Study Files Flashcards
Junction between primary and secondary dentin is characterized by:
Sharp change in direction of dentinal tubules
Odontoblasts arise during time that ameloblasts are in what stage of development
Dentin is frequently synthesized and calcified as
Globular Dentin
Synthesis of dentin begins the ______ stage
Late Bell
Dentin synthesis begins _____ and proceeds _____
Dentin Matrix contains
Type I Collagen, GAGs, glycoproteins
Dentin is derived from ______ only
Peritubular/Intratubular dentin is _____ mineralized than Intertubular dentin
First formed portion of dentin is
Mantle Dentin
Near the DEJ, dentinal tubules may
Canaliculi in dentin are branches of
Dentinal Tubules
Tomes’ processes form during _____ stage of Ameloblasts life cycle
Formative (?)
Granular layer of Tome’s is found
Near cementum
Ameloblasts contain microvilli during _____ stage
First branchial arch consists of
Maxillary and Mandibular prominence
What three components are initially present in each pharyngeal arch
Nerve, Cartilage, and artery
Which component of alveolar bone proper is adjacent to cementum
Bundle bone (Sharpey’s fibers)
Establishment of foregut and stomatodeum results from _______ of the embryo
Cephalic Folding
What is responsible for cephalic folding of embryo
Rapid growth of neural tube
Skeletal tissues of facial region are _____ in origin
Anterior 2/3 of tongue develops from
Lateral lingual swellings and Tuberculum Impar
The _____ branchial arch doesn’t persist in humans
What arises from 3rd Pharyngeal Pouch
Inferior Parathyroid Gland
Muscles of mastication and muscles of facial expression are both derived from
Number of roots that are formed is determined by
Number of medial ingrowths of cervical loop
What is responsible for lateral folding of embryo
Growth of somites
Hypobranchial Eminence is derivative of which pharyngeal arch
Lateral Lingual swellings are derivatives of which pharyngeal arch
A cervical sinus may arise from
Failure of branchial clefts to fuse completely
_____ lines may be present in bundle bone, appear as basophilic lines in boney matrix, and are found adjacent to Haversian canals
Palatine Tonsils arise from ____ branchial pouch
Dental Lamina lasts for how long
5 years
Neural Crest ectoderm develops from
As the tooth develops the root grows
Toward the Oral Epithelium
Which component of enamel organ secretes GAGs
Stellate Reticulum
*During the evolution of vertebrate jaw the TMJ in amphibians, reptiles and mammal-like reptiles was formed by
The Articular and Quadrate bones
Dental Organ is a product of
Oral Ectoderm
What may be responsible for cephalic folding of embryo
Rapid growth of neural tube
Incremental lines in Dentin are called _____ and Incremental lines in Enamel are called ______
Von Ebner
Enamel Spindles are thought to form
Odontoblastic processes penetrating between ameloblasts
Oblique fibers resist which movements of tooth
Interradicular fibers resist which tooth movements
Torquing and Tipping
Apical fibers resist which tooth movement
Dislocation and Tipping
Which two features may be found in both cellular and acellular cementum
Sharpey’s fibers
Incremental lines
Lines of Von Ebner are _____ to the axis of dentinal tubules
Tomes Granular layer is only found in _____
Root Dentin
______ secrete procollagen peptidase
Secretion of matrix granules and enamel proteins is characteristic of what stage of the ameloblast
Which stage of ameloblasts exhibits activity known as modulation
Enamel Rod Sheaths appear different from rest of enamel rod because:
Have higher organic content
Have different orientation of hydroxyapatite cyrstals
Zone of Weil is found between ____ and ____
Epithelial rests of Malessez are separated from PDL by_____
Basal Lamina
Langerhan cells have _____ receptors
Mucoperiosteum is found in
Hard Palate and Attached Gingiva
Junctional epithelium attaches to enamel by
Hemidesmosomes and Basal Lamina
Odontoblasts may arise from
During eruption the Reduced Enamel Epithelium may fuse with
Oral Epithelium
Salivary gland acini are surrounded by contractile cells called
Myoepithelial cells
Fibroblasts of PDL are connected to each other by
Cell to Cell junctions
Free gingiva can be distinguished from attachment epithelium because attachment epithelium
Has no rete pegs
Calcified remnants of HERS are called
Dark staining granules of Stratum Granulosum are
Keratohyalin types
Tonofilaments in keratinocytes are described as
Keratin filaments (?)
Maxillary sinus is lined by
Respiratory epithelium
_____ is present in the epithelium lining the maxillary sinus
Which areas are minor salivary glands found
Lips, Cheeks, Palate, and Tongue
When a tooth first erupts into oral cavity the attachment epithelium is derived from
Reduced Enamel Epithelium
Number of roots that are formed is determined by
Number of medial ingrowths of cervical loop
In sulcular epithelium small spaces between cells in stratum spinosum are normally filled with
Small amount of fluid
Circular fibers are present in ____ and _____ the tooth
Free Gingiva
Continuity of HERS must be broken for what to occur during tooth development
Deposition of cementum
In salivary glands, folds of the basal portion of cell membrane containing mitochondria are characteristic of
Cells of Striated Ducts
In the pulp, an increase in age will increase both
Number of collagen fibers
Calcification within pulp
HERS is characterized by
Formation of cell rests in PDL when sheath’s function have been accomplished
Absence of stellate reticululm and stratum intermedium
In the embryo, the palate is separated from lip by shallow sulcus in depths of which two epithelial lamina arise; the outer lamina is
Vestibular Lamina
Thyroid arises from
Foramen Caecum
Foregut of embryo is lined by
Primary palate forms from fusion of
Medial Nasal Processes
Convexities in reversal lines point toward
Old Bone
Convexities in reversal lines represent
Howships lacunae
Base of fetal skull is formed by
In a cross-section of crown of tooth, Lines of Retzius appear as
Concentric Rings
Epithelial Rests of Malessez arise from
Cells of HERS
Cementum grows by ____ only
IEE can first be identified in
Cap Stage
Synthesis of dentin begins in the
Late Bell Stage
Dentin synthesis begins ___ and proceeds _____
Coronally, Apically