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Target Intensity if VO2 is known
Target VO2(lower end of range)= [(0.40) X (VO2 max- VO2 rest0] + VO2 rest Target VO2 (upper end of range)= [(.89) x (VO2 max- VO2 rest)] VO2 rest
What is HRR
Heart Rate Reserve
the difference between maximal HR and resting HR
Karvonen method:
Target HR (lower end of range)= [(.40) x (HRmax-HRrest)] +HRrest
Target HR(upper end of range)= [(.85) x (HRmax- HRrest)] +HRrest
Muscular Strength vs Muscular Endurance
Strength is defined as one-time maximal force that may be exerted & is localized to a joint or muscle group
Endurance denotes the ability to apply a force repeatedly over time. joint and muscle specific
Program modifications for clients with CVD
- deconditioned and low functional capacity clients may need to stary at low intensities (20-30% HRR or VO2R)
- Target exercise intensity should fall 10-15 bpm below HR that has previously elicited symptoms
- Beta clockers and HR lowering meds can decrease accuracy
- RPE levels of 11-13 typically correspond to the target heart rate for cardiac clients first initiating an exercise program. RPE can be progressed (14-16)
Pregnancy guidelines
use RPE value vs HR, avoid supine position after first trimester, additional 300 more calories,
Diabetes recommendations
3-7/ week, no more than two consecutive days between sessions of aerobic activity because of relatively brief exercise induced improvements in insulin action. avoid exercise during time when hypoglycemic medication is working at its peak. should eat 1-2 hours before exercise
explosive exercise that targets power dev. stretch shortening cycle where the lengthening or prestretching of skeletal muscles under loading enables a more forceful muscle action
PNF stretching involves both the stretching and contraction of the targeted muscle group. While there are several ways to employ PNF, the most common technique is termed contract-relax. Following the preliminary passive stretch, the muscles is isometfically contracted for 6 s, relaxed for2-3s, then passively moved into the final stretch which is held for 10-30 s. this method is most effective with the use of a trainer to assist the client through the stretch.
Anaerobic Glycolysis
rapid breakdown of carbs, either glycogen or glucose without oxygen. Produces ATP
when sufficient force is produced to overcome the external load and shorten the muscle
production of force occurs when the muscles is lengthening, resisting movement
muscle produces force but there is no change in length of muscle
Underweight BMI
Normal BMI
Overweight BMI
Obesity I BMI
Obesity II BMI
Obesity III BMI
> 40
Normal BP
Prehypertension BP
Stage 1 hypertension BP
Stage 2 hypertension BP
> 160/>100
Rest Ice Compression Elevation
Unit of muscle contraction
Right side of the heart
responsible for collecting blood coming from the body and pumping the blood through the lungs
Left side of the heart
collects blood from lungs and pumps it to all parts of the body
Sinoatrial node
(SA) intrinsic pacemaker where most normal electrical impulses originate
AV node
responsible for delaying electrical impulses for .12 sec between atria and ventricles and allows atria to contract and fill ventricles with blood
Order of spinal curves
Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccyx
convexity of curve is posterior
convexity of curve is anterior
Delayed onset muscle soreness is a sign that you have done too much too soon. 24-48 hours after session. lasts 5-7 days
increase in muscle size thought to occur through remodeling of proteins within the muscle cell and an increase of myofibrils
How do you spot a person doing dumbbell exercises
spot at wrist, not at elbow
Water soluble vitamins
b complex and c
What is angina pectoris caused by
Intensity and ______ are inversely related
Intensity and duration
Limited flexibility in ________ related to low backpain
How many calories is 1 pound
How many kcal is 1 mile
Is HR lower in swimming than in running
Yes because of the postural differences
Single joint exercises
bicep curl, quad extension
Multijoint exercises
Bench press, leg press
Specific adaptation to imposed demands- indicated the adaptation will be specific to demands that exercises place on individual
Stretching should be done
2-3 times a week and held 10-30 sec
point of rotation
How are levers commonly classified
By the arrangement of the effort and resistance placed on them
Class 1 lever
Fulcrum in middle
Class 2 lever
Load or resistance in the middle
Class 3 lever
Effort force in the middle
Mass times acceleration
What does a calf raise strengthen
Plantar flexors
Resistance training for improving muscular fitness
8-12 reps at 60-80% RM
what are the suggestions for moderate risk clients
no medical exam needed for moderate exercise, only for vigorous
line up joint with…
axis of rotation
increased cell production in normal tissue
reps and ____ are inversely related
rest time
absolute resistance
only a specific number of reps
recommendation for muscular endurance
15-25 reps at no more than 50% 1RM
ligament injury
injury to a muscle
inflammation of bursa
inflammation of tendon
broken bone
plantar fasciitis
chronic inflammation condition that results in pain at the calcaneal insertion
patellofemoral pain syndrome
common disorder in young athletes that produces anterior knee pain
low blood sugar, <50
high blood sugar >200
fat soluble vitamins
A, D, E, K
Static (isometric) contractions
muscle maintains a constant length as resistance is applied
dynamic (isotonic) resistance
training where movement occurs at joint of action
muscular contraction at a constant sped against accommodating resistance
Type I muscle fibers
slow twitch- selected for activities of low intensity and long duration
type 2 muscle fibers
those who achieve the greatest success in power and high intensity speed tasks usually have a greater proportion. rely on energy sources from within the muscle
axial skeleton
skill vertebrae, sternum
appendicular skeleton
upper and lower exremeties
anchors mucle to bone
range reached by voluntary movement
range achieved by external means
75-90% is recommended for optimizing strength gains. required is 60-80%
low risk
<2 factors
moderate risk
> 2 factors
high risk
symptomatic or know CV, pulmonary, renal or metabolic disease
sarcomeres are made up of what
two types of muscle protein
- actin- thin
- myosin- thick
stroke volume
blood ejected from left ventricle in a single contraction. equal to the defference between the amount of blood in the ventricle at the end of the contraction
SV is lower in
untrained individuals in the upright position
SV increases
in supine or prone postures
Cardiac output
(Q) volume of blood pumped by the heart per min in liters. calculated by multiplying HR by the stroke volume. 4-5 L for adults
Waist to hip ratio
divide the waist circum by the hip circum and get a decimal. high risk for men is more than .95 and for women it is more than .86
waist circumference
35 for women and 40 for men
Skin fold sites
abdominal, tricep, bicep, chect, medial calf, midaxillary, subscapular, suprailiac, thigh
Abdominal skinfold
vertical fold, 2cm to the right of the umbilicus
tricep skinfold
vertical fold on the posterior midline of the upper arm halfway between the acromion and olecranon processes with the arm held freely to the side of te body
bicep skinfold
vertical fold on the anterior aspect of the arm over the belly of the biceps muscle 1 cm above he level used to mark triceps
chest skinfold
diagonal fold one half the distance between the anterior axillary line and the nipple in men or one third of the distance between for women
medial calf skinfold
vertical fold at the maximum circumference of the calf on the midline of its medial border
midaxillary skinfold
vertical fold on the midaxillary line at the level of the xipoid process,an alternate method is horizontal fold taken at the level of the xiphoid. sternal border in the midaxillary line
subscapular skinfold
diagonal fold at a 45 angle, 1-2 cm below the inferior angle of the scapula
subrailiac skinfold
diagonal fold in line with the natural angle of the iliac crest taken in the anterior axillary line immediately superior to the iliac crest
thigh skinfold
vertical fold on the anterior midline of the thigh, midway between the proximal border
where should all skinfold measurements be taken
on the right side of the body with subject standing upright, caliber should be 1 cm away from thumb and finger. wait 1-2s before reading, measure each site atleast twice and sum the average to determine body fat percent
where do the rotator cuff muscles originate from
scapula and insert at the greater or lesser tubercle of the humerous. rotator cuff stabilizes shoulder
impingement syndrome
most common nontraumatic cause of shoulder pain resulting from approximation of the acromion and greater tubercle of the humerus which causes entrapment of the rotator cuff tendons
troponin and tropomyosin regulate
contraction via calcium binding
Golgi tendon reflex
skeletal muscle contraction causes agonist muscle to simultaneously lengthen and relax
Myotatic reflex
stretch reflex- muscle contraction in response to stretching within the muscle
fasting glucose levels
normal- 70-100, high- 100-125
pain caused by too little blood flow during exercise, impair walking
shortness of breathe
female athlete triad
disordered eating, ammenorhea, and osteoporosis
kcal for carbs, fats, proteins and alcohol
carbs and proteins-4, fat- 9, alcohol- 7
progressive overload
as body adapts an increase in stimulus is required for further improvements
phase manipulation of training variables as a means of optimizing desired outcomes while reducing overtraining. allows for optimal training and recovery
linear periodization
16wek program a steadily linear increase in intensity. microcycle 5 is a 2 week rest period
nonlinear periodization
allows variation in intensity and volume within each week
absolute contraindications
permanent restriction or temporary restriction until condition is treated stable or past acute phase
relative contraindications
highly variable
inward roll of foot while walking or running