Study 10: Emerging Trends in Liability Insurance - Summary Flashcards
Three general categories of cyber risk
- Deliberate and unauthorized breaches of security in order to access information systems (ex. ransomware, malware, phishing)
- Unintentional or accidental security breaches (ex. losing a laptop)
- Operational IT risks (ex. failing to install firewalls or keeping security software up to date)
Cyber risk loss exposures (6)
Situations that create a cyber risk for an organization:
- A rapidly spreading virus is released on the Internet and infects an organization’s system when an employee clicks on the link to the site.
- An employee’s laptop is stolen from his or her vehicle.
- Ransomware is embedded in the organization’s network, which shuts down access until a ransom is paid.
- Hackers set up a program to check the organization’s security and crack employee passwords, which allows them full access to the company’s system.
- A fake email is sent to the employees asking them to send the CEO all their research on a new technology the organization is developing.
- An email is sent to a company asking to pay a fake invoice. An employee pays the invoice to an untraceable account and the monies are gone.
Direct and indirect financial losses from cyber risk
Direct losses:
- Costs to fix and restore systems
- Ransom payments
- Funds lost due to fraud
- Costs to defend and settle lawsuits
Indirect losses:
- Extra expenses to manage crisis (i.e. public relations costs)
- Accounting and professional fees to determine extent of loss
- Loss of competitiveness, business, and opportunity
Two Key Areas for Managing Cyber Risk Exposures
Behaviour Management: Training should encourage employees to ask themselves three questions before they act
- Does it make sense?
- Does it follow an established process?
- Was I expecting it?
- Systems and Technology Management: Individuals and organizations should stay up to date with technology and security best practices. They can address vulnerabilities as they are discovered by software companies. As well, maintaining a consistent and clear approach to cyber security will help thwart unwanted attacks.
Cyber Risk Insurance
A number of insurers have developed cyber risk insurance package policies that include coverage for the following perils:
- Third-party liability
- Cyber crime
- Extra expense
- Business interruption losses (resulting from a cyberattack or data breach)
- Crisis–management consulting services (to guide the organization on how to manage communications after a loss)
Cyber Liability Coverage
Third parties may suffer damage as a result of a cyberattack or data breach. Cyber liability insurance typically covers legal defence costs and damages awarded for lawsuits arising from certain specified perils.
Exclusions to Cyber Risk Insurance
Cyber risk insurance typically excludes hard-to-quantify losses, such as reputation damage, lost intellectual property, some class action lawsuits, and future losses, such as the loss of competitiveness.
Cyber Risk Coverage in Property Insurance Forms
Property insurance policies often include some limited coverage for cyber risk. Coverage is typically limited to damage caused by computer viruses, harmful codes, or harmful instructions entered into a computer system or network.
Specialized Policies for Other Costs and Services
Specialized coverage is available to cover many other exposures that may result from a cyber attack, including the following:
- Loss/corruption of data
- Business interruption
- Cyber extortion
- Crisis management
- Data breach
- Identity theft (cost of setting up call center to address customer concerns)
- Social media/networking (online defamation, libel, slander)
9 Factors to Consider When Recommending Cyber Insurance
When it comes to cyber insurance, brokers will consider a number of factors about their clients:
- What security is already in place?
- What security needs to be in place?
- Where are their cloud accounts located?
- Which risks can be avoided, retained, or controlled?
- Which risks need to be insured (or transferred)?
- What kinds of personal information are being stored?
- How many records with sensitive information could be accessed?
- Do clients rely on third-party services or provide services to others?
- What are the possible outcomes if a data breach is not detected immediately?
The Sharing Economy Explained
The global sharing economy is expected to grow from $15 billion USD in 2015 to $335 billion USD by 2025. Entrepreneurs swiftly recognized the opportunity to commercialize the sharing concept. They began developing digital platforms and applications (apps) to make connecting and sharing convenient, simple, and secure.
Under the sharing economy, the following types of products and services are commonly shared:
- Automobile and transportation sharing
- Accommodation sharing
- Household items sharing
Automobile and Transportation Sharing
- Today, many drivers choose not to own cars. Reasons for this choice include wanting to avoid the costs associated with car ownership, living in congested urban areas with their associated lack of parking, living close to work to minimize commuting time and distance, or taking public transit instead of driving.
- Loaning vehicles or giving rides to other people is not without risk - automobile owner’s policy generally excludes using vehicles for commercial purposes, including carrying passengers for a fee
- Owners and drivers involved in a collision while using the car for ridesharing could be left with no coverage for damage to the vehicle, or for third party liability or accident benefits
Insurance for Ridesharing Drivers
- Ridesharing: Ridesharing apps (Uber, Lyft) link registered vehicle owners with riders.
- In Ontario, regulations refer to the use of private vehicles for hire that use an online-enabled application or system as “ridesharing services.”
- Alberta Treasury Board and Finance describes such services as transportation network companies (TNCs).
- Commercial vehicles (taxis and buses) are typically insured under a standard owner’s policy with the addition of a permission to carry paying passengers endorsement (OPCF 6A in Ontario or SEF 6 in Alberta). This endorsement removes the exclusion related to carrying paying passengers. Until 2016, this was the only way to insure a vehicle used for ridesharing. There are few markets writing taxi insurance, and rates can be two or more times higher than personal insurance rates.
Ridesharing Endorsement
Introduced by an Ontario insurer in 2016, these endorsements can be added to the standard owner’s policy to grant permission for the driver to carry paying passengers and to use the vehicle for commercial ridesharing activities.
- Coverage specifically extends to the periods when the driver has logged into the app, is waiting for a ride request, is going to pick up a passenger, and is carrying a passenger.
- Coverage does not apply to any other commercial activities and will not extend to provide coverage for any rides not arranged through the app.
Other Auto Sharing Activities
Other activities that can affect insureds’ personal automobile insurance are carsharing and deliveries.
- Carsharing aps, such as Turo and Evo, connect vehicle owners and renters.
- Numerous apps allow users to order services and deliveries from individuals, such as groceries or meals (UberEATS, Instacart, Roady, and Postmates).
- But providing a delivery service is considered commercial use in most cases, and owners will generally require a commercially rated policy.
Accommodation Sharing
A popular option for travellers or other people seeking short-term lodging (for example, Airbnb).
- But it creates risk exposures and potential insurance coverage gaps for both hosts and guests.
Property Damage Exclusions and Accommodation Sharing (for hosts)
Damage to Dwelling and Contents of Hosts: The IBC homeowners forms exclude damage to the dwelling and contents if the building is used in whole or in part for business purposes.
- Some accommodation-sharing service providers include coverage to protect hosts from damage caused by guests. This may fill some of the coverage gaps left by the exclusions in the homeowners forms.
Property Damage Exclusions and Accommodation Sharing (for guests)
Damage to Property of Guests: The guest’s personal property is not covered under the host’s insurance policy due to the policy exclusion for property of roomers or boarders.
- The policy extends to cover uninsured personal property of others while on the premises but not the property of roomers or boarders who are not related to the homeowner.
- Many property policies cover the property of an insured who is temporarily residing at nonowned premises worldwide.
Theft Exclusions and Accomodation Sharing
Homeowners forms also exclude loss or damage due to theft or attempted theft from the part of the dwelling rented to others.The host’s insurer wouldn’t cover the claim.
Liability Exclusions and Accomodation Sharing
- Although insurers will typically extend liability for a second family unit (for example, a basement apartment) or even a boarder, it’s highly unlikely an insurer would agree to extend liability for accommodation-sharing activities.
- Homeowners forms specifically exclude business pursuits conducted by the insured or business use of the premises that are not stated on the policy.
- Guests Liability: The guest may be liable for causing damage to the host’s property. When a guest is insured under a personal liability policy, there is an exclusion for property in the care, custody, and control of the insured.
Issues with Airbnb and Insurance
Though Airbnb is clearly embraced by users, it has not been universally accepted. Hoteliers feel threatened by it in much the way taxi services feel about Uber.
- Insurance Issues Related to Hosting: Other than Airbnb’s Host Protection Insurance, there hasn’t been a lot of movement in the insurance industry about coverage specific to people hosting on Airbnb.
Airbnb Underwriting Considerations
Assuming that potential insureds disclose their intention to provide short-term accommodation, an underwriter will likely want to include these types of information when considering coverage:
- How often the person has guests–for example, if it is strictly a seasonal thing
- How many rooms are being rented
- The number of guests the host rents to at one time
- Whether the host (or a member of host’s family) is normally there when guests are present
- Whether information is provided about safety and security measures: smoke detectors, fire extinguishers or sprinklers, clearly marked exists, handrails on staircases, and so on
- Whether there is a pool
- Whether the host allows guests to use on-site laundry facilities
Vehicle Automation
Vehicle automation is expected to significantly reduce traffic fatalities and serious injuries over the next 10 years as driver-assistance technology is introduced into new vehicles.
- The benefits from the reduction in collisions will increase over time as more vehicles include new safety technology and systems, such as forward collision avoidance
Semi-autonomous or Self-Driving Vehicles
Self-driving vehicles are now being tested on public roads. The first fully automated, self-driving cars, supported by sensor technology and on-board computing, could be available to consumers within the next five to 10 years.
Responsibility for Collisions with Automated Vehicles
Responsibility for collisions will begin to shift from drivers to vehicles, parts manufacturers, and software and sensor providers. Over the next 10 years, the roads will be shared by fully human-driven vehicles, semi-autonomous vehicles with driver assistance systems, and the first self-driving vehicles.
Levels of Automation
The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) International issued a report identifying six levels of vehicle automation:
- Level 0 - No automation (full-time performance by human driver)
- Level 1 - Driver assistance (steering or acceleration/deceleration systems, driver does everything else)
- Level 2 - Partial automation (steering, acceleration/deceleration and using info about driving environment)
- Level 3 - Conditional automation (performs all dynamic driving, human driver must respond if requested to intervene)
- Level 4 - High automation (performs all dynamic driving even if driver does not respond on time)
- Level 5 - Full automation (performs all driving that could be managed by a human driver)
Vehicle Automation and Implications for the Insurance Industry
Profound change is expected to emerge over the next 10 years and will build over a few decades.
- Important changes for the insurance industry will be most evident when self-driving cars become more commonplace.
- Current insurance coverages and practices are not designed for a world where vehicles that can drive themselves replace human drivers.
- The issues emerging as a result of vehicle automation will present many challenges for the insurance industry, regulators, and other stakeholders, largely due to the expected speed of change. Much preparation needs to be completed in a short period of time.
Insurance industry questions about semi-autonomous vehicles
- How can the insurance industry secure timely information about the collision experience and repair costs for semi-autonomous vehicles?
- Will automakers install a “black box” to record when driver-assistance features are engaged?
- Will insurance companies be allowed to access this data?
- What safety technology will be required by regulation in new vehicles?
- Will the coverage offered need to be redesigned?
Insurance industry questions about self-driving vehicles
- Will the insurance coverage for the first self-driving vehicles be modelled on the product liability coverage currently in place for aircraft, ships, and trains with substantial automation?
- What incremental coverage will be offered to drivers who will have the option to take control of self-driving vehicles?
- Will auto rate regulation apply to product liability coverage for the first self-driving vehicles?
- Will insurance cover a variety of vehicle ownership alternatives like personal ownership, carsharing, ridesharing, ride hailing, and pooled ride hailing?
- Is the current construction of insurance coverage appropriate for vehicles with automation?
- What decisions will manufacturers and regulators make over the next decade that could determine the nature of connected vehicles over the long term?