Study Group Questions Flashcards
How do I setup/upload a new pdf document that requires a DocuSign/Adobe Sign signature in MD-App?
True or False: Aiva Application Analytics is a global feature not facility specific.
False, it is per application template.
How do I make an application template available to send as a reappointment application template? For example, when I start a reappointment I want to select a specific application template.
Go to Set up MD APP Application Templates the app needs the template to have the isreappointment checked off.
Which document signing service could you setup with MD-App?
AdobeSign OR DocuSign – not both.
How do I require a minimum of 3 peer references in my MD-App template?
Select 3 in the Required Objects 0 so the applicant would need to enter at least 3 references in the step in the application
Setup MD APP Applciation Template. Click on templates. Scroll down and select the field Peer references and click edit and type in 3 in required objects.
Which email is sent to the initial applicant if they do not have an MD-App account?
New Account, New Application. New Applciation New Account.
True or False: The Template Document Map
feature in MD-App setup is used to automatically merge .pdf files at MD-App application import and save a copy of the merged .pdf in the provider’s ‘Files’ tab.
I do not to want the system to auto-verify the application, how do I stop this?
Upon MD APP import process, don’t want them to run uncheck verify all
What is required to send out an MD-App initial application template? Do I need the NPI?
Provider’s email, First name, last name. NO NPI need.
True or False: I forgot to add a DocuSign/Adobesign document - I would need to restart the application process.
False – you can go into the application and add the document before the application is submitted.
True or False: I always have to be the one to reset the provider’s password.
False – the provider can reset their own password when they access MD APP
True or False: If an application is imported, I can hit the rewind button.
False. Once imported the application cannot be altered.
Where do you setup verification automation for MD-App? For example, when the application is imported.
Setup>Aiva Credentialing>Credentialing Automation Settings
(Is this the same question as above??)
In a market/multi-facility type structure - I have one provider appointed at one facility, however they need to apply to another facility. Which option is this in MD-App?
Credentialing>MD-APP>New Affiliations
What does Import Conflicts indicate?
What is in MD-Staff is different than what the provider put on their application.
How do I create a password for the MD-App applicant?
In MD APP under Users click the users name and either Set Password or by clicking reset password it sends an email to the provider to reset their own password.
Credentialing, manage applications. Users, click the email and click set password.
Get familiar the manage application dashboard and what is displayed on it. Get familiar with the different statuses on the Manage Applications dashboard.
Needs Attention: Application is ready for specialist review. Ready to Import: No conflicts and application can be reviewed and imported. Conflicts: Application and MD staff don’t match, need specialist review and approval of conflicts before importing. In Progress: Application has been imported and is being worked on by specialist. ALL: list of all applications whether imported or outstanding.
When using MD-App, what is the proper workflow for sending an Initial Application at the facility-level for a provider returning from resignation (currently ‘archived’)?
Unselect the ‘Archived’ checkbox on their Appointment page. Next, send the application via ‘Begin a Reappointment’ selecting the ‘Initial Application’ application template.
What fields on the Provider’s appointment page auto-populate with MD-App?
Application Sent,Application Submitted,Application Received,
When building a checklist what is the proper TaskID for the State License Verification Task?
License/Credential Verification
When building a checklist what is the proper TaskID for the NPDB Verification Task?
Verification / subtype NPDB
A Super User for your MD-Staff setup a monthly scheduled task for the OIG verification. If you want the checklist to only have one OIG verification what should you set on the checklist template?
Set the count to 1
Get familiar with which icons/buttons get you to your assigned Checklists items – not via the Provider Record.
My Tasks on the upper right - Or Under MD Staff – Tasks by User - or Under MD Staff – Task by “my name”
When you complete a Provider’s credentialing checklist, what happens to their Appointment page?
Application processed date populates and credentialing complete checkbox gets checked
If you setup your checklist to require 3 peer references and you add it to a Provider Record who has two references, can you explain how it will look like to another user?
A line item of Professional Reference will populate as well as the line items with the names of the other two references that provided.
Which button on the Checklist section of the provider record allows you to see the checklists that are archived or at a facility or market level?
What is a checklist?
A to-do list of all the tasks in the credentialing process.
What is the task ID for NPI?
Verification Subtype NPI
If you need to publish provider privileges at a future date, what Aiva Aware job would you need to enable?
Aiva Aware / Publish Privileges
When you build a privilege form what types of elements can you add?
Privilege, Text, Custom Privilege, Criteria or Signature Line
What is the purpose of adding a new version of a privilege form?
Eliminate the need to manually send reappointments one by one when transitioning to a new privilege form. Replace old version once activated.
True or False: If you have a market level privilege form, and if you wanted to add criteria - could you make it facility specific?
If you create a new privilege form to replace an existing privilege form and want to make sure providers with the old privilege form automatically get the new one at reappointment, what should you do?
Archive the form and list the Next Form to replace
True or False: Individual Privileges on a Market Level Privilege form can be subscribed to by one or many facilities, but not all facilities need to support every privilege for it to function as a Market level form.
In the Privilege Form, when adding a Core Bundle of Privileges, it is important to do what to the first Privilege?
Check “Is Core Privilege”
Go to the Privileges menu, select Privileges Form and review what the “Privileges” button does?
Brings up the privilege form for editing
When recording privileges what does the edit button do (front page)?
Allows to you to default status, assign a granted and expired date or archive the privilege for
True or False: Can you have different statuses for different privileges?
What are the 2 options for adding proctoring to the provider record?
Jump to>Record Privileges>Privileges - Or - Privileges>Provider Privilege Maintenance
In the Provider Record, Record Privileges page which allows you to hide old privilege forms?
True or False: Proctoring is a requirement for privileges.
When recording provider privileges, how does the edit button work?
Allows you to set the default status, granted and expired dates as well as archive the privilege form.
When recording provider privileges, how does the options button work? Hint: Bulk update/approve
Bulk update to overwrite existing statues/dates set granted date to null and/or replace only existing privileges ignore unwanted privileges.
Which subfolder/tab allows me to record provider privileges?
Jump To> Record Privileges
What fields populate when the credentialing checklist is complete?
Credentialing complete box is checked, Application Processed date is populated
Where should I put the provider’s home address and why?
Additional items > Home addresses >because it is confidential information. You can restrict access.
In the files section, if I add a copy of an ACLS license, how can I link it to the License/Credentials tab?
In Files click Attached record, select record type of Credential and Name ACLS
Name 3 fields in the demographic section?
Personal Information, Numbers & Identifiers and Associates/Language
Go into the Proctoring section of the provider record - click add, what is the FPPEID field used for?
True or False:
All fields on the appointment page can be an alarm.
When you update the appointment page what is automatically created?
All Appointment History- a history record.
In a provider’s record under Jump to> Record Privielges, what functionality is allowed when clicking “edit?”
Allows you to select a default status of granted, pending, requested, suspended, suspended or expired. AND the granted and expired date OR can archive that set of privielges.
From Jump To>Record Privileges> Privileges: When using the “options” button to overwrite Privilege statuses and dates where does the status, granted and expired date pull from?
Jump To > Record Privileges > Edit screen
True or False: If you apply Privilege default status and dates to a Privielge form you cannot have different privielge statues or dates on an individual privilege within that form.
Which menu option on the Record Privileges page of the provider record allows you to hide older privielge forms that are no longer valid for a provider?
When you are on a provider privilege form in the Record Privileges section of a provider record, you can bulk update dates for privielges by selecting which button.
MD-App Email Template - The MD-App contact merge fields are designed for what purpose?
It automatically inputs name, title, email and contact information for the predefined credentialing staff member.
Setup - if you need to create an email template for Pronto Update or Pronto Survey where would you go?
Set up > Files> Survey Templates.
True or False: Scheduled messages can be sent out often, could you set up a data rule to send out messages daily?
Can you create a scheduled message for a provider who had their status changes in the system
No, it would be a triggered message.
A scheduled message could be set up to get updated infrormation, but you must add a ______ survey.
Pronto Update Survey
Can you create a scheduled message for the FPPE date?
Yes, FPPE date is an object type in the scheduled message.
Be familiar with the difference between a scheduled message and a triggered message.
A scheduled message will be sent out according to criteria you set up (every 7 days for example) a triggered message is sent when something happens, i.e. a data change or when credentialing is complete
When setting up a triggered message what options do you have for setting up data rules?
Has changed, Has Changed to, Has Value , Change To, Changed from.
When creating a scheduled message for expiring DEA licenses, which Object Type must be selected.
Pronto There are different types of Pronto Questionnnaires, which tyupe would you use to get updated license information from the provider?
Select Type, Prontoupdate.credential
True or False: Pronto surveys are accessible through a mobile phone, Ipad - no browser is needed?
False - a browser is needed.
True or False: Pronto update allows you to do provider surveys for Leadership Elections and Bylaw modification voting
False - that would be Pronto Survey
True or False: The PDF Merge feature allows you to email providers
Demographic Merge - How would you log activity if you communicated to a provider?
Check the Log activity/attach to log in the demographic merge to log in the mail log
I would like to create a package of documents - pdfs and reports what should I set up
Merge Package
What type of expiring merge letters are available in the merge/pronto menus?
License/Credential, Board Certification, Insurance, Medical History or Dues
Where would I go to send out a board approval letter to an applicant
Merge pronto>Demographic>Select Names/filters>Select document
Provider Record (Mail Log) What communications / merges get stored in the provider’s record > mail log
demographic merge, email and merge packages
Where do I create templates for an SMS merge
Merge Pronto>Setup>SMS Template
How do I merge mailing labels for providers
Reports>Mailing Labels>Custom Labels
Setup - Where do i add or edit a Microsoft Word Template that has MD Staff merge fields
Setup>Files>Word Templates
The path setup menu, files _____ is a way to look up demographic merge fields
Demographic Merge Fields
Which feature allows you to track SMS messages and the history of the message
MD Staff Connect
Where do you locate the history of ALL reference AND demographic merges for ALL providers
Merge/Pronto>Merge Downloads and Status OR Logs>Batch merge Job
Explain how E-Priv Works
It is a centralized location for read only viewing of provider data, privleges and proctoring
How does the provider’s photo get into E Priv
Provider Record - In the demographic page of set up add field Photo Last updated.
How would you exclude a specific status or department from E priv
By adding a filter.
True or False: Access to E Priv can be accomplished with an auto login URL with a known IP address or with a username and password
True or False: There are 3 methods to get into E-priv
Explain how provider privileges get into E-Priv
Activated with Granted and Expire dates. Provider record>Jump to>Record Privileges>Add?Choose the form, default status, granted dates and expire dates and approve. Then go inside the privilege form to grant/approve.
True or False: MD State OPPE data can be viewed in E Priv
When using Ad hoc Query ad use Setp 3 to build a filte,what does the operator of between mean?
Allows you to pull providers based on a range of data
In Step 1 of Ad hoc Query, add the license table, what options are listed when its added.
All available license types, ACLS, DEA, CSR, Primary INUse Bit
Where do all saved ad hoc reports live so you can run it again
Reports>Ad Hoc Query>Open>Find your report
Name some common tables that you would use in the Ad Hoc Query Step 1
Demographic, LIcense, departments, privileges, checklists.
True or false: You can add the board certification table only once.
In Ad Hoc Query, there is an output format step - what do you need to select to have the fields go across the page (version 10.1
Under the setup menu there is a section called LoginAttempts what information does this give you
The username, date and time, facility and IP address and whether it was a successful log in or not.