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Participant observation
- The careful watching of grouping, in some cases living with members and participating in their culture .
Qualitative data
- subjective information expressed in words or actions.
- group of people in a room seeing how they feel.
Quantitative data
- information that is measured numerically.
- Age in years, height in cm.
- The spread of a cultural trait from society to another through social contact.
- how different countries started using cell phone and other types technology.
- The process of contact exposure and exchange of ideas between different cultures that result in adaptation and change to both groups.
- learning a new language and adoption a new customs.
Cognitive Consistency
The tendency of individuals to seek out stimuli that are consistent with their beliefs and attitudes and ignoring the ones that don¨t fit they beliefs.
Status Quo
the general state of affairs or condition of a group,culture or society.
Cognitive Dissonance
The state of not having the same thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes at all times.
- They beliefs can change.
Is the study of social encounters, experiences, roles and interactions of individuals and small groups in society. It emphasizes how change occurs in an individual’s life depending on the social and environmental stimuli that surround that person.
An approach to studying society that focuses on analyzing social systems on a large scale. Social Scientists are concerned with the wide sweeping changes that influence an entire society.
Confirmation bias
Favour info that confirms their beliefs, therefore disregarding valid information.
Paradigm Shift
- The though and beliefs of society change.
- racism.
The studies of the lives and culture of human being alive or dead.
The scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. it looks at the individual and their mind.
The systematic study of human social life, groups and societies.
Operant Conditioning
a method of learning that uses rewards and punishment to modify behaviour.
- B.F. Skinner
Cultural Materialism
it argues that physical materials, conditions are how the ideas of a culture are developed.
- Marvin Harris
Functionalism is different institutions of society coming together to meet the needs of the members in society.
- super-structure
- its belief and values like religion. - structure
- Structure is how culture is organized, such as political system, laws, and families. - infrastructure
- Infrastructure is how people attend to their basic needs of survival
Psychoanalytic Theory
The role of the unconscious mind and early childhood experience in determining behaviour and thought.
- Sigmund Freud
The Learning Theory
Family and media are primarily responsible for socializing us to be prejudicial and discriminatory
Family passes on prejudicial views.
Marxian Theory
economic power and material wealth create a situation of natural competition between different classes in society.
Terms like the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat were used to represent the concept of the owning class or wealthy and the working class.
by karl marx
Structural Functionalism
This theory identifies and explain the system and structure that govern society and sees how the needs of the individual are being met.
SF - is not concerned with social change.
SF- is concerned with the need to reform social institutions.
- Talcot Parsons
Bronisław Malinowski
he is associated with functionalism
Dorothy Smith
the feminism lady
B.F Skinner
- He is associated with the operate conditioning.
- He was a psychologist.
learning theory
Emile Durkheim
he is the associated with the structural functionalismhe is assia theory
Talcot Parsons
- He associated with the structural functionalism.
- He was a sociologist
Harry Harlow
- Associated with the monkey experiment The monkey was removed from its actual mother which was replaced with two “mothers,” one made of cloth and one made of wire.
- The cloth “mother” served no purpose other than its comforting feel whereas the wire “mother” fed the monkey through a bottle.
Stanley Milgram
- Associated with the The Mil gram Experiment
-People will likely follow orders, even harmful ones, when instructed by an accepted authority figure.
Authority theory.
Phillip Zimbardo
- 1971 Stanford prison experiment.
- which aimed to examine group behaviour and the importance of roles.
Karl Marx
- He was associated with Marxism theory.
Marvin Harris
- He is associated with cultural materialism.
- he was a anthropologist
Sigmund Freud
- He is associated with Psychoanalytic Theory.
John B Watson
- The Little Albert experiment.
- A study of classical conditioning.
- tested classical conditioning on a 9-month-old baby he called Albert B
learning theory
Paradigm Paralysis