Study Design Flashcards
Involve manipulating a treatment that each participant receives
-Treatments are randomly assigned
-We can measure participants response to the treatment
-Treatment is explonatory variable
Observational studies
Studies that do not involve manipulating the explanatory variables for participants
-Simply observing
Why are experiments good
-good experiments with random assignments can establish a cause and effect relationship
-We need to control everything that can conga the response except for the treatment
limited to talking about associations
cannot make casual connections
Random sample
-Reduce chances of a bias sample
-Best way to get a representative sample
-Allows us to generalize from our sample to the pop
difficult, time consuming, and expensive
Bias samples
-Bias samples are not representatives
-Voluntary response sample
-Convenience sample ( chosen in non radon way)
Sampling bias
Bas sampling methods
under coverage: certain groups aren’t represented
sampling frame: missing some of the population
Non response bias
Some people cant be surveyed or chose not to participate
Response bias
-question wording
-we don’t always get accurate info
-People lying
retrospective study
look at historical data or past records
prospective study
pick our sample and collect data as things happen
Experimental units
-The observations ( cases) within our experiment
intended vs actual population
Non-random sample may not represent our intended population so we may need to rethink our population
Parts of an experiment
Experimental units (cases) ( factors)
treatments (given to EU)