Study 1 - 10: Practice Questions Flashcards
Discuss why the basic fire policy is important for understanding property insurance today
Evolution of the basic fire policy
• While the basic fire policy is not really sold on its own today, this policy is the basis of today’s
property policies, so it is important to understand something of its features.
• Fire policies cover direct physical loss or damage to insured property when it occurs as a result of
an insured peril.
• At first, those perils comprised fire, lightning, and explosion of natural, coal, or manufactured gas.
• Over time, as client needs changed, additional perils were added to fire policies.
• Today, fire policies have become property policies, which insure against multiple perils—either
named perils or all perils that are not excluded.
Identify five different classes or specialized forms of coverage that insurers may sell within either
personal-lines or commercial-lines property insurance
- Marine insurance (Inland marine insurance, Marine cargo insurance)
- Aviation insurance
- Crop insurance
- Builders risk
- Earthquake insurance
- Equipment breakdown (boiler and machinery insurance)
- Flood insurance
- Habitational insurance (Homeowners insurance, Tenants/renters insurance, Condominium unit owners insurance)
Define an insurance contract. Outline the elements or principles that makes it different from other
• The insurance contract is an agreement or promise between two or more persons, or parties, that is intended to be legally enforceable.
• The written form of the insurance contract is issued by the insurer to the insured as a policy.
• Insurance contracts or policies include the principle of indemnity—that the insured party shall not receive more than the actual loss suffered.
• Insurance contracts or policies include the concept of insurable interest—that the insured must stand to benefit from the continued existence of the insured property or be prejudiced by its loss.
• Insurance contracts or policies also include the principle of uberrimae fidei, or utmost good faith,
which requires the insured to act with a high standard of honesty and disclose those facts that a reasonable person ought to know are material.
Outline five questions pertaining to an applicant’s personal information that an insurer must be able to
- What personal information is collected?
- Why is it collected?
- How is it collected?
- What is it used for?
- Where is it kept?
- How is it secured?
- Who has access to or uses it?
- To whom is it disclosed?
- When is it disposed of?
Identify five provisions in the articles of the Civil Code of Québec that are similar to the statutory
conditions for property insurance
- Some provisions stipulate the rights and obligations of the insured and the insurer concerning a material change in risk and define when vacancy becomes material (Articles 2466–2468).
- Some provisions are similar to Statutory Conditions 6, 7, and 12 (Requirements After Loss, Fraud, and When Loss Payable). (Articles 2470–2474)
- Some provisions specify that the contract may only be assigned with consent of the insurer and then only to someone with insurable interest, similar to Statutory Condition 3. (Articles 2475–2476)
- Some provisions address termination requirements, as well as notice to lienholders. (Articles 2477–2479)
- One provision requires the insured not to abandon the property following loss and to allow the insurer to inspect the damage, similar to Statutory Condition 10—Entry, Control, Abandonment. (Article 2495)
Outline five pieces of privacy legislation that can affect property insurers in Canada
• Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)
• Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA)
• Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA)
• Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act
• Act Respecting Access to Documents Held by Public Bodies and the Protection of Personal
Outline the differences between named-perils policies and all-risks policies
• Named-perils policies insure against direct physical loss or damage caused by only the listed
• With named-perils coverage, the onus is on the insured to prove the loss or damage was caused
by an insured peril and that no exclusion of coverage applies.
• All-risks policies insure against direct physical loss or damage caused by any peril, provided that
the peril is not excluded.
• With all-risks policies, the insured has to prove that loss or damage to insured property at an
insured location occurred during the policy term and that the loss was fortuitous.
• However, with all risks, the onus is on the insurer to prove that an exclusion applies; otherwise,
the physical damage is insured.
Name FIVE (5) IBC habitational forms in which the named perils are listed in an “insured perils” section
- IBC 1151 Homeowners Basic Form
- IBC 1153 Homeowners Broad Form
- IBC 1157 Mobile Homeowners Form
- IBC 1161 Tenants Basic Form
- IBC 1165 Condominium Unit Owners Basic Form
- IBC 1171 Residential Basic Form
- IBC 1173 Seasonal Residence Form
Name FIVE (5) common domestic fire hazards that should be eliminated, controlled, or reduced as much as possible
- Cooking hazards
- Unattended portable heaters
- Clothes-dryer lint
- Overloaded electrical circuits
- Faulty or old, outdated wiring
- Unattended candles (for festive or religious ceremonies)
- Wood fireplaces and wood stoves
- Careless smoking and children playing with matches
Outline the benefits of the mortgage clause to a mortgagee
- Policy covers mortgagee even if named insured is unable to recover because of breach of a policy condition.
- Mortgagee is permitted to give notice of loss immediately and proof of loss as soon as practicable.
- Mortgagee and its assigns are included among those who, acquiring title to the insured property, are covered under the policy until it is cancelled or expires.
- Mortgagee to be notified of cancellation or any alteration of policy to the prejudice of the mortgagee.
- Same notice required to mortgagees as to insureds.
In the IBC homeowners forms, 15 special limits are described in two groups; name FIVE (5) special
limits that apply only to loss caused by theft
- Works of art
- Jewellery, gems, precious or semi-precious stones, pearls, and watches
- Fur garments, garments trimmed with fur, and all other fur items
- Numismatic property, manuscripts, stamps, and philatelic property
- Collectible cards (such as sports personality cards)
- Collections not subject to any other limitation
- Bicycles, their equipment, and accessories
Identify the purpose of a deductible. Describe FOUR (4) ways it is commonly applied
A deductible is the insured’s portion of a covered loss and is intended to prevent small, frequent
claims, reducing administrative costs and premiums.
• The deductible may apply separately to the amount recoverable under each item, if the total
amount of insurance is subdivided into more than one item.
• The deductible may be subtracted from the total amount of loss or damage arising from a single
event (such as a fire or an explosion)—this is the most common application.
• The policy may also state that no loss be paid below a specified amount (the deductible) but that
a loss greater than this amount will be paid in full.
• Or, the policy may indicate a deductible and a loss amount beyond which no deductible applies
Outline the difference between the terms “ground water” and “surface water.”
Ground water is water found in the cracks and spaces in soil, sand, and rock beneath the
ground’s surface. It may constitute the water table or water from heavy or prolonged rain or melting snow, hail, or ice that is percolating to the water table.
Surface water refers to water on the surface of the ground that is not usually there. Surface water could be due to a heavy downpour of rain or a rapid melting of snow or ice that cannot dissipate quickly enough. Surface water may also include the escape of water from any source that travels over the surface of the ground.
How is the term “vacant” defined in the homeowners forms? In addition, explain how it differs from
• Vacant refers to the circumstance where all occupants have moved out with no intention of
returning and no new occupant has taken up residence.
• In the case of a newly constructed house, vacancy is when no occupant has yet taken up
• Unoccupancy applies to a building with no people in it but to which people intend to return.
• Homes are unoccupied whenever all the occupants are temporarily absent—at work, out
shopping, at entertainment events, or on vacation.
• The distinction in the definition concerns the intention of the occupants.
Outline the types of objects that are included in the definition of a domestic water container in the
homeowners forms
- Hot-water heating tanks and their piping and radiators
- Hot-water storage tanks and associated piping
- Water reservoirs and dispensers, whether contained in an appliance or not
- Bathtubs, sinks, or toilets
- Aquariums or waterbeds
- Outdoor private swimming pools or wading pools
- Ornamental pools or fish ponds
- Hot tubs
Describe the extended Step 3 of Reading a Policy—review the perils that are insured against, and the
perils that are not—in the context of all-risks coverage and exclusions
- All-risks coverage insures against loss or damage caused by a peril that is not excluded.
- It is critical to understand not only the perils insured against under the policy but also the exclusions.
- Determine whether there is coverage under the policy by looking at what is insured under the policy and under what circumstances. (The onus is on the insured to show that the loss or damage falls within coverage.)
- If there is coverage, next determine whether any exclusions apply to the circumstances of the loss or damage. (The onus shifts to the insurer to demonstrate that the coverage is excluded.)
- If an exclusion applies, determine whether there is an exception to the exclusion that restores coverage despite the exclusion. (The onus falls back to the insured to establish that an exception is triggered.)
State FIVE (5) types of property included in the first group of exclusions, property not insured.
- Buildings for business or farming
- Property on exhibit
- Property illegally acquired or subject to forfeiture
- Evidence of debt or title
- Sporting equipment
- Animals, birds, or fish
- Property lawfully seized
- Outdoor radio and TV antennae, including satellite receivers
State FIVE (5) types of water damage that are excluded from all three homeowners forms.
- Freezing during heating season
- Continuous or repeated leakage or discharge of water
- Seepage
- Escape from a sewer, septic system, or sump
- Water system or domestic water container (damage to system)
- Building under construction or vacant
- Freezing involving domestic water containers
- Surface water
- Ground water
- Shoreline ice buildup and water-borne ice
- Flood (waves, tides, dam breaks, rising waterways, etc.)
Define the term “endorsement.” Describe how an endorsement works.
An endorsement is an amendment added to a written document, particularly an agreement between parties, altering its provisions.
Endorsements override specific terms in the policy by:
o removing coverage for certain property or perils;
o adding warranties or additional conditions;
o altering or removing policy conditions or limitations; or
o offering permission for activities, occupancy, or parties that may not otherwise be covered.
Outline FIVE (5) common types of endorsement.
- Sewer back up endorsement
- Water endorsement
- Earthquake endorsement
- Vacancy permit
- Bylaws endorsement
- Home-based business endorsement
- Identity theft endorsements
Outline FIVE (5) common types of floater
- Fine arts floater
- Personal articles floater
- Scheduled personal property endorsement
- Other limited property
- Watercraft floaters
- Vacation or recreational trailer floaters
State FIVE (5) added coverages and features that might be included with high-value home insurance.
- Kidnap expense coverage
- Equipment breakdown
- Home invasion coverage
- Home appraisal expenses
- Disappearing deductible
- Cash-out option
- Increased special limits
State FIVE (5) hazards that are more common in rented dwellings.
- Maintenance
- Marijuana grow ops (legal)
- Meth labs (illegal)
- Vacancy
- Too many renters
- Vandalism and malicious acts
Describe the exclusions unique to tenants forms, which stem from the absence of building coverage
- There is no exclusion in the tenants form of buildings or structures used for farming or business purposes, because there is no coverage for buildings.
- The tenants form excludes lawns and outdoor trees, shrubs, and plants; the homeowners form excludes only lawns.
- The exclusion in the tenants form of loss due to settling, expansion, contraction, moving, bulging, buckling, or cracking omits the qualifier about resulting damage to building glass that is found in the corresponding exclusion of the homeowners form.
- The exclusion in the tenants form of loss caused by birds, vermin, raccoons, rodents, or insects omits the reference to building glass that is found in the corresponding exclusion of the homeowners form.
- In the tenants form, the exclusion of theft or attempted theft in or from a dwelling under construction does not extend to materials or supplies for use in the construction as in the corresponding exclusion of the homeowners form.
Commercial property insurance wordings include a wide array of forms insuring a variety of different
property; state FIVE (5) different names given to these wordings.
- Fire
- Named perils
- Multi-peril
- All risks
- Inland marine
- Floaters
Describe the FIVE (5) general categories into which commercial property exclusions are grouped.
- Risks that are generally not insurable, such as war risks or nuclear contamination.
- Losses that are not accidental or extraneous, and may be considered inherent or inevitable, such as rust.
- Losses under the control of the insured such as scratching, which is usually due to carelessness.
- Losses from normal wear and tear.
- Losses excluded because of the particular coverage, such as perils that cost too much to insure, or property that require their own insurance.
Outline the FIVE (5) extensions to the limits of insurance in the commercial property broad form
- Temporary locations
- Newly acquired buildings
- Newly acquired contents
- Property in transit
- Property in the custody of sales representatives
Outline FIVE (5) considerations in evaluating a property risk
- Acceptable and unacceptable risks
- Claims history
- Financial factors
- Physical factors (COPE—construction, occupancy, protection, and exposure)
- COPE and a single-family dwelling
- Heritage and historic dwellings
Explain how insurers prevent some insureds from purchasing insurance far below the total value of
their property to save money on premiums.
- The practical solution to the problem has been for insurers to assume that insureds have bought insurance on the full value of their property.
- That allows the ratemaking process to assign uniform rates to similar risks within groups.
- Coinsurance penalty, applied mostly in commercial policies, helps encourages insurance to value.
- A professional insurance appraisal is the best way to determine a building’s replacement cost, but most insureds find this too expensive to have done regularly.
- For personal property risks and for simple commercial risks, most insurers require completion of an estimator or calculator—a formula, devised by professional appraisers, that estimates replacement cost based on features such as the size and location of the dwelling.
Identify the critical workplace interpersonal skills brokers and adjusters must use with insureds
after a loss has been reported.
- Using tact and diplomacy to reassure and calm an insured
- Recognizing that everyone reacts differently to a crisis
- Acknowledging feelings in a neutral way, rather than ignoring them and creating barriers
- Being patient
- Showing respect for the person even when feelings and views may not be understood
- Being observant
- Choosing words carefully, so as not to imply coverage
- Listening actively