Study Guide 5-6 Flashcards
Chapter 5 : theoretical basis of psychiatric nursing
The traditional psychodynamic frame helped form the basis of early nursing, interpersonal interventions, including the development of therapeutic relationships and the use of such concepts as transference, countertransference, empathy and object relations
Who were the 3 neo-Freud models?
Alfred adler
Karl Jung
Karen horney
What did Alfred Adler focus on?
Based on principles of mutual respect, choice, responsibility, consequence and belonging
What did Karl Jung work on?
Concept of persona
What did Karen horney work on?
Feminine psychology
Women are not disadvantaged because of their genitalia organs but because of authoritarian culture
Who were the 3 humanistic theories?
Carl rogers
Frederick S perls
Abraham Maslow
What did Carl rogers do? (4)
Patient centered therapy
Unconditional positive regard
Nonjudgmental approach
What did Frederick perls do?
Gestalt theory
Bringing unmet needs into awareness through exercise (empty chair technique )
Who are the 3 behavioral theories ?
Ivan Pavlov
John B Watson
Edward L thorndlike
What did Ivan Pavlov do?
Classical conditioning
What did John B Watson do?
Principles of frequency an recency
What did Edward L thorndlike do?
Edward remember D for the P in the S word
Concept of stamping and reinforcement of positive behavior
Who are the 2 cognitive theories?
Albert bandura
Aaron T beck
What did Albert bandura do?
Concept of modeling ( learning by watching )
What did Aaron T beck do?
Concept of cognitions and beliefs
Relationships between cognition and mental health
The cognitive behavioral theories are often used in strategies that help?
Patients change behavior and thinking
What did developmental theories explain?
Normal human growth and development over time
Why is sociocultural theories important?
Helps understanding and interacting with patients as members of families and culture
Who are the 2 sociocultural theories?
Margaret mead
Madeleine leininger
What did Margaret mead do?
Cultural and gender
What did Madeleine leininger do?
Transcultural care model
Who are the 2 interpersonal relations models we look at that has helped conceptualize basis for nursing practices?
Hildegard peplau
Ida Jean Orlando
What did Hildegard peplau do?
Introduced the concept of the nurse client relations, emphatic linkage
What did ida Jean Orlando do?
Helped nurse focus on the whole patient rather than the disease of institutional demands
Who is the 2 existential and humanistic theoretical perspectives theoriest?
Rosemarie Rizzo parse
Jean Watson
What did Rosemarie Rizzo parse do?
Viewed humans as indivisible, unpredictable, every changing coauthors and experts about their life
Rosemarie Rizzo parse has 3 major themes which were?
Rosemarie Rizzo parse also had postulates, which are 4?
What did Jean Watson do? (2)
Theory of caring
Caritas and Carisa process
Who were the 3 system models?
Imogen M king
Betty neuman
Dorothea orem
What did imogen M king do?
Theory of goal attainment through personal, interpersonal and social interactions
What did Betty neuman do?
Patient system interacting with the environment
What did Dorothea orem do?
Theory of self care
Emphasis is on promoting independence of the individual and on self care activities
Chapter 6
Biologic foundations of psychiatric nursing
Neuroscientists now view behavior and cognitive function as a result of complex interactions within the CNS and its plasticity or its ability to adapt and change in both structure and function
Cerebrum can be divided into what?
Left hemisphere %?
Mixed %?
2 halves or 2 hemispheres
95% dominant
5% mixed dominance
Each hemisphere of the brain is divided into 4 lobes which are?
What does the frontal lobe do? (3)
Controls motor speech
Working memory
Frontal lobe is often called?
The executive functions that governs one ability to plan and initiative action
Frontal lobe has what?
What area^
Broca’s area
What does the partial lobe do?
Control sensory function
What does the temporal lobe do?
Contains the primarily auditory and olfactory areas
What does the temporal lobe contain?
Wernickes area
So where is wernicke area
Where is Broca’s area?
What does the occipital lobe do?
Controls visual integration of information
What is the basal ganglia involved in?
Motor function and the learning and the programming of behavior or activies that are repetitive and done over time, become automatic
The structure of the limbic system are integrally involved with?
Memory and emotional behavior
Dysfunction of the limbic system has been linked to what?
Major mental disorders
Depression and anxiety examples
Remember it’s for memory and emotion
Neurons communicate with each other how?
Through synaptic transmission
What does the hippocampus do?
Memory learning and emotion
Short term memories and transfer them to long term storage
What does the thalamus do?
Information relay station
Recall everything BUT SMELL!
What does the hypothalamus do?
Body temperature
Sex drive
Although no one gene has been found to produce any psychiatric disorder
Significant evidence indicates that most psychiatric disorders have a genetic predisposition or susceptibility
For individuals who have such a genetic susceptibility, the identification of risk factors is crucial in helping to plan interventions to prevent development of that disorder or to prevent certain behavior patterns like aggression or suicide
PNI examines what?
Relationship among the immune system, nervous system, endocrine, thoughts, emotions and behavior
What does chronobiology focus on?
Study and measure of time structure or biologic rhythms occurring in the body and associated dysregularions of these cycles as contributing factors to the development of psychiatric disorders
Are biological markers physical indicators of disturbance within the CNS that differentiate one disease process from another?
How so)
Biochemical changes or neuropathological changes
How are these biologic markers measured examples?
CT scanning