Study Questions 1 Flashcards
Under the Civil Aviation Act Section 18 what does the term “Authority” apply to?
Civil Aviation & Safety Authority (CASA)
Who is responsible for keeping the flight crew hours?
The flight crew members
When should the pilots log book be updated?
Within 7 days of doing a flight
What is the SSR Code for a Radio Failure?
What are the maximum number of seats for an aircraft with single pilot IFR?
What is the definition of a passenger?
Anyone who is not a crew member
Medical duration for pilot under 40 years is?
12 months
Medium to heavy aircraft approach on final clearance to threshold is?
How many flight attendants are required for a flight with 140 passengers?
How many first Aid kits are required with 44 passengers?
What are the oxygen requirements for flights above 30,000’?
Masks exceed passengers by 10% and present automatically and manual override to activate
What must you do to avoid a hazard in controlled airspace?
Take action and report to ATC as soon as possible
What is the VFR Visibility required in controlled airspace?
Five (5) km
When can you descend below MDA?
When aircraft positioned for normal approach
Distance from shore that ‘good twin’ requires life rafts?
200 NM
What is the maximum speed for a Cat. C aircraft during a turn during instrument departure?
265 kts
What is the maximum speed in a holding pattern below 14,000’?
230 kts
What is the maximum speed in Class F airspace below 10,000’?
250 kts
Define Class F airspace
Uncontrolled airspace where:
- IFR flights within the airspace need to receive an air traffic advisory service
- All flights within the airspace should receive a flight information service if requested
What is the clearance required above terrain above 10,000’?
2000’ vertical and 5nm lateral
Who is responsible for signing out aircraft after maintenance?
Can radioactive materials be carried in PAX compartments?
Negative ghost rider
Can a PAX use an electric shaver on a IFR flight?
Yes, if not conducting an IFR approach
Which of he following is not considered to be Dangerous Goods?
Flares packed in a Life Raft
What is required in controlled airspace if transponder fails?
Proceed as instructed by ATC
What is the distance required for landing if the runway is wet?
115% above the dry requirement
Who must certify the load sheet?
The Pilot In Command (PIC)
IFR flight fuel required at destination when no alternate is required
45mins @ holding speed @ 1500’AGL
ETOPs aircraft must not depart if weather is below approach minima unless?
The alternate AD is within one (1) hour flight time on one (1) engine
What period must a TAF cover for an IFR flight?
30 mins before and 30mins after ETA
Where can a VFR pilot fly at night?
Within 5nm of AD
Can loaded firearms be carried by passengers?
Yes if police are on a mission and no other passengers on board
What is required for an aerodrome to be a suitable alternate at night?
Must have standby power for lights
What are the services provided in Class F Airspace?
Uncontrolled airspace where:
- IFR flights receive an air traffic advisory service
- All flights receive a flight information service if requested
What is the maximum speed permitted within close proximity of an aerodrome?
Not more than 200 kts below 1500’ above aerodrome elevation and within 5 km of that aerodrome.
What is the VFR visibility requirement in Class C airspace below 10,000’?
Flight visibility of 5km below 10,000’
Distance from cloud of:
2 km horizontally & 1000’ vertically outside control zone/ 500’ within control a control zone
In an ETOPS operation under Part 121 what requirement is there for a Take-Off below the instrument approach minima?
- For a two engine aeroplane, within a maximum five one hour flying time, in still air at one engine inoperative cruising speed, of the aerodrome of departure; or
- For an aeroplane having three or more engines, within a maximum of two hours flying time, in still air at one engine inoperative cruising speed, of the aerodrome of departure.
For a flight under IFR without a requirement for an alternate, how many minutes of holding fuel is required to hold at holding speed at 1500’ above the destination aerodrome?
45 minutes
When can a visual approach be requested to RWY14 in POM?
- Within 30nm of the aerodrome of intended landing; and
- Visibility => 5km; and
- Approach can be conducted with continuous visual reference to the surface; and
- @night, the aircraft is;
a) within the circling area
b) aligned with the runway centerline at a distance of 5nm (7nm ILS) - @night, the runway approach or runway lighting is in sight throughout the approach; &
- Until the aircraft is continuously in a position from which a descent to a landing on the intended runway can be made at a normal rate of descent using normal maneuvers that will allow touchdown to occur within the TDZ of the runway of intended landing, the visual approach below the minimum heights:
(a) prescribed for VFR flights under 91.311 (a)(2) and (3) and
(b) where applicable adhere to noise abatement procedures
Established on the GS ILS 14L what should your altitude be crossing the FAF?
At what point should a missed approach be initiated when conducting the ILS approach on JAX RWY14L?
@ distance 1.9PY(0.8IWG) & DA(H) 450’(347’)
A survival kit appropriate to the terrain over which the aircraft is operated must be carried in all aircraft. In addition to the survival kit in an aircraft with 72 seats, of which 44 are booked, how many first aid kits must be carried?
In a part 121 operation, what is the minimum number of flight attendants that can be carried in an aircraft with 238 seats but carrying 140 passengers?
PAX: Required FA
201-250 : 6
When an aircraft is returned to service from maintenance, who is responsible for completing the log books and technical log?
A licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
Can you operate an electric shaver on an IFR flight?
Can radioactive products be carried in a passenger compartment?
Reference CAR 92.9
(b) a person may offer or accept the following forbidden dangerous goods for carriage by air if approved by the director:
(3) radioactive material contained in -
(i) vented Type B(M) packages as defined in the Technical Instructions; or
(ii) packages which require external cooling by an ancillary cooling system; or
(iii) packages subject to operational controls during carriage
(4) packages containing radioactive liquid pyrophoric material
(5) packages containing radioactive material which is also explosive:
(6) infected live animals
In an aircraft able to maintain more than 1000’ with the critical engine inoperative, when must life rafts be carried by all occupants?
When a flight over water is extended more than 200nm from shore
What is the maximum holding speed for all categories at 14,000’ or below?
Reference: CAR 91.421 IFR Holding pattern
Maximum IAS Normal: 230 kts (170 kts Cat A & B)
Max IAS Turbulent: 280 kts (170 kts Cat A & B)
When are police permitted to carry loaded weapons on board an aircraft?
Yes when the aircraft is being operated for police, law enforcement, or military operation and only persons performing an essential function associated with the police are carried in the aircraft.
If not away from the base where the pilot log book is kept within what period of time must entries be completed?
Reference: CAR 61.29 (g)
Within 7 days after the completion of the flight
Landing on a contaminated runway, the landing distance required must be increased by what factor?
Reference: CAR 121.223
When weather reports or forecasts, or a combination thereof indicate that the runway at the estimated time of arrival may be wet, the landing distance available (LDA) is at least 115% of the landing distance required (LDR)
Landing distance is determined in accordance with contaminated landing distance data.
Quick donning masks are required in pressurized aircraft when operating above what altitude?
Reference: CAR 91.535 (c)
An aircraft with pressurized cabin that is operated at altitudes above 25,000’ and up to and including 30,000’ AMSL
(1) quick donning on-demand mask for each flight crew member that is readily accessible to the flight crew member at his or hers normally seated position.
(2) O2 mask capable of providing supplemental O2
i) to every pax and CC
ii) in each washroom and each separate lavatory
(3) therapeutic O2 providing not less than 45 mins supply for 10% of the pax carried.
Who is responsible for monitoring and recording flight and duty times of crew members?
The certificate holder is responsible for keeping an accurate record of the flight and duty times of each crew member
An aircrafts altimeter should be set to 1013.2 to cruise at which of the following levels?
Reference: CAR 91.239 (a)(1)
When operating at or above FL 210, set altimeter to 1013.2 hPa
The details of an accident shall be reported to CAA and within what time frame?
Reference: CAR 12.51 (a), 12.53 (a)-(c)
(a) The PIC of the aircraft that is involved in an accident or if that person is fatally or seriously injured, or if the aircraft is missing, the operator, shall notify the authority of the accident without delay and by the quickest possible means.
CAR 12.53
(a) The PIC of an aircraft that is involved in an accident or, if that person is fatally or seriously injured, the operator, shall provide the occurrence details requested on form CA005 to the authority within 3 working days of the accident
When can an aircraft operate in a danger area?
Reference CAR 9.129 (b)
A pilot must not operate within a danger area designated under part 71 unless that pilot has determined that the activity associated with the danger area will not affect the safety of the aircraft
Under part 121 operations, which mod the listed items is true about the load manifest - who signs it?
Reference CAR 121.307
A holder of an AOC must ensure that:
1) a load manifest is completed before every air operation
2) the load manifest is certified by the PIC
Within what distance from an aerodrome is a pilot able to operate under night in VFR?
Reference CAR 91.301 (a) (3)
A PIC must not operate an aircraft under VFR (3) more than 5 no from the aerodrome of departure at night.
In an area with terrain in excess of 10,000’ what is the vertical and horizontal obstacle clearance required?
Reference CAR 91.417 (a)(3)(i)
If no applicable minimum altitude is prescribed under part 95 (i) in the case of operations over terrain with height in excess of 10,000’, a height of 2000’ above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 5 nm within the navigation tolerance area
An alternate is required if the cloud and visibility are forecast to be below the specified alternate minima within what time period?
Reference CAR 91.405 (a)(1)
A PIC must list in the flight plan at least 1 alternate aerodrome unless:
at least 30 mins before and 30 mins after the estimated time of arrival at the aerodrome of intended landing the meteorological forecast or meteorological reports, or a combination thereof indicate that:
(i) the ceiling and visibility are at or above the alternate minima prescribed under part 95
(ii) there is no probability of reduced visibility due to fog, mist or dust
Following a transponder failure in controlled airspace what action should you take?
Reference CAR 91.249 (d)
A PIC of an aircraft operating in transponder mandatory airspace must immediately advise the ATC unit having jurisdiction over the relevant airspace of any failure or partial failure of the transponder equipment.
What are the lighting requirements for an alternate aerodrome at night?
Reference CAR 91.405 (c)(2)
A PIC of an aircraft must not list any aerodrome as an alternate aerodrome in the IFR flight plan under paragraph (a) unless that alternate aerodrome is equipped with a secondary electric power supply for:
1) ground based electronic NAV aids necessary for the instrument approach procedure to be used; and
2) aerodrome lighting for night operations
If a deviation is made from a clearance due to immediate weather avoidance , what action must be taken?
Reference CAR 91.241 (a)(2)
A pilot of an aircraft operating in a control area or a control zone designated under part 71 must:
(2) when a deviation from an ATC clearance or instruction is required for the safe operation of the aircraft, notify ATC of the deviation as soon as possible.
What is the definition of a passenger under part 121?
A passenger is any person on board the aircraft who is not crew
Define instrument flight time
Instrument flight time means time during which an aircraft is piloted solely by reference to instruments and without external reference points
Definition of daytime
Day means the hours between the beginning of morning civil twilight and the end of evening civil twilight
During RNP operations, as percentage; on what percentage of time must the aircraft be within the defined containment area?
Reference: ?
What is the maximum number of take offs and landings required for the holder of an ATPL holder to remain current by day?
Reference CAR 61.37 (a) (1)
3 take offs and 3 landings within the preceding 90 days
Who is the authority?
Authority means the Civil Aviation Authority of Papua New Guinea
If a pilot aged 45 is issued with a medical stamped “extended currency multi-crew only operations” how long may it be valid for?
Reference: CAR 67
12 months with the latter 6 months with restrictions
Extended currency only valid for multi-crew operations or not valid for carriage of passengers; glider towing; unpressurized flight above 8000’; flight over built up areas; IFR flying; International air navigation
Weather radar is required for which aircraft?
Reference: CAR 125.373, CAR 121.375
A certificate holder shall ensure that each of its turbine-powered aeroplanes in excess of 5700 kg MCTOW operating under IFR is equipped with weather radar.
A certificate holder shall ensure that each of its turbine powered aero planes operating under IFR is equipped with a weather radar.
Under what circumstances may a passenger smoke on a flight?
Under no circumstances
Under what conditions may a pilot operate under IFR into icing conditions?
The aircraft is certificated with ice protection equipment for flight in the type of known icing conditions