Study Guide Chapter 2 Flashcards
All but which of the following is true in relation to CP?
A. It grabs headlines throughout the nation
B. There is a consensus in defining it
C. Police conferences discuss it in depth
D. Special training can prepare officers to carry out problem-solving programs
There is a consensus in defining it
CP is a transitional process in which the \_\_\_\_\_\_ removes barriers that impede change. A. Sgt B. Beat cop C. Chief Executive Officer D. Citizen
Chief Executive Officer
CP is a transitional process in which the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ removes barriers that impede change. A. Sgt B. Beat Cop C. Chief Executive Officer D. Citizen
Chief Executive Officer
All but which of the following is true about the working definition of CP?
A. Officers work jointly with community residents
B. Consideration is given to the needs of the community
C. The police work to solve a community’s problems for them
D. The causes of crime are agreed upon
C. The police work to solve a community’s problems for them
An essential ingredient of CP is A. Empowerment of officers and first-line supervisors B. Involvement of upper mgmt. C. increased funding D. flexibility of shift assignments
A. Empowerment of officers and first-line supervisors
With the introduction of CP, the \_\_\_\_\_ is/are at center stage A. Chief Executive Officer B. Residents and business owners C. Community policing officers D. first-line supervisors
D. First Line supervisors
Quality supervisors must personify the attributes of \_\_\_\_\_\_ if community policing is to succeed. A. A communicator and an authoritarian B. An Authoritarian and a role model C. A facilitator and a coach D. A coach and an authoritarian
C. A facilitator and a coach
During the facilitation process, the supervisor must do all of the following except
A. Take over the task of an independent problem solver
B. Convince police officers that community engagement and problem solving are real police work.
C. Genuinely support organizational changes
D. Articulate and reinforce the philosophy of CP.
A. Take over the task of independent problem solver
Responsibilities of a first-line supervisor for supervising CP officers include
A. Personalizing failures and judging the individual officer to decide whether the officer is fit for the program
B. Encouraging officers not to take risks, but to discuss problems with the supervisor first before acting
C. Ensuring retention of beat integrity when problem solving
D. Discouraging inventiveness when problem solving
C. Ensuring the retention of beat integrity when problem solving
Supervisors can reinforce the collaboration process of problem solving by
A. Requiring detailed paperwork
B. Checking the efforts of officers
C. Requiring notification of every effort
D. Using a “hands-off” approach that encourages independence
B. Checking the efforts of officers
Failure should lead to A. Review board B. Growth C. Punishment D. Reparation
B. Growth
All but which of the following describes the first-line supervisor's functions under empowerment A. Mentor B. Manipulator C. Motivator D. Facilitator
B. Manipulator
The first phase of the problem-solving approach is A. Searching B. Seeking C. Scanning D. Scope
C. Scanning
Philosophically, CP is an insignificant change in the provision of police services
CP gives officers an opportunity to move closer to the community
CP is a transitional process in which the Chief Executive Officer removes barriers that impede change
CP, to be successful, demands radical changes over time if there is to be significant alteration in the way the organization attains goals
Line officers and supervisors are the recipients of a minor shift of power and authority
Empowerment is when the supervisor encourages officers to “stay out of trouble” and “not bother” their Sgt
When empowerment occurs CP is doomed
Supervisors must convey to all officers the importance of CP and that it is real police work
Under CP, isolation between officers and detectives must always be reduced
The Chief Executive Officer is the key to CP, and all other units should support the problem-solving efforts
Methods in which first-line supervisors monitor and respond to citizen complaints affect the credibility of the line officers as well as the PD
CP involves giving officers greater control over their working conditions
The first-line supervisor must manage is a formal manner to avoid mistakes
When managing failure, a first-line supervisor must personalize the failure of the CP officer and evaluate the individual officer to decide if they are fit to belong to the unit.
The importance of collaboration in CP is that it can provide a variety of resources to resolve identifiable problems.
The analysis component of the problem-solving approach involves identification of a community problem
The problem-solving approach may assess the effectiveness of CP through public surveys
Community Policing
CP is a philosophy of policing in which officers work closely with community residents. This is accomplished by the officers having informal contacts with residents and institutions serving the area. CP lets LEO address not only the crimes, but also their causes.
Along with identifying problems. the dept can focus on the community resources to solve the problems. To be successful, top mgmt. must express the values and mission of CP to all levels within the organization
Empowerment The 5 identified characteristics of officers and supervisors operating in a CP organization are 1. risk taking 2. originality 3. creativity 4. individuality 5. problem solving
Empowerment is the conscious decision of the CEO to allow others to assume decision-making through delegated power and authority. The supervisor’s role requires that he or she coach, support and help officers in planning, analyzing and solving community problems
Quality supervision involves shared decision-making, team work, creativity and innovation.
Process Facilitation
The first-line supervisor is responsible for conveying the importance of CP to the police officers. The officers need to be shown that the involvement in the community and problem solving is real police work
Process Facilitator is a supervisor who communicates openly becomes a team member and encourages officers to participate actively in problem solving.
When the first-line supervisor accomplishes becoming a process-facilitator, the can effectively serve as a conduit to relay information up the chain of command.
It is imperative to the success of CP program to build partnerships w/in the agency. Through these partnerships come resources to solve the problems as they become identified. The first-line supervisor must “sell” the problems to all unit and foster a relationship that assures commitment to the cause.
For CP to work, a wide range of resources must be used to solve problems. Identification of resources and the development of collaborative efforts are essential. Line officers should have a means for requesting services. Supervisors should monitor and evaluate the collaborative process. Liaison and follow up are essential to the success of collaboration.
Problem Solving
The modern approach to problem solving is a positive orientation that is proactive in nature. Thus, problems are viewed from the perspective of the entire community. Citizens, PDs and other agencies unite to work proactively in identifying community problems and in correcting them. Within the PD, detectives and line officers use the problem-solving approach to identify, analyze and respond to factors that often lead to citizen complaints or requests for help
The 4 components of problem solving are
- Scanning: Identifies the problems and prioritizes them. The scanning phase also involves the assignment of personnel
- Analysis: learning what the problem’s causes and effects are. Analysis involves the collection of all available info including actors and incidents
- Response: initiating actions to either correct or alleviate the problem. May involve engaging the resources of other community agencies and resources.
- Assessment: process of determining the effectiveness of the response. May involve administration of a community survey to gather info on attitudes and opinions toward police response.
Supervising the CP officers
The authoritative style of supervision is not conducive to managing a CP officers–officers must be given greater control over their work environment.
A few rewards to the CP officers are:
- The have a greater control over work performed
- They have an increased responsibility for the work performed and increased autonomy
- They have direct involvement in the decision-making process due to increased participation in problem-solving
Therefore, it appears that CP officers can obtain greater job satisfaction. The first-line supervisors becomes more of a resource person and manager for the officers. First-line supervisors must spend time with the officers in the neighborhood if they are to be able to help with the community problems they face.
Managing Failure
Managing in a CP environment must be d one in an informal manner. This is bc this problem-solving approach is a new technique for officers, and the supervisors must accept that they will make mistakes and failures will occur. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to manage and control those failures, so that positive results can ultimately occur. Documenting failures is also important, so that this info can be shared without interested people. This will allow the agency to identify areas that need training. A teamwork philosophy must prevail if CP is to be successful.
Managing failure is a process of depersonalizing failure and judging the actual event and not the involved individual
Realizing that failure should lead to growth and not negative discipline for the officer is important for the supervisor.