Study unit 3: scientific research Flashcards
distinguish between 2 types of research
Basic research — research that tends to expand on fundamental knowledge (sometimes also called “academic research” or “pure research”). The researcher first states what social phenomenon (eg street children) is researched, and then describes and/or explains the phenomenon.
This type of research is used to support or reject theories by explaining social relationships. It is also used to interpret changes in communities, in order to enhance new scientific ideas/knowledge about our social world
Applied research — research that tends to solve specific problems. Here the researcher aims to address a specific practical social problem. The problem is then investigated and treated in a specific manner by applying acquired researched knowledge
this type of research usually focuses on (a) specific problem(s) and its/their short-term solutions the focus in this type of research is not so much on theory. Applied research generally is descriptive in nature and its main advantage is that it can be applied immediately after the results have been obtained
what is the quantitative approach to research
the approach used by researchers in the social sciences that is more formalised in nature as well as explicitly controlled, with a more carefully defined scope, and that is relatively close to the approach used by researchers in the natural sciences (translation).
Quantitative research is a formal, objective, systematic process in which numerical data are used to obtain information about the phenomena under investigation. This method is used to describe variables, determine cause-effect relationships between variables and examine relationships amongst these variables.
preference is given to the following methods and techniques:
conceptualisation of concepts that can be operationalised through measuring instruments
data-collection techniques, such as structured questionnaires and schedules
data-analysis techniques, varying from simple cross-tabulation of the data to complex analysis techniques
what is the qualitative approach to research
that approach in which the procedures are formalised and explicated in a not so strict manner, but in which the scope is less defined in nature and in which the researcher does his or her investigation in a more philosophical manner
Qualitative research has its roots in symbolic interactionism and concentrates on qualitative aspects such as meaning, experience and understanding.
six principles of qualitative research:
believing in multiple realities
a commitment to identifying an approach to understanding that supports the phenomenon under study
being committed to the participants’ viewpoints
structured: a prescribed way of approachmeasuring instrument: observers, questionnaires, interviews, the analysis of existing documentation, or any standard method of data collectionanalysis technique: analysis is the process in which certain procedures, including techniques, eg, descriptive statistic techniques are used to work through the data that have been collected
conducting the research in a way that limits disruption of the natural context of the phenomenon of interest
acknowledgement of participants in the research process
reporting data in a literary style rich with participants’ commentaries
what comparisons between quantitative and qualitative research is there
they generate different kinds of knowledge
these approaches involve that both require researcher expertise, rigor in implementation, and result in the generation of scientific knowledge.
what is a multi method study
A multiple method study can be described as a study in which the researcher uses multiple methods of data collection and analysis.
what is triangulation
use of multiple methods or perspectives to collect and interpret data about some phenomenon and therefore to converge on an accurate representation of reality is also referred to as triangulation. Triangulation is based on the assumption that any bias inherent in a particular data source, be it researcher or method, would be neutralised when used in conjunction with other sources.
in what ways is triangulation achieved
Data triangulation — the use of more than one data source (questionnaires, diaries, interviews, observational data)
Researcher triangulation — the use of more than one researcher/investigator in a single study to achieve inter-subjective agreement
Theory triangulation — the use of multiple theories or perspectives to interpret a single set of data
Methodological triangulation — the use of multiple methods to study a single topic, for example combining quantitative and qualitative methods in a single study
Analysis triangulation — the use of two or more analytical techniques to analyse the same set of data (De Vos et al 2005:362; Polit & Beck 2008:547–548)
what is validity
a methodological requirement for research methods (such as observation, the use of measuring instruments and other techniques), as well as research results (such as the analysis and interpretation of collected data and conclusions from analyses)
what is reliability
when identical investigations are repeated, similar research results will be obtained
what are the characteristics of multiple methods
Research decisions are based on assumptions that include both the quantitative and the qualitative approaches to research.
A style of research is used that includes both quantitative and qualitative methods and techniques.
The data are used in a complementary manner
list the types of research
Research can be descriptive, exploratory, explanatory or correlational in nature.
what is exploratory research
research is done in a particular field or topic in the social sciences on which no research has been done or of which mention has been made, but which has not been addressed in a scientific manner.
The major purpose of exploratory research is the development and clarification of ideas and the formulation of questions and hypotheses for more precise investigation later
exploratory research can help to determine what further research can be done about the problem matter, or about a specific topic. This information is usually obtained through questions and recommendations and lays the basis for a meaningful research design so that further research can be done.
what is descriptive research
Descriptive research is aimed at giving the specific details of a situation (in this case, a social phenomenon), social environment or relationshipdescriptive research attempts to provide a complete and accurate description of a situation or phenomenon
Descriptive research therefore provides an accurate picture of the characteristics of a specific person, event or group in real-life situations for the purpose of discovering new meaning, describing what exists, determining the frequency of an event or situation, and categorising information
what is explanatory research
Explanatory research is aimed at gaining insight into a situation, phenomenon, community or person.It clarifies the relationships amongst phenomena and identifies why certain events occur
what is correlational research
Correlational research refers to a systematic investigation of relationships between two or more variables to explain the nature of the relationship in the world and not to examine cause and effect
discuss time dimension in research
A cross-sectional study is nonrecurrent in nature and is done at a specific point in time, whereas a longitudinal study is done over a longer period of time.
Prospective studies refer to studies where data is first collected about a presumed cause and then subsequently the effect or outcome is measured
Retrospective studies involve collecting data on an outcome occurring in the present and then linking it retrospectively to determinants that occurred in the past.