Study questions Flashcards
Which fold contains the obliterated umbilical artery?
medial umbilical fold
Which fold contains the inferior epigastric vein?
lateral umbilical fold
Which fold contains the urachus?
median umbilical fold
Extravasation of urine occurs between which two potential spaces?
Scarpa’s fascia and the deep fascia
In 30% of gallbladder attacks, pain is referred to the ___________ region of the back.
right subscapular
What is the function of the ileocecal valve?
prevent backflow of feces into small intestine
The seminiferous tubules join in the mediastinum testis to form a ring-like structure called a:
rete testis
The obstructive sign which indicates portal hypertension in the umbilical region is:
caput medusae
The medial umbilical fold contains:
obliterated umbilical artery
The longitudinal depression lateral to the ascending colon is called the:
right paracolic gutter
Perforation of a duodenal ulcer frequently results in erosion of the ________________ artery.
A condition in infants which food does not pass easily through the pyloric canal, which is characterized by NO increase in size of the pyloric sphincter is called:
congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
The visceral surface of the spleen has three subdivisions which lie against the abdominal viscera. These are the gastric, renal, and ________ surfaces
The structure which accompanies the spermatic cord through the inguinal canal in the male, but is not part of it is the:
ilioinguinal nerve
The fibromuscular band which connects the right crus of the diaphragm to the duodenojejunal flexure is called the:
suspensory muscle fo the duodenum