Study Journal Flashcards
- Complete digestion and removal of necrotic tissue
- Caused by release of lysosomal enzymes from ischemic tissue
- Phagocytic cells migrate, formation of a cystic cavity
- Hypoxic CNS injury often precedes this
Liquefactive necrosis
- Implies relative preservation of the architecture of the necrotic tissue
- Hypoxia leads to buildup of lactic acid and denatured proteins
- Denatured proteins look coagulated
Coagulative necrosis
- Blood entry into a necrotic area
- Occurs in organs with a dual blood supply (lung)
- Occurs in reperfusion injury of the CNS
Hemorrhagic infarcts (871)
Lithium toxicity
- Narrow therapeutic index
- Acute toxicity: GI upset, and neurologic findings (NMJ excite, delirium)
- Chronic toxicity preceded by volume depletion
- Chronic tox: involuntary mvmt, tremor, and ataxia
- Excreted exclusively by kidneys, filtered by PCT
- Thiazides limit Na+ reabs in DCT→+reabs in PCT
- ACEi’s and NSAIDs also impair clearance
- Risk factors present for airborne antigen exposure
- CD8+ cells predominate in BAL
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (796)
- Sxs of wheezing, fever, and BAL eosinophilia
- Pt from Indian subcontinent
- Clinical manifestation of lymphatic filariasis (roundworms)
Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia (TPE)
Tyramine hypertensive crisis (572)
- Which MAO?
- Which transporter:
- What causes sxs?
- Cheese, draft beer, sausage contain this
- MAO-A inhibition increases concentration
- Gets taken up via NE transporter and vesicular monoamine transporter
- NE is displaced and increases sympathetic activity and HTN
- Increased V and P of endolymph, defective resorption
- Dmg to vestibule and cochlea
- Episodic triad: tinnitus, with feeling of ear fullness; vertigo without motion and n/v; sensorineural hearing loss with variable severity
Meniere disease (308)
- Otoliths in semicircular canals
- Brief episodes brought on by head mvmd
- No auditory sxs
- Inflammation of vestibular nerve (viral, post viral)
- Single episode lasting days
- Severe vertigo, no hearing loss
Vestibular neuritis (labyrinthitis)
- Overuse of diuretics leading to volume loss
- Compensatory increase in aldosterone production
- Na+ and water retention, K+ and H+ wasting
- High pH, high HCO3-, and high pCO2
Contraction alkalosis
- From C1-C3, innervates sternohyoid, sternothyroid, and omohyoid mm
- Penetrating injury to the neck above cricoid cartilage can injure
Ansa cervicalis
- May be injured during surgery of posterior triangle
- SCM, traps, and clavicle
Accessory nerve
- Thyrocervical trunk goes posterior to carotid and jugular
- Serves inferior pole of thyroid
- Injury common with hoarseness due to proximity to recurrent laryngeal
Inferior thyroid artery
- Acid labile: pts with achlorhydia or taking PPI’s (omeprazole) are sensitive to IFX
- Grows on highly alkaline selective media
Vibrio cholera (977)
- Increased risk with chronic liver disease
- Occurs in setting of open wound infected by contaminated water
- Also in raw seafood like oysters
- GI illness, shock after raw seafood ingestion or seawater
- Culture wound/stool–>fastidious, salt loving bacteria
- Sp?
- Tx?
Vibrio vulnificus
-Doxycycline and 3rd get cephalosporin
- Tremors, agitation, anxiety, delirium, psychosis
- Seizures, tachycardia, palpitations
Alcohol Withdrawal
- Tremors, anxiety, perceptual disturbances, psychosis, insomnia
- Seizures, tachycardia, palpitations
BDZ withdrawal
- N/V, cramping, mm aches
- Dilated pupils, yawning, piloerection, lacrimation, hyperactive bowel sounds
Heroin withdrawal
-Increased appetite, hypersomnia, intense psychomotor retardation, severe depression “crash”
Stimulants (cocaine, amphetamines) withdrawal
-Dysphoria, irritability, anxiety, increased appetite
Nicotine withdrawal
Pt sxs:
- At least 2 weeks
- At least 5/9 SIGECAPS
- Fx impairment
- No history of mania
- Not due to other condition or drugs
Pt sxs:
- Identifiable stressor
- Onset within 3 months of stressor
- Marked distress
- Fx impairment
Adjustment disorder with depressed mood
- Clinical triad: acute onset neurologic abn, hypoxemia, petechial rash
- Pt. with long bone/pelvic fx
- Fat globules occlude pulmonary microvessels→shunting
- Some escape, get to CNS and skin
Fat embolism syndrome
Five phases of inflammatory leukocyte accumulation
- Margination
- Rolling: Sialyl Lewis X or PSGL-1 to L-Selectin on N or E/P selectin on endothelial cells (cytokines increase)
- Activation: slow rolling activates integrins
- Tight adhesion and crawling: N binds with CD18 beta 2 integrins (mac-1 and LFA-1) to ICAM-1 on endothelial cells
- Transmigration: squeeze out via integrins and PECAM-1
-Delayed detachment of the umbilical cord
-Recurrent skin IFX without pus formation
-Poor wound healing
Which CD marker is deficient?
Inheritance pattern?
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD) type 1
- Absence of CD18 part of beta 2 interns–> low Mac-1 and LFA-1
- AR
DX? Name 2 sequelae
- Relaxation of pharyngeal mm→closure
- Loud snoring/apnea
- Daytime somnolence
- Non-restorative sleep, frequent awakenings
- Morning HAs
- Affective, cognintive sxs
Obstructive sleep apnea
pHTN and RHF
- Restricted expansion of thorax due to severe obesity
- DX?
- pCO and pO2?
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (Pickwickian syndrome)
-Chronically elevated pCO2, low pO2
3 vaccines with protein carriers
3 proteins
- S pneumo, N meningitides, H flu
- Diphtheria toxin, N meningitides outer membrane complex, tetanus toxoid
Etanercept, Infliximab, Adalimub
- Use
- ADRs
- Decoy receptor for TNF-alpha
- Tx moderate to severe RA, esp in pts who fail MTX
- Increase susceptibility to TB, fungi, and atypical mycobacteria
-Tests at baseline and why
-Lung and lvier toxicity: CXR and LFTs recommended at baseline
- Use
- ADRs*
- antimalarial, also for SLE and rheumatic dz (RA, sjogrens)
- Decreases TLRs, reducing dendritic signaling
- Irreversible retinal dmg
- Wide fixed split S2
- Mid systolic murmur over P, mid diastolic murmur over T
- Risk for what?
-Paradoxical embolism occurs with transient reversal due to straining in coughing or defecation
- Early diastolic decrescendo over upper left sternal border
- Effect of amyl nitrite?
Aortic regurgitation
-amyl nitrite–>vasodilation–>low TPR–>less regard–>softer murmur
- Systolic ejection murmur heard simultaneously over A and M
- Diamond shaped
- Increases with standing
- Systolic ejection murmur
- Decreases in intensity upon standing
Valvular aortic stenosis