Study guide Flashcards
Benefits of vinyasa yoga
Links movement and breath Balances pranic and apanic energy in body (vital life force) Heats muscles Lubricates joints Promotes mindfulness
The 5 hindrances of meditation
Sensory desire Ill will (anger) Boredom Restlessness Doubt
Tension is where you cannot move any more - might be able to as your body warms ex: forward fold and knees bent or straight
Cannot move any further due to bone on bone. Ex: how far you can move in a back bend
The diaphragm is the breathing muscle how does it work?
It expands downward as you inhale and contracts upward as you exhale
Benefits of pranayama techniques
Helpful in supporting the parasympathetic nervous system - slowing the heart rate, lowering blood pressure, releasing muscle tension, slowing and steadying the breath, bringing a sense of peace and calm
Nadi Sodhana
Alternate nostril breathing
“Bellows breath” forceful inhale and exhal
Quick/short forced exhalation and an automatic passive inhalation
3 part breath in and out through the nose. “Ocean breath” inhale: lower belly, lower rib cage, upper chest. Exhale: upper chest, lower chest, lower belly
What does the word yoga mean/translate to?
Yoke/Unite to join
How does Patanjali define yoga?
Yoga is the restraint of the modifications (of fluctuations) of the mind
According to Desikachar, where do we begin yoga practice?
Where we are
What two qualities must every asana have?
Steadiness (Sthira) and Ease (sukha)
What lineage of yoga are we learning?
Father of modern yoga - vinyasa yoga
3 Bandhas (Energy Locks)
What is karma?
Actions and or results of actions
What is prana?
Vital life energy
What does Pranayama translate to?
To stretch or extend vital life energy
How can you neutralize spine after backbending?
Ex: windshield wiper legs, apanasana (knees to chest), reclined twist, happy baby, wide-legged child’s pose
What is Vinyasa Krama
An intelligent way of doing things, a plan. Literally, to take a step in a special way.
The 5 regions of the spine
Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Coccyx
Concave curve of the spine
Convex Circe of the spine
Abnormal lateral curve of the spine
Cervical and lumbar spine are….
Lordotic. Concave curve of the spine
Thoracic and sacral spine are….
Kyphotic. Convex curve of the spine
Ligaments connect
Bone to bone
Tendons attach
Muscles to bone
The shoulder girdle consists of:
There are 4 sets of abdominal muscles:
Rectus abdominis (8 pack)
Internal oblique (below external oblique - side)
External oblique (responsible for twisting of trunk)
Transversus abdominis (layered below oblique wraps around)
The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. It’s location is L4 through S3. Compression of this nerve can cause physical symptoms such as:
Tight piriformis muscles, pain, burning, or tingling down the back of the leg from the buttocks to the knee, pain when bending over, sitting or driving a car
External rotation of hip
When sitting in the figure 4 the leg that is bent in front- that hip is externally rotated
Internal rotation of hip
When in the seated figure 4 pose the leg that is behind you - that hip is internally rotated
How does mindfulness help our yoga practice?
Accepting of others, non-judgment. face challenges of everyday life with less reactivity, heightened compassion.
Practice becomes firmly grounded when well-attended to for a long time, without break and in all earnestness.
Yoga Sutra of Patanjali 1.14
What are the Nadis?
Nadi translates as stream or channel. The nadis are streams of energy that run throughout the body. The three primary nadis are Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna. Ida runs along the left side., and Sushumna runs along the central axis of the body, and Pingla runs along the right side. Sushumna links the chakras.
Ida Nadi
runs along the left side
Pingla Nadi
runs along the right side
Sushumna Nadi
Runs centrally through the body and links the chakras
Book 1 of Sutras
What is yoga?
Book 2 of Sutras
How to practice yoga
Yamas & Niyamas
8 limb path