $15,000 {$25,000 – [($120,000 MAGI – $100,000 base amount) × 50% limitation]}.


The at-risk rules

A. Apply at the entity level for partnerships and S corporations.
B. Apply to business and income-producing activities on a combined basis.
C. Limit the type of deductions in income-producing activities.
D. Limit a taxpayer’s deductible losses from investment activities.


D. Limit a taxpayer’s deductible losses from investment activities.
Answer (D) is correct.
The at-risk rules limit a taxpayer’s deductible losses from each business and income-producing activity to the amount for which the taxpayer is at risk with respect to that activity.

Poole, 45 years old and single, is in the 15% tax bracket. He had 2015 adjusted gross income of $30,000. The following information applies to Poole:
Medical expenses $11,000
Standard deduction 6,300
Personal exemption 4,000
The relevant tax brackets are


≤ $9,225

$9,225 to $37,450

Poole wishes to minimize his income tax. What is Poole’s 2015 total income tax rounded to the nearest dollar?

A. $2,239
B. $2,494
C. $1,789
D. $3,116


Answer (A) is correct.
Taxable income is defined as adjusted gross income minus the standard deduction (or total itemized deductions, if greater) and the deduction for personal exemptions. For a single taxpayer in 2015, the basic standard deduction is $6,300. Qualifying medical expenses in excess of 10% of AGI may be deducted as an itemized deduction. Poole’s income tax is computed as follows:
Medical expenses


Less: 10% of AGI ($30,000 × .10)


Allowable medical expenses

$ 8,000

Use the greater of

Allowable itemized deductions or

$ 8,000
Standard deduction


Itemized deductions

Personal exemption


Taxable income

Tax Computation:

First: $9,225 × .10

$ 923
Balance: $8,775 × .15


Income tax

$ 2,239


Taylor, an unmarried taxpayer, had $90,000 in adjusted gross income for Year 12. During Year 12, Taylor donated land to a church and made no other contributions. Taylor purchased the land in Year 1 as an investment for $14,000. The land’s fair market value was $25,000 on the day of the donation. What is the maximum amount of charitable contribution that Taylor may deduct as an itemized deduction for the land donation for Year 12?

A. $14,000
B. $0
C. $25,000
D. $11,000


C. $25,000
Answer (C) is correct.
Charitable deductions at FMV of capital assets to a church are limited to 30% of AGI. However, the FMV ($25,000) of the land is less than 30% ($27,000) of Taylor’s AGI. Therefore, Taylor’s AGI is equal to 100% of the FMV of the donated land.


Nikita is a 50-year-old, unmarried nonresident alien of the United States. She had income taxable by the United States during 2015 and was therefore required to file a 2015 U.S. tax return, due April 15, 2016. Nikita died June 30, 2015, of sudden heart failure. On her U.S. individual tax return for 2015, what is the amount of standard deduction that may be claimed on her behalf?

A. $3,150
B. $12,600
C. $6,300
D. $0


D. $0
Answer (D) is correct.
Once qualified, the standard deduction is allowed in full. It is not prorated if an individual dies during the tax year. Nonresident aliens, however, are ineligible for the standard deduction. Therefore, Nikita may not claim a standard deduction on the 2015 U.S. tax return that will be filed for her.


All of the following qualify as work-related expenses for computing the Child and Dependent Care Credit except

A. Payments to a housekeeper who provides dependent care while the parent is off from work because of illness.
B. The parent-employer’s portion of Social Security tax paid on wages for a person to take care of dependent children while the parents work.
C. The cost of meals for a housekeeper who provides necessary care for a dependent child while the parents work.
D. Payments to a nursery school for the care of dependent children while the parents work.


A. Payments to a housekeeper who provides dependent care while the parent is off from work because of illness.
Answer (A) is correct.
Employment-related expenses are paid for household services and for the care of a qualifying individual. Expenses are classified as work-related only if they are incurred to enable the taxpayer to be gainfully employed. An expense is not considered to be work-related merely because it is incurred while the taxpayer is gainfully employed.


In 2015, Alex Burgos, who is 24 years old, paid $600 to Rita, his ex-wife, for child support. Under the terms of his 2015 divorce decree, Alex claims the exemption for his 3-year-old son, William, who lived with Rita for the entire year. Alex’s only income in 2015 was from wages of $17,200, resulting in an income tax of $290. How much is Alex’s Earned Income Credit for 2015?

A. $503
B. $3,359
C. $5,548
D. $0


D. $0
Answer (D) is correct.
Alex does not have a qualifying child since his son does not live with him for more than one-half of the tax year. An individual eligible for the Earned Income Credit without a qualifying child is one who meets three qualifications: (1) The individual has a principal place of abode in the United States for more than one-half of the tax year; (2) the individual is at least 25 years old and not more than 64 at the end of the tax year; and (3) the individual cannot be claimed as a dependent of another taxpayer for the year the credit is being claimed. Since Alex is only 24, he does not meet the qualifications.