Study 3-week Flashcards
What are the seven core competencies of Army Aviation?
- Provide accurate and timely information collection
- Air Assault ground maneuver forces
- Destroy, defeat, disrupt, divert, or delay enemy forces
- Evacuate wounded or recover isolated personnel
- Provide reaction time and maneuver space
- Air Movement of personnel, equipment, and supplies
- Enable command and control over extended ranges and complex terrain
Movement of ground forces by rotary wing aircraft to destroy
an enemy or seize terrain
Definition of Air assault
Air transport of units, personnel, supplies, and equipment, links a specific gournd tactical plan to the movement of an assault force
Definition of Air Movement
Types of air movements
o Usually the maneuver brigade or battalion commander (ground force)
o Overall commander of the Air Assault
o Responsibilities
❑Resource and synchronize staff for the air assault
❑Approve/ disapprove/ modify all components of the assault plan
❑Plan and synchronize the air assault timeline
Air assault Task Force Commander (AATFC)
o Operations officer under the AATFC
o Usually a ground maneuver operations officer
o Responsibilities
❑Assist AATFC with mission command
❑Coordinates Air Mission Coordination Meeting
❑Integrates air and ground plans
❑Establishes the air assault rehearsal
Air Assault Task Force Operations Staff Officer (AATF S-3)
o Commander of the largest ground maneuver force of the air assault
o On the aircraft and executes the ground tactical plan
o Responsibilities
❑Develop the ground tactical plan
❑Develop the loading plan
❑Develop the staging plan
❑Communicate with the AATFC
Ground Tactical Commander (KNOW THE RESPONSIBILITIES)
Commands all aviation forces through all phases of
the air assault. May or may not act as the AMC
o Aviation officer, often a battalion commander
Aviation Task Force Commander
o Aviator placed in charge of the air assault flight
o Ensures the commander’s intent is met
Air Mission Commander (AMC)
o Pilot in Command of lead aircraft of the formation
o Not the AMC
o Responsibilities
❑Lead mission planner
❑Assists the AMC in decision making
❑Navigation for the flight
❑Execute contingencies
Flight Lead
Green- Ground Force
Blue- Aviation Force
- Which airframes can be utilized during an Air Assault?
✓ All Army Aviation airframes can conduct or assist in an Air Assault
- Who is responsible for coordinating and managing the Air Mission Coordination Meeting and the Air
Mission Brief?
✓ The Air Assault Task Force (AATF) S3
- What is the difference between the Air Assault Task Force Commander and the Aviation Task Force
✓ The Air Assault Task Force Commander is normally the senior maneuver commander with overall mission
approval authority.
✓ The Aviation Task Force Commander is in charge of the aviation units providing assets to the ground
force. This individual commands all Aviation assets through all phases of the operation.
▪ Begins Air Assault planning
▪ Aviation Task Force Commander (ATFC) dispatches a liaison, who:
o Ideally, is a pilot in command
o Advocates for aviation units
o Informs the AATFC and AATF S-3 of Aviation capabilities
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