Study Guide # 3 Flashcards
- What is the role of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in regulating circadian rhythms?
It is the region of the brain serving as a biological clock that maintains circadian rhythm for a 24 hour period. This keeps track of the daylight.
The black represents activation od the cells. Light activity is shown in the night.
- Describe the retinohypothalamic pathway and the role of melanopsin.
( Cortical pathway) Optic nerve that extends from the retina to the SCN.
- Not important for vision
67 Can melatonin be used to shift circadian rhythm?
It does not induce sleep, but helps as a sleep aid. It does not maintain sleep.
EEG: Measures electrical activity recorded from electrodes attached to a person’s scalp
- It measure gross electrical actiivty of the neocortex
EOG: Recording eye movements
EMG: Records physiological activity of muscles
Stage 1 of Sleep
Stage 3 of Sleep
REM Sleep
High growth hormone release
- A lot of activity in the cortex.